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Creative ways to tell DH about pregnancy

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There is a picture on Pinterest that I think would be a cute way to tell your DH if you modified it a bit. In the pic, the woman is bent over the toilet (looks like she is throwing up) and the husband is holding the older child in his arms with a big ole smile near the bathroom door. :) It is cute!


Perhaps you could have a pic of you "pretending to throw up in the toilet" while the other kids are lined up holding a sign that says something like ..."Surprise, Mom will be spending a lot of time with this toilet for the next few months!"




P.S. I sure wish I could find that picture on pinterest now...

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Congratulations! I wish I could be of assistance. My dh always knew before the pregnancy test even came back positive. My booKs get INSANELY sore within about 24 hrs. of conceiving. It's so bad that he couldn't hug me, even lightly, and I complained about my clothing, even a sheet laying against me. Once that happened with the first pregnancy, from there on out it was, "Oops, you buckled when I hugged you. Yeah! We're pregnant! No, I didn't mean 'yeah' your booKs are sore...sorry about that."


Maybe a cupcake decorated with baby items. According to the hive, cupcakes are the universal symbol of good things!!! :D



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Once I made a pan of mini cupcakes and wrote in pink and blue "we're expecting #4"


Another time I decorated a plain white onesie and wrote "Baby (last name) #3 arriving May" which was actually really special considering I lost that baby. I have something to remember him by


Hand him a cigar with a card that says "you'll need this in 8 months"


Meals with baby theme- baby carrots, etc

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For my family, I took the fortunes out of fortune cookies and added my own... but not obvious fortunes... very vague ones - but all different so that on their own you would not clue in.. BUT as each one reads out loud their fortune, you get to see all of the confused looks... and then wait for it, wait for it (i was busy taking pics with my camera) - SOMEBODY starts to clue in.... I have a picture with my sister that I swear was the exact moment when she pieced together the puzzle.... awesome moment...

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The first time wasn't anything special at all, I just showed him the test. For the second one, I had our DD draw a family picture and I had her add a little baby in the family picture. He didn't get it until I practically told him to look at the baby, but in my mind it was a cute idea. :)

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With the two middle ones, I just told him I had something to show him and handed him the stick. Not so creative, LOL. (With the first one, I gave him a Father's Day card signed from me, the cat [which we had adopted a few months before, and we joked about him being our baby], and someone coming the following March.)


With the fourth one, the test was kind of wonky, was only kind of positive-looking, so I waited a couple of days to tell him, until we had a chance to talk privately. I told him I was pretty sure but wanted to get another test. So I got another test the next day and couldn't wait to take it. It came back definitely positive right away, and since I don't like to call him at work, in case he's in a meeting, I took a pic of the positive test and sent it to his phone, with a message, "#4 is real." He called back right away and said, "I figured. :)"

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I must be the only one that lived in denial about all of my pregnancies. DH was the one that told me I was late and needed to test.


I did get the fun of telling him about the twins. I handed him an ultrasound (I had early spotting) and then handed him the other and said "and here is the other one". Of course he thought I just meant the other picture, then I said, "and here they are together." He just about fell out of the chair. Then accused me of trying to kill him.

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I did get the fun of telling him about the twins. I handed him an ultrasound (I had early spotting) and then handed him the other and said "and here is the other one". Of course he thought I just meant the other picture, then I said, "and here they are together." He just about fell out of the chair. Then accused me of trying to kill him.


:001_wub: So adorable!

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... I did get the fun of telling him about the twins. I handed him an ultrasound (I had early spotting) and then handed him the other and said "and here is the other one". Of course he thought I just meant the other picture, then I said, "and here they are together." He just about fell out of the chair. Then accused me of trying to kill him.




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I got pregnant again when my older DD was around 14 months old. So, I wrote a note on a piece of paper that said:



Dear Daddy,


I am going to be a big sister in April.


Love, _____




She handed it to him when he came home. His reaction was priceless!

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I used a home pregnancy test on Valentine's Day, 1994, and found out I was pregnant with EK. I tested early in the morning, and that evening when dh came home from work, I gave him a Valentine's card with the stick inside. He "got it" right away. He teared up and looked at me and said, "You are???"

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With JackJack I took a picture of the test and changed the screensaver of his computer while he was at work. He came home and went upstairs to check on his email and came back questioning me because he thought I was joking. It took him a few minutes to get it through to his head. Of course, it was hard for him to get it since I had told him I didn't want to have any more kids with him EVER. Didn't know it at the time, but that was a few hours after I conceived:glare:

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