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You know who I miss the most?

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Abbeyej. I miss her on the boards terribly. I loved her posts because she was one of the handful of posters who had seen homeschooling from both sides.


I lost love it when posters say "Well, when my mom was homeschooling me...."


Anyway, if anyone knows her in real life, tell her she is missed here in this community.:(

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Is why so many of us feel quilty for hanging out here.... For many...this is the only 'outlet' of the day. Is there something wrong with that? If my house doesn't get cleaned because I am having fun 'chatting' with friends....is that so bad?


I have enjoyed this board...and have probably spent a good bit of time here over the years....and gotten to know lots of you all....that is a good thing...in my book, LOL!


I guess for many of you 'chores' are number 1 on your priority list.....so shoot me....it is really low on mine, LOL!





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You're a breath of fresh air. This is my teacher's lounge - I remember the clouds of smoke and gales of laughter that used to come out of the teacher's lounge at break and lunchtime. My teachers at school got 90 minutes a day to let off steam - why shouldn't I?


I am enjoying the clear out that I'm doing at the moment: it's Chinese New Year at present, so all our activities have shut down. I'm cleaning out one room a day and it feels good. But I only do it twice a year. At other times, I'm happy to hang out.



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I agree totally! This website is my connection with other people living the homeschool life. I live in a small town, and while there are other homeschoolers around, they are an eclectic bunch that hasn't bonded.......leaving those of us desiring a teacher's lounge, out in the cold. So, for me..........this is where I come when I have a question, when I have something to share, or just want to hear what else is happening in the lives of homeschoolers........

I don't feel guilty..........and my house doesn't get cleaned either Tammy!

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You know what I miss? Being able to quickly scan the page for my favorite posters. They might be posting in a thread which was of little interest to me, but I'd usually stop to see what they'd written. While I do like some things with this format, I miss being able to see their posts at a glance.


Well, it's not exactly the same, but you could look for your favorite people this way:




When you find them, you can click on their name to get their profile and see all the posts they make. You can also do the same thing when you see they've posted in a thread--clicking on their name will give you a drop-down menu where you can choose to see their posts. Not exactly a one-page scan, but close!

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I miss all the people named earlier in the thread (Hi, Kay!!) and consider this Continuing Ed. :p No, really.:D


Glad others do too.


PS -- Did M-mv make it here? I'm not here as much as I once was (though the window stays open on the screen so I look like I'm always here) and thought maybe I overlooked her.

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Hi, Ellie (and everyone else). I posted here quite a bit when the board first changed over, but then real life got in the way. Work, a couple of volunteer commitments, a nice case of shingles on my face, stuff like that. I hope to have more time to play here soon.


::hugging Janet all over::


I must've missed your earlier posts. I was just thinking tonight, before this tread started, that I hadn't seen you and I was missin' ya :-)

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I was on a (much needed) board break until Amy emailed me about the new boards. I came back, and was so sorry to see that Abbey and Ria and Peela are not here! When did Peela leave? Did she say anything?


I totally understand, but it's a bummer when people you like and respect disappear.


Well, we'll see what happens. In the words of the immortal Louie DePalma "They'll be back. They all come back. Except one. And I'm still waitin'."



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When did Peela leave? Did she say anything?


I think she was gone before Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving even. :confused: I asked about her a couple of times on the old boards, then here. Linda in OZ posted last week that she may just be on summer break and that (IIRC) she had posted elsewhere.


I do hope she returns. And Abbey... :(

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I miss all the people named earlier in the thread (Hi, Kay!!) and consider this Continuing Ed. :p No, really.:D


Glad others do too.


PS -- Did M-mv make it here? I'm not here as much as I once was (though the window stays open on the screen so I look like I'm always here) and thought maybe I overlooked her.


Ditto. And, I think there are a handful of folks who changed their names when the boards switched over, so now, even if they're the same people, I don't recognize them (sigh).


I think M-mv made a purposeful decision not to join. At least, that was the speculation based on a blog post she made which framed "hive mind" in a negative light. Pity. Surely she would know how much her posts were appreciated by many (probably not all) here.


Change is tricky, eh?



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