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More Disney trip questions- one or both babies?

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Dh and I are planning on going to WDW in 2 weeks for an anniversary trip. :001_wub: We had it arranged that my mom, with local friends to help, would watch our kids but she decided to cancel on us. I thought we would just cancel our trip but I asked my sister to take 2 of my children and some close family friends who have a large family to take the other 3. They agreed so as long as everything goes smoothly it looks like we will still get to go! We are planning on taking our 1 year old with us.


My problem is that I am really nervous to leave my 2yo behind. I know my sister would be great with him, she has 4 kids of her own and she is an awesome mom, but he and I are very attached and I hate to leave him for 5 days. :crying: He knows my mom better so I was more comfortable leaving him with her, but he doesn't know my sister as well. She's so much fun that I'm sure he'll have fun, but I'm still nervous to leave him. Dh is fine with leaving him and would rather have us and our youngest so it can be more of a relaxing trip.


I called and somehow, we were able to add our 2yo to the airline reservation as a lap child, I thought you weren't able to do that but I spoke with someone for about 30 minutes at our airline who assured me that she WAS able to add him, she DID add him, and I wouldn't be asked to pay for a plane ticket for him the day we go or anything. Hey, I'm not complaining! It also won't cost anything to add the 2yo to our Disney trip.


Should I push the issue to take the 2yo along too? It would make the plane trip substantially more difficult and I know it would add some difficulty to the trip itself, but he really is an easy, happy kid in general. It would also be easier for my sister and the other family watching our older kids if we took the 2yo with us. Dh really would rather not but I'm :crying::crying:

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I would worry about the plane. I guess you'l better be ready to lie about his age.


Not planning on lying about his age! I'm going to call again just to make sure but when she was continually reassuring me that he was added as a lap child and I wouldn't be charged, even when I was re-iterating his birth year and day, that he was 2 years old, I wasn't sure what to do other than take her word for it and be glad! lol

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Take him. If you leave him at home, you'll be worried about him and you won't be able to enjoy the trip as much. We did Disney a couple of years ago with DS and it wasn't hard at all. He slept in the stroller most of the time. LOL! Plus, you'll already have a baby with you!


Thank you! That is what I am thinking as well. How do I convince dh? lol

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Go without him and enjoy yourself. My 21 mo old just spent the night for the first time with grandma. She doesn't know grandma that well because we don't see her that often. But she had a blast and only missed me at nap time. Leave him and he will have tons of fun with his cousins and you'll have a more relaxing trip. Oh, and when the older kids were at camp and it was just us, she was insufferable. She was used to having all that attention and fun and only mom was left to give it. Assuming your ds is the same way, you'll all be better off with him at home.

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Not planning on lying about his age! I'm going to call again just to make sure but when she was continually reassuring me that he was added as a lap child and I wouldn't be charged, even when I was re-iterating his birth year and day, that he was 2 years old, I wasn't sure what to do other than take her word for it and be glad! lol


We traveled when ds4 was 23 months and had to buy a ticket because we didn't bring his birth certificate. They said that they couldn't take our word for it since he was so close to 2yo. Thankfully, they refunded the money when we faxed them a copy of the birth certificate. I'd definitely call to make sure since I don't think the law has changed to include 2yos as a lap child.

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Personally, I'd feel weird going to WDW without all my kids. Are your older kids disappointed they don't get to go?


Nope not at all. The boys really don't care all that much about Disney (they're more excited to go to our local water park the next month) and my dd went with me earlier this year. They are thrilled to get 5 straight days with their aunt/cousins and friends.

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Yeah, this would never fly in my family! We are a Disney FAMILY.


They used to get upset if they found out I went to Disneyland without them. I often went with friends or after a work meeting down near the parks and would pop into the parks for a few hours, even by myself! :D




Personally, I'd feel weird going to WDW without all my kids. Are your older kids disappointed they don't get to go?
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Ha! Yeah, I'm not sure if it is their ages but I wish they lived Disney more! My daughter loves Disney but she was just there with me a few months ago and she's thrilled to get 5 days with her friends. I guess the good thing about them not feeling so strongly about it is that I don't have to feel as guilty not spending the thousands more it would cost to take them all along! :tongue_smilie: Dh and I never go anywhere by ourselves (ever) so we are looking forward to having it be just us (with only 1 or 2 kids ;) )

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Nope not at all. The boys really don't care all that much about Disney (they're more excited to go to our local water park the next month) and my dd went with me earlier this year. They are thrilled to get 5 straight days with their aunt/cousins and friends.


