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Charlotte Mason Original Homeschooling Series Book club anyone?

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I decided to edit this first post to update anyone coming to this thread. I think we're going to do a book club!!!



** more updates** :)

I think we're going to do the "book club" in the "Following Charlotte" group found under Community. I'll post a new thread there this Monday to get us started... Then at the book club date, due date, meeting date - whatever we should call it - I'll post a new thread to discuss that section and a link to find it in the old thread.


I'm thinking about 2 weeks after that we'll gather together in the "Following Charlotte" group to discuss Part 1 of the first volume.





The details: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS THREAD! Throughout this thread we'll figure out the details and do introductions. Let me know how you feel about these things below!


1- what day of the week would be good for people?


2 - about how many pages do you all think ever two weeks? I was thinking relatively slow. For the first time a warm up of just part 1 (37 pages plus introduction) so that we can go slow, take notes, ask questions, that kind of thing.


3 - should we do introductions below in this thread while we get ready?




I LOVE Charlotte Mason's original homeschooling series, and I keep yearning to find a book club or a group of moms/parents to chat about it with as I re-read it all very slowly. Like one chapter every week or two, to really think about it, pick out quotes, talk about it, that kind of thing. I decided maybe I should try to find one or make one online! I don't even know how we'd do it, maybe a thread on here on our "book club date" or due date, maybe a private facebook group, I don't know.. or maybe I'd start a blog for comments, or something else better... don't know yet.


Is there already something like this out there somewhere? Or if not would anyone like to do it with me?

Edited by OneLittleWindow
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Awesome! Thanks. I used to hang out there a little... I found it usually very practical - in terms of types of curriculum, book choices, etc... but I'm hoping to find some people to just sort of talk about the philosophical AND practical aspects of the original series itself. I don't know that I know of that Penny Gardner book, though. I'm off to go look it up! Thank you!

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I love CM and need to get back into homeschooling mode, as summer vacation just started for us the other week ago.. We have six weeks off so