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this had better not be labor!!!!!

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So, it is 1:30 am. I spent most of the day picking up and organizing to get ready for the cleaning company coming at 10am tomorrow. (or, I guess, today at this point). And now I'm having contractions. This had better just be an irritable uterus!!!!!


We stirred up more dust, the floors are FILTHY, etc. I cannot have a homebirth like this!! And I am NOT going to miss out on having my cleaning crew come! Drinking some water, timing contractions, and waiting for them to just GO AWAY!


NOT labor! Just irritable uterus from too much cleaning/being on my feet/etc. Finally got to bed around 2am. Thanks for keeping me company!

Edited by ktgrok
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Right there with you. Except it defi itely is labor, just not too painful yet. Wishing away the contractions for a few hours. I'd really like it if everyone could get a bit more sleep before we get this going. Hugs and no contractions.


Wow! That is exciting! Hope you get some rest! :D

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Right there with you. Except it defi itely is labor, just not too painful yet. Wishing away the contractions for a few hours. I'd really like it if everyone could get a bit more sleep before we get this going. Hugs and no contractions.




Happy birthing!!! How exciting!

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Probably irritable uterus. Maybe. Happened to me too with a cleaning binge (involved a toothbrush). You know the drill: lie on your left side, drink fluids...


How cranky are you? How out of tune? I've noticed that people are *somewhat* crankier when in pre labor.




She sounds pretty cranky...Maybe she has gone to sleep...Maybe she is having a baby...:001_smile:

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