Gotcha! It's just so far out of the realm of our reality that I couldn't believe it ;).


Yeah, this would never fly in my family! We are a Disney FAMILY.


They used to get upset if they found out I went to Disneyland without them. I often went with friends or after a work meeting down near the parks and would pop into the parks for a few hours, even by myself! :D




Yep :001_smile:.

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I'd be most concerned about your 3yo feeling left out if you took the 2yo also, but I think that depends on the relationship between them. Is the 3yo usually one of the "big kids" or one of the "little kids," attached to his younger brother(s), etc.? If the latter, I'd assume that the 2yo and 3yo could keep each other company and be okay, so I'd leave the 2yo, but if the former, I'd probably take the 2yo with me too, and I'd enjoy having a chance to give some extra attention to those two little guys without the older children's needs crowding them out. :)

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Yeah, this would never fly in my family! We are a Disney FAMILY.


Us, too!! I felt AWFUL when we went last year without my 21 year old son (he was serving his LDS mission at the time). Seriously, I was riddled with guilt. LOL


Back to the OP's question now...You will SIGNIFICANTLY change the focus of your trip by bringing along your two year old. If you mean for this to be an anniversary trip for you and your dh, I would leave the two year old home. Especially since your dh asked you to. Disney is stressful for toddlers...a lot of sensory overload, not to mention the heat. While it's fun to have a toddler along, you will have to adjust your touring plans, slow down, incorporate nap times and basically change the whole focus of your trip. When my son was one, he slept in his backpack carrier most of the time. At two...wow...things changed.


Also, even though one airline rep told you that a child who has turned two was ok to hold on your lap, you need to be prepared to pay for his ticket at the airport if the ticket agent there tells you the phone agent gave you the wrong information. I have had phone agents tell me one thing and counter agents tell me another....and the counter agent always trumps anything they told you on the phone.


If you're not prepared to immediately pay for his seat at the counter, or have your sister drive out to the airport to come get your toddler (and possibly miss your flight in the process), I would not even chance it.

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Go without him and enjoy yourself. My 21 mo old just spent the night for the first time with grandma. She doesn't know grandma that well because we don't see her that often. But she had a blast and only missed me at nap time. Leave him and he will have tons of fun with his cousins and you'll have a more relaxing trip. Oh, and when the older kids were at camp and it was just us, she was insufferable. She was used to having all that attention and fun and only mom was left to give it. Assuming your ds is the same way, you'll all be better off with him at home.


Thank you!


We traveled when ds4 was 23 months and had to buy a ticket because we didn't bring his birth certificate. They said that they couldn't take our word for it since he was so close to 2yo. Thankfully, they refunded the money when we faxed them a copy of the birth certificate. I'd definitely call to make sure since I don't think the law has changed to include 2yos as a lap child.


Thanks for the tip. I am a bit concerned about it so I will definitely call again at the least. I'm still not sure we will take him for sure, though.


I'd be most concerned about your 3yo feeling left out if you took the 2yo also, but I think that depends on the relationship between them. Is the 3yo usually one of the "big kids" or one of the "little kids," attached to his younger brother(s), etc.? If the latter, I'd assume that the 2yo and 3yo could keep each other company and be okay, so I'd leave the 2yo, but if the former, I'd probably take the 2yo with me too, and I'd enjoy having a chance to give some extra attention to those two little guys without the older children's needs crowding them out. :)


Actually that 3yo is now 4yo and he holds his own just fine and actually prefers to be the baby getting all the attention, which he will be when we are gone. ;) So I'm not worried about him at all.


Us, too!! I felt AWFUL when we went last year without my 21 year old son (he was serving his LDS mission at the time). Seriously, I was riddled with guilt. LOL


Back to the OP's question now...You will SIGNIFICANTLY change the focus of your trip by bringing along your two year old. If you mean for this to be an anniversary trip for you and your dh, I would leave the two year old home. Especially since your dh asked you to. Disney is stressful for toddlers...a lot of sensory overload, not to mention the heat. While it's fun to have a toddler along, you will have to adjust your touring plans, slow down, incorporate nap times and basically change the whole focus of your trip. When my son was one, he slept in his backpack carrier most of the time. At two...wow...things changed.


