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BRAG ALERT: My daughter's artwork!! And a couple of ? for artists

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My 8 yr old daughter has always loved arts and crafts, so we decided to send her to an art camp this summer. We sent her twice, because the first two pictures she came home with floored us. I tried to post them, but I couldn't figure it out, so I put them on my blog. It's the only thing posted. This week, she came home with the Tulip picture.


Several of my friends have asked for a piece of her work. And are willing to pay for it.


Questions for artists: How much should I charge? I was thinking $25?

How do you store pastels? They are still dusting. And is there a way for them to NOT dust?


We are SO proud of her!!! I never would have guessed that this talent was hiding inside this child!!!

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Very, very well done! My dd is an artist, too. She sold a pencil drawing she had made of a friend's baby girl. I think the friend paid her around $25 for it.


You can use art fixative spray to keep the pastel (somewhat) in place. Spray it outdoors if you can; the fumes are overpowering.

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I use Krylon's spray fixative. Use this outdoors.


once she gets the hang of using the fixative, it will really add to her abilities, because then she will be able to make layer upon layer without fear of smudging the other work she's done.


Those ARE beautiful.


I love my pastels.


If you can get her a set of prismacolors they will really help her improve. There is no comparison to the cheaper types.

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The art camp was at an artist's studio, and we are signing her up for the homeschool class there. I am keeping my eye open for a more one-on-one type of training though. Sort of like piano lessons.


I'll talk to Dh when he gets home. He ships his paintings to several galleries. I'm pretty sure it can be costly.

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What beautiful work!


We have been told that hairspray can work as a fixative also. Haven't tried it. For shipping we have used padded envelope 's and cardboard taped in front and back. So far it has worked well.

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Could she participate in some kind of art show or something locally so she doesn't have to ship? An artists' guild of some type might provide her with some interesting mentorship?


GREAT idea! I'll pass that info along to DD. I'm sure we have something here. We have a great Art Museum, I can go through them if nothing else pops up.


We won't be shipping on a regular basis, I have 2 friends who want a 'Zoie Original' ;)

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GREAT idea! I'll pass that info along to DD. I'm sure we have something here. We have a great Art Museum, I can go through them if nothing else pops up.


We won't be shipping on a regular basis, I have 2 friends who want a 'Zoie Original' ;)


Yeah, look for artists' guilds in your area. I bet some would be interested in working with your DD and developing her talent.


(eta-Disclaimer: I am not an artist and really have no idea what I'm talking about. MIL makes dolls and is part of an artists' guild, or was at one point.)

Edited by Momof3littles
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Yeah, look for artists' guilds in your area. I bet some would be interested in working with your DD and developing her talent.


(eta-Disclaimer: I am not an artist and really have no idea what I'm talking about. MIL makes dolls and is part of an artists' guild, or was at one point.)


Your disclaimer is great!!

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My 8 yr old daughter has always loved arts and crafts, so we decided to send her to an art camp this summer. We sent her twice, because the first two pictures she came home with floored us. I tried to post them, but I couldn't figure it out, so I put them on my blog. It's the only thing posted. This week, she came home with the Tulip picture.


We are SO proud of her!!! I never would have guessed that this talent was hiding inside this child!!!


Beautiful! I showed them to DD (who loves art more than life :lol:) and she was all wowzers, so inspired that someone her age did that!


once she gets the hang of using the fixative, it will really add to her abilities, because then she will be able to make layer upon layer without fear of smudging the other work she's done.


Oh my word. I hate pastels because of the mess, so naturally they are DD's favorite medium. :lol: Where can DD and I learn stuff like this? Any books you recommend? I have a big ol' DK Art Technique book that I should probably haul down as she gets more serious but I'm :bigear: for suggestions.

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Beautiful! I showed them to DD (who loves art more than life :lol:) and she was all wowzers, so inspired that someone her age did that!




Oh my word. I hate pastels because of the mess, so naturally they are DD's favorite medium. :lol: Where can DD and I learn stuff like this? Any books you recommend? I have a big ol' DK Art Technique book that I should probably haul down as she gets more serious but I'm :bigear: for suggestions.

let me get back to you on that....

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It's been ages and ages but I used to use hairspray on my pastels. I'd do a test though first. The hairspray I used was from like 20 yrs ago in an aerosol can filled with CFCs lol.


You just reminded me that I used to use the trays upon trays of eye shadow my mom and sister had laying around as pastels. The colors blended beautifully and in the 80's there was quite the selection. :lol:

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