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lost my temper and yelled REALLY loud...

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I am SO grateful that my husband's home office is separate from the house! Otherwise, I might be posting the same thing.


People laughed because they have been there, done that and knew exactly how you were feeling. Much better than an awkward silence!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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This has totally happened to me! When DH is working from home he'll often start up a conference call at the breakfast table where we're all eating of in the living room when we need to practice instruments or in my bedroom when I need to put the baby down for a nap. It drives me crazy!

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Unfortunately, my husband, who works at home, was on a conference call at the time. Everyone heard and laughed. He was so embarrassed. I feel badly. My only consolation is that I didn't curse.


:grouphug::grouphug: :lol: I've done this too. Nice that they all laughed.

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Somebody here thinks it is appropriate to have conference calls in or near the kitchen. So when I used the oven and it set off our very sensitive fire alarm, I got an earful. Where else am I supposed to bake the biscuits??


Don't worry, they all have spouses who get exasperated (or they do it themselves).

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Yes, I've done that too. I felt mortified at the time, but lots of sympathetic comments came back from his work colleagues via DH later. People mostly understand how trying family life can be at times, and there are very few people who have never lost their temper at one time or another.

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My dh works from home too, and we've interrupted our fair share of calls. The dog is the worst culprit. She barks like a rabid pit bull if ANYONE pulls into our driveway. Thankfully, 99% of the people he talks to now KNOWS he works from home.


He does, at least, keep himself shut in his office during important calls. We've been doing this for 7 years now, so the kinks have gotten worked out.


What I hate is the fact that he wears the earpiece thing, and I can never tell if he is talking to me or someone on the phone when he walks through the house..:tongue_smilie:

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People laughed because they have been there, done that and knew exactly how you were feeling. Much better than an awkward silence!


:iagree: It's in the same way that other moms have much more sympathy for you out in public when your little kids yell, scream, shout, or otherwise act inappropriately.


It sounds like you understand why they laughed, but I hope your dh gets over his embarrassment. Mine would be the same way.



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I feel better today. I did have a dream though last night that was obviously a product of yesterday's event. At my karate class last night, part of the lesson was about kiais. I decided that the next time I need to take a drastic measure, I am going to kiai in the middle of my school lesson! :tongue_smilie:

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At least it wasn't an email that's going to hang around long after you're dead.


We've been having an issue with mold in our base housing unit. Because of the lack of response from housing around the issue that's causing the mold, when we got black mold on our vents, I took a picture and texted it to DH. Along with the picture, I put a message that said I was tired of housing messing around and I'm getting ready to open a can of whoop a** on them and he may want to give his command a heads up. So, he sent the picture to his Chief, but he forgot to edit out my comments. :glare: His Chief then sent the picture and comments on to the command CO. :blushing:

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:grouphug: I think it's happened to all of us. I know it's definitely happened to me. The worst is when it happens while he's on the phone with his mother. She's the most gentle creature on the face of the Earth. I'm sure that she thinks I'm some sort of evil person or something. :lol:

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I chose to have a meltdown one day when the mail man appeared at our door with a package. Apparently our windows were open. :o


Dh used to work from home when we lived in San Diego next to Miramar. There were times when the jets were flying that he had to hang up because they couldn't hear over all of the noise.

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Unfortunately, my husband, who works at home, was on a conference call at the time. Everyone heard and laughed. He was so embarrassed. I feel badly. My only consolation is that I didn't curse.


Oy, I have yelled at my kids and immediately noticed that the windows were open and a neighbor was walking by...:ack2:.

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I've done it too!


The funniest was when my kids were smaller, and we were preparing breakfast, and I was talking loudly (I was tired and annoyed) as I was moving around the kitchen. I said, "I slept with J last night, I slept with T last night, I slept with C last night, I even slept with A last night. The only person I didn't sleep with was Daddy!" The lady on the call with my dh LOL. :D

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I've done it too!


The funniest was when my kids were smaller, and we were preparing breakfast, and I was talking loudly (I was tired and annoyed) as I was moving around the kitchen. I said, "I slept with J last night, I slept with T last night, I slept with C last night, I even slept with A last night. The only person I didn't sleep with was Daddy!" The lady on the call with my dh LOL. :D


:lol: Oh, that's a good one :D.

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I've done it too!


The funniest was when my kids were smaller, and we were preparing breakfast, and I was talking loudly (I was tired and annoyed) as I was moving around the kitchen. I said, "I slept with J last night, I slept with T last night, I slept with C last night, I even slept with A last night. The only person I didn't sleep with was Daddy!" The lady on the call with my dh LOL. :D


That is the best ever!!! I am sure that lady still remembers and chuckles. :lol::lol:

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Unfortunately, my husband, who works at home, was on a conference call at the time. Everyone heard and laughed. He was so embarrassed. I feel badly. My only consolation is that I didn't curse.



been there, done that :001_rolleyes:


Fortunately he was on the phone with a coworker not a client. yikes


I was yelling at a teenager and we had just gotten to the:


"you are grounded for life"

"you don't understand me"


part when my dh stepped out of his office and gave us both the evil eye.


The weird part is she (the teenager) and I never do that. It was a one-off pressure buster and now his coworker thinks we are screamers. :tongue_smilie:

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