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I am giving up sugar

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On Monday I started my sugar and coffee fast. What a dumb idea!! oy! I'm doing a little better now, four days into it, but I'm pretty sure my family was fearing for their lives earlier this week.


I've been drinking a ton of COOOOLD ice water with some lemon essential oil in it to take away from the cravings. It's really helping but I'm having to use the bathroom way too often.

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My husband gave up sugar about 5 or 6 years ago and hasn't had a sick day since. I say this with a bit of bitterness b/c I am not willing to go that far. My sons and I get sick about once or twice a year.


I find that coffee, iced tea and fresh-squeezed lemonade sweetened with maple sugar helps. The challenge is when we're at events which serve drinks with sugar or my nemesis, diet coke.


But caffeine withdrawal? No way. Maybe cut back to 1 a day, but definitely not totally and definitely not at the same time as sugar withdrawal. Yikes!

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I tried a few stevia drinks and I don't like the taste. I am thinking I am going to swap to a cane sugar soda like Jones and at least wean off the high processed sugar and then just slowly cut back until I am under 36g per day (including fruit). We are "clean" eaters so this is the last major hurdle that I need to get over.


I did have a little bit of Dr. Pepper with dinner. We had a showing on our house and ended up eating out :glare: Thanks for the encouragement!

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Hey! I'm in this with you, to some extent. I am giving up Dr. Pepper, anyways. I have found it important to have some kind of drink to look forward to, and the winner for me is some kind of iced tea with a healthy splash of half and half in it. The cream adds a special element to tea and cuts the bitterness for me. I'm drinking some now! Good luck!

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Caffeine withdrawal could be making you feel really, really bad. I had flu like symptoms and felt terrible! So if you aren't giving up caffeine you might want to add some back in!




I wouldn't want to try to eliminate both sugar and caffeine at the same time. You might end up with some nasty headaches.


OK, I wouldn't really want to eliminate either one. Ever. But I'm trying to be supportive! :tongue_smilie:

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Wow! I'm impressed!


No way could I do it cold turkey. I've been weaning off sugar for about 2.5 years now. :D


How's that working for you? I'm in the same boat. I've been weaning off both sugar and caffeine for years, too, and I'm up to about 5 cups of tea and coffee a day. Plus some soda.


Oh, did I say, "up to 5 cups a day?" I meant to say that, "I've cut way, way back to only 5 cups a day." :D


My willpower is really quite something.

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How's that working for you? I'm in the same boat. I've been weaning off both sugar and caffeine for years, too, and I'm up to about 5 cups of tea and coffee a day. Plus some soda.


Oh, did I say, "up to 5 cups a day?" I meant to say that, "I've cut way, way back to only 5 cups a day." :D


My willpower is really quite something.



I am not actually going completely cold turkey. I am switching to whole cane sugars and then weaning down to just 36g and then coming off. I expect the process to take several months, maybe up to a year.


I wouldn't want to try to eliminate both sugar and caffeine at the same time. You might end up with some nasty headaches.


Can you believe I don't actually drink anything else with caffeine in it. No, tea, no coffee, nothing. I do each chocolate so I will probably control the headaches with a bit of that. This is going to be so fun :glare:

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and I am going to die. I am sure of it. This is only day 1 and I am already suffering withdrawal from my Dr. Peppers...


:D Dr. Peppers are good. But your health is much more important. I loved them too but I don't miss them at all. Occasionally, very rarely, when I'm feeling deprived I do have a diet Dr. Pepper for a treat.


Iced tea is good. You still have the caffeine.


Limeade sweetened with stevia is good. If you're missing the fizzy add a little fizzy water to it.

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I feel your pain.

I'm cutting out sugar and caffeine, but I'm doing it little by little (i.e. instead of 2 McD's large iced teas a day, down to 1, LOL.) I am also a sucker for McD's iced coffee drinks.....


I don't know if it's true, maybe someone has heard of this... but a lady at my church said that you could take acidophilus supplements + something else (folic acid, I think) and it helps with sugar cravings. IDK?:001_huh: But it's certainly worth looking into! :D

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and I am going to die. I am sure of it. This is only day 1 and I am already suffering withdrawal from my Dr. Peppers...


I'm doing phase 1 of South Beach right now. I'm feeling for you. No carbs, no sugar, nothing. Fortunately, I'm not really a soft drink drinker, but I would kill someone for a croissant right now ;)


Hang in there!

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