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Sports where athletes are shorter

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My kids are destined to not be very tall. Both are athletic and strong and I'd like to get them involved in sports where their size is an asset rather than a liability. For example, basketball is going to be more challenging for kids who aren't as tall as their peers. Of course if they love basketball I'll take them to lessons, but I'd like to give them exposure to activities that take their inevitable bodies into account!


What sports are better for smaller athletes?

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I have the same problem with my ds, but after worrying about it, I decided that most people by far never go pro, so it really doesn't matter. A any height they can get good enough to participate through high school, or maybe even college (without scholarship if need be), so I go with whatever he wants to do.

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We were noticing tonight that the Olympic divers were quite short. As were a couple of the soccer players.


Weight lifting, BMX biking (watching this strange sport now!), martial arts, shooting, archery, wrestling, gymnastics....


can you tell we've been watching quite a lot of Olympics this evening?

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DS13 is short and is a black belt (1 month away from 2nd degree) in Korean Martial Arts and plays baseball. I don't know that height plays a role in either, to be honest, but he does well at both despite his small stature.

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My brother was a "shrimp" but pretty athletic. He very much held his own in basketball and football until he lost interest. He has a basketball trophy, which always gives me a chuckle. My mom says he was wearing size 3 when he went to KG.


My eldest is petite and athletic also. I would not dwell on it. She is in gymnastics, dance, karate, and swimming right now (recreational at this point). The only area where she isn't so hot is swimming, which may be because she's so slim.

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Soccer, rugby, lacrosse.


Height doesn't hurt in baseball, but it's not "necessary" like it would be in basketball, track or swimming.


Some of the "field" parts of track and field (throwing things) don't seem too height dependent.

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When I was in elementary school, I played rec basketball and even though I was really short, it kind of worked for me. I was a quick little thing and at that age, some of the taller kids were a little more gangly, so I tended to be a little more coordinated. By the time I hit Jr. High, coordination caught up with height for most of the tall kids and my basketball career went out the window. LOL


My husband is pretty short but managed to play football all through high school. He said that a short and sturdy running back can often slip through a tight defense of bigger guys.


With two vertically challenged parents, my kids are doomed. All three of my shorties take gymnastics and are doing very well. The strength they are developing has also helped them (at this stage) compete with taller peers in other sports like soccer and basketball.

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Rock climbing. Short athletes have some advantages. Tall athletes have different advantages. Each climber works with in their own strengths and weaknesses to solve a problem. The top female climber in the nation right now is under 5'3". Another top female climber is nearly 6'. One of the top male climbers is 5'7". A larger "ape index" (long arms) is a plus, but not essential. Climbing is a very social sport in that you need other people to belay/spot. It made the short list of sports to be included in the 2020 Olympic games.

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Shorter athletes can play soccer, but I wouldn't say that height doesn't give players an advantage. Goal keepers especially tend to be tall with a good "wing span" and as the game gets into higher levels and winning the ball in the air is more important, height is definitely a factor.


At his point, I think interest and desire are more important than height for a young athlete though. I would let them follow their passion.

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My kids are destined to not be very tall. Both are athletic and strong and I'd like to get them involved in sports where their size is an asset rather than a liability. For example, basketball is going to be more challenging for kids who aren't as tall as their peers. Of course if they love basketball I'll take them to lessons, but I'd like to give them exposure to activities that take their inevitable bodies into account!


What sports are better for smaller athletes?


Karate, Judo, any self- defense martial arts, soccer and probably many more. What one lacks in height can be made up with skill.

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Don't worry at all about the height. Go with their interest and talets. People told Usain Bolt he was too tall at 6'5" to be a sprinter. Wrong. There a "short" basketball players in the NBA. In a lot of sports, height isn't the critical factor, though I've heard of gymnists not being allowed to continue in competition if they grow too tall. It's a shame, as tall gymnasts are gorgeous to watch with that beautiful long line of the body.

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