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Chess Pie and regional dishes

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I finally got to eat chess pie this month. I'd read about it here on the boards, but I've never lived in the South before, so I'd never heard of it in real life, much less eaten it. I was delighted when a new friend of mine made it and it was delicious.


One of my favorite things about living in new regions of the US and different parts of the world is picking up regional dishes that aren't common anywhere else and adding them to our family favorites. Anyone else like to do that?

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Nothing too new for you, but thanks,for the memory of chess pie. My mom always made chess pie for her brother ( they live in Nashville for 6 years as kids) and mincemeat pie for my dad (spent his childhood in upstate NY). She also made pumpkin and chocolate cream every Thanksgiving. I did not like pie, somI ate cookies. Geez - what a jerk I was. And what an over pleaser my mom was - still,is.

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"The South" is made up of a dozen sub-Souths. :-)


I grew up in southeastern Virginia, lived in Charleston, South Carolina for awhile, and am now in Texas. I've never had chess pie. I think I've heard of it but I couldn't tell you what it is.


But yes, I've added things to our menu over the years. We enjoy Mexican food, and green beans with bacon drippings, and brisket...I think brisket is my favorite. :D I have NOT learned to enjoy catfish, and I have no intention of ever doing so.

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I'm not Southern, and I love chess pie! Of course, I've rarely met a pie I didn't love, and I'm sure none of those rare "meh" ones has been a custard...


I think the one regional thing I only have when I go home is needhams. I've never made them successfully and, to my knowledge, they're unheard of outside of Maine and Mass.

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Chess pie is basically pecan pie without the pecans. Kind of a custard made from corn syrup? I think at least


I had never had biscuits and gravy growing up in the north, but I learned to make it to please my first hubby. But most local specialties are . .. um . . . heavy on the fats and sugars, i think lol. and now that I'm off so many foods, i am so limited ...

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when I was in college in Texas, I worked in a restaurant that had a pie case filled with slices of homemade pies. All employees were allowed free dinner plus a slice of what ever kind of pie they wanted. Chess pie was a favorite one of everyone. also toasted coconut pie was really good.


oh, something I miss from Texas is red beans over cornbread. None of my family likes this so I can not jusify making it just for me.

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