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Would you wash bathroom towels and kitchen towels together?  

  1. 1. Would you wash bathroom towels and kitchen towels together?

    • Yup! The detergent and hot water will get them clean.
    • No way! Gross...
    • Other, for those of you who need an other :P

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



A little bleach and we are good to go.

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I wash them all together in hot water. If the hot water and bleach miss something, the tumble dry will kill it. None of us have died gotten sick from this yet!


Yup! People have too much time on their hands if they are worried about this. Nothing is surviving the hot water, soap, bleach, and tumble dry.


Think about it, you use the same HANDS in the bathroom and in the kitchen, and the don't get bleached and tumble dried! You trust soap and water to get your hands clean, why wouldn't you trust it to get the towels clean, especially when you add in bleach!

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I have enough to worry about without agonizing over bath vs. kitchen towels. ;) If there's been some sort of gastrointestinal accident, I'll wash the items in question separately, on the "sanitize" setting on my washer. But in general, I throw everything in together. We're a healthy family, so I plan to continue. :)

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I wash them all together. Maybe we have strong immune systems but we don't get sick from using washed bath towels that have been washed with cleaning towels. It never occurred to me to worry about it.

:iagree: Any time we have gotten a stomach bug it is because we've been around kids/people with a stomach bug.

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I am a germaphobe and I wash them all together. I bleach my kitchen at least once a day because I'm crazy obsessed with cross contamination. But... I still don't wash them separate.


This morning I had about a half a load of kitchen/bathroom towels and rags and things.. so I threw them in. After reading this thread, I just went into the laundry room and washed them all again. I'm considering just throwing the whole pile away now. Possibly even burning them.


You guys are NOT helping my germaphobia. My DH will not be pleased with this turn of events. :lol:

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Doesn't your washer have a "sanitizing" cycle?


I figure between the sanitizing cycle, bleach (for cleaning AND sanitizing) and the vinegar (for softening and it's a sanitizer) there won't be many germs left. It all goes together.

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I wash kitchen & bathroom towels together (includes dish-drying towels, hand towels, bathcloths, bath towels) in hot water (no Clorox)& then dry them in the dryer. I wash dishcloths (aka dishrags), handkerchiefs, and cleaning rags together in hot water with Clorox & then dry them in the dryer.

Edited by ereks mom
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No. I launder them differently (real bleach in kitchen towels, color-safe in bath and hand towels.)


I also wash underwear and socks in their own load. :D


I sort everything, because it all gets its own method (cold or hot, bleach or no, dryer sheet or not, etc.)


I always separate but that is because I have colored bath towels and I do insist that kitchen towels get bleached unless they go on the line. I do get a small load of kitchen towels everyday or two though because I'm way more fussy about reusing them (I hate a damp icky towel or old wet rag!) than I am about washing them. I usually wash bath towels with jeans (hot), kitchen towels and napkins (hot with bleach), whites (hot with bleach) and everything else mixed (cold). I won't mix whites (socks and underwear) with kitchen towels I don't care how much bleach or how hot the water is.:tongue_smilie:

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.


Same here!

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The FACT is that e-coli can survive the washer/dryer cycle and that washcloths and towels end up with some on them because of contact with people's bottoms. While most people happily wash and dry dishes with a microscopic remnants of poop on their cloths and survive just fine, it grosses me out. :) I wash dish cloths with other laundry but not with underwear or bath towels.

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The FACT is that e-coli can survive the washer/dryer cycle and that washcloths and towels end up with some on them because of contact with people's bottoms. While most people happily wash and dry dishes with a microscopic remnants of poop on their cloths and survive just fine, it grosses me out. :) I wash dish cloths with other laundry but not with underwear or bath towels.


Ok...so you are saying that even though I wash my booty with soap in the shower, it still is transferring poop to the towel I dry with. Then, that the hot water and soap and bleach that I use in the washing machine, and the heat of the dryer, don't get rid of it. But that somehow, magically, just washing my hands at the sink in warm water for a few minutes DOES get rid of the poop/ecoli? Because if not, than you are just contaminating those clean dishtowels when you fold them, right?

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.


Same here.

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



:iagree: Never thought about cross contamination..

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