Also, even though one airline rep told you that a child who has turned two was ok to hold on your lap, you need to be prepared to pay for his ticket at the airport if the ticket agent there tells you the phone agent gave you the wrong information. I have had phone agents tell me one thing and counter agents tell me another....and the counter agent always trumps anything they told you on the phone.


If you're not prepared to immediately pay for his seat at the counter, or have your sister drive out to the airport to come get your toddler (and possibly miss your flight in the process), I would not even chance it.


Thank you. I figured it would change the focus of our trip quite a bit. And I will keep that in mind about the airline.

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Actually that 3yo is now 4yo and he holds his own just fine and actually prefers to be the baby getting all the attention, which he will be when we are gone. ;) So I'm not worried about him at all.



In that case, I'd lean toward taking the 2yo. It will change the focus of your trip, but it will still be relaxing because you'll only be taking care of two children instead of six. If you get the 2yo and 1yo to nap at the same time, then that's even better.


But also, the 2yo will probably be fine even if you do leave him home. He'll have most of his older siblings there to cuddle him up and be familiar to him, even if he's unsure about your sister. So I think either way, it'll be okay.

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Thank you!




Thanks for the tip. I am a bit concerned about it so I will definitely call again at the least. I'm still not sure we will take him for sure, though.



And JSYK, this was on the way home. No one questioned his age on the way there. We had to pay for the VERY expensive ticket or they wouldn't have let us get on the plane. I would hate for you to be out all of that money over some bad information. DianeW is right, it is the ticket agent that matters. I'm pretty sure that it is a federal law and not up to individual airlines.

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I'll go against the others. Don't take him. 1) I think the airline employee is wrong about the lap ticket and it will back fire on you.

2) Your sister is great with kids and I bet he will have an awesome time getting to know his aunt.

3) dh wants to go without him and I think you will have a more relaxing time without him too.

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I am a bit concerned about it so I will definitely call again at the least. I'm still not sure we will take him for sure, though.



I would call at least one more time, maybe twice. The first time, I would ask if the rep. agrees with what the other rep. said. I would also ask if there are notes in the system saying that you can take him for no additional charge and that this will cover you going and coming back.


Then, closer to the trip, I would call and make certain those notes are there. Ask if the people checking you in have access to the notes.


I would lean toward taking the child if you will miss him so much that you won't enjoy it. That being said, we have a large family, and I wish I had taken more opportunities to take trips alone (or almost alone :tongue_smilie:) with DH. I understand what people are saying about taking your whole family to Disney, but since you are already leaving some home, I would consider leaving the 2yo. (especially since older siblings will be there).


With just the younger one, you probably would have totally different touring plans, as well as dinner experiences. DH and I love being able to talk to one another and are amazed how much we get to talk when we just have a little one there.


Of course, this is from a mom who hasn't been on a date night in a few years. ;) Not complaining, just seeing that this might be a special opportunity that won't come along again for some time.

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What is the 1yo like as far as travel? Will that child turn it into a "kid trip"? I ask because we travelled a lot when DD was young (under 2) and it was very easy. She would sleep in a backpack carrier or a stroller, so we never needed to go home for naps or bedtime, she was pretty easy in restaurants most of the time, didn't really talk so we could chat with her around, etc. If your 1yo is like that I'd leave the 2yo home so you can still have an "adult trip". If the 1yo is more like my twins (ie will scream if you try to sit in a restaurant for 6 seconds and will only sleep in a crib in the hotel room so you'll have to go back to the hotel for naps and bedtime), then I'd take the 2yo. The 2yo can nap when you go back to the hotel for the 1yo, and you're probably not having any nice restaurant meals anyhow.


