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I Really Did Something Insensitive-- WWYD (Pregn. Loss Mentioned)

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I'm new to the area, and have a new, pretty good friend. She had a very difficult pregnancy after a decade of infertility treatments and so sadly lost her twin baby girl due to severe preeclampsia with the surviving twin delivered precariously premature. I have twins and feel exquisitely for her.


Her husband was working, so our families went to dinner together after a fun playdate. I was telling her about the gymnast, McKayla Mahoney's priceless expression and the memes and videos it sparked. Her little boy looked stunned. His mom explained his (deceased) twin sister was named Michaela. I knew that was her name, but that fact didn't register when I was discussing McKayla because the names are spelled so differently. I apologized, told her that I really had not meant to be insensitve, and explained the names were spelled differently, so I hadn't realized.


Would you send a note, too, or just drop it, careful not to make the same mistake?


Thank you

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I would just drop it. I don't even consider it an insensitive mistake. Many people have the same name. I don't see how you could have discussed the gymnast without using her name? Surely you shouldn't call her something different?


I agree. If they are hurt, though, I'd apologize. Maybe it was just surprise. I surely hope your friend understands though.


I think you a very kind friend to be concerned. :grouphug:

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Unless you were directly saying that McKayla/Michaela was such an awful name, I don't think you need to do anything. Surely she's going to encounter other people with that name. You mentioning her daughter's name isn't bringing up anything she doesn't already know about. She probably thinks of her daughter every day; you're not going to remind her of anything that's not already fresh in her mind.

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She was really nice about it and said it was okay. I think I thought of it as insensitive because if I had made the connection that her daughter and the gymnast had the same name, then I wouldn't have talked about McKayla at all.


I like the idea of dropping it.

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You apologized, your friend was nice about it. I would drop it.


Undoubtedly they will run into the name again and again. The hurt of a loss will never completely go away and reminders will pop up. There is nothing that can be done about that. You were not trying to hurt on purpose. Just let it go.

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My uncle and ex-aunt named their lost child John. I'm sure they do not expect folks to stop saying John around them.


I think the little boy might have misunderstood and thought his sister was somehow alive again. So his mom may need to explain to him that lots of people share the same name.


I agree with the others - don't worry about it. You did not create any problems.

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I would just drop it. I don't even consider it an insensitive mistake. Many people have the same name. I don't see how you could have discussed the gymnast without using her name? Surely you shouldn't call her something different?



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