I'm also extremely skeptical of any airline letting a 2yo travel as a lap child. I have never heard of such a thing. By the time DD was 18mo we were required to prove that she was under 2 to get her in as a lap child.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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How far is the flight? I'd say a two year old as a lap flier is not going to be a fun experience, particularly if the flight is any real length. There is no leg room in those regular seats anymore and not much room to bring the tray down, if at all, with a child in your lap. Plus, there's the extra gear and luggage to consider. Yes, it will be somewhat stressful to you to leave them with relatives, but the other side of it is adding a large traveling stress.


I'd just bring the 1 y.o. and arrange regular times to Skype with the 2 y.o. if it would help.


Erica in OR

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I'll go against the others. Don't take him. 1) I think the airline employee is wrong about the lap ticket and it will back fire on you.

2) Your sister is great with kids and I bet he will have an awesome time getting to know his aunt.

3) dh wants to go without him and I think you will have a more relaxing time without him too.


:iagree: I'll get your back.

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Thank you all very much! The tips on exactly what to do with the airline was great, thank you besroma. And yes, dh and I do not come along alone time often at all (well, for any length of time :tongue_smilie:) and I think our marriage would benefit from it right now. I will still miss my little guy, but I'm betting when I call back the airline and really push about it, they'll probably revoke the first attendant's reasoning so it won't be an issue.

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Personally, I'd feel weird going to WDW without all my kids. Are your older kids disappointed they don't get to go?


That was my thought too.


Not that I think there is a thing wrong going without the crew. That just wouldn't be where I'd pick to go without my guys because they'd never forgive me.


Since it's supposed to be a grown up trip I'd go without the 2 year old though. But then again... if I have the 1 year old then it's really not a grown up trip anyway, it's already a toddler trip so what's the big deal about taking one more?

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I nursed till my son was older than anyone I know, slept in bed with him till he was... well... at least 6 or 7... carried him till he was 3.5yrs old in my Ergo... so I say this nicely. :) He'll be fine. Leave him :) You'll feel like you get away... and time isn't the same for littles... He'll do great. Just leave him some comfies and such. I actually left my son a few times with family... (as young as 15 months) for a few days at a time... He did great :) He wasn't my outgoing child either. It's just that 3-5 days don't register the same with littles. That was my experience, at least... :)

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Well I was hoping this wouldn't turn into a guilt trip about us going without everyone. I can assure you we have thought this over and wouldn't do it if the children were going to be devastated here without us. Not any one poster said anything, it's just many of you keep coming back to that. :glare: :( I think after a decade of parenting together, having stayed together through an unexpected teen pregnancy, a loooong deployment, many marriage troubles, we are entitled to a trip for a few days to wherever we darn well please. ;)


I nursed till my son was older than anyone I know, slept in bed with him till he was... well... at least 6 or 7... carried him till he was 3.5yrs old in my Ergo... so I say this nicely. :) He'll be fine. Leave him :) You'll feel like you get away... and time isn't the same for littles... He'll do great. Just leave him some comfies and such. I actually left my son a few times with family... (as young as 15 months) for a few days at a time... He did great :) He wasn't my outgoing child either. It's just that 3-5 days don't register the same with littles. That was my experience, at least... :)


Thank you for saying that. If we do decide to go without him of course I will feel bad, I left him for a few days earlier this year for a trip with DD and my MIL and he didn't do very well. But that was mostly with DH caring for him, so I have it set up to give him the best maternal care he can get. I'm still nervous to leave him though. :(

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Well, as someone who very rarely leaves my DD for an evening, and even at 6.5 years old she has only been away from me for up to 3 days, and that is with her grandparents at their house (and at the insistence and begging of all three of them- DD and both of my parents! :lol:) I say-


Leave him. and try your best to relax and enjoy yourself, and focus on DH. You are absolutely right- You both deserve a trip. 5 days together isn't much. And I think that the people saying that bring along a 2 year old will drastically change the dynamics of the trip are absolutely correct.


Plus, I see it all the time as the mother of one child vs. my friends who all have 2 or more. It is so easy to take one child places. Dinner, sight seeing, etc. When you add a second child, even if both children are super easy alone, it becomes so much more difficult when they are together.


Seriously. 5 days. He'll be perfectly fine with your sister. He'll have his siblings, and you said yourself that your sister is a great mother and he will have a wonderful time. In 6 months he won't even remember the time you were gone, but you and DH will still remember the 5 days of togetherness!!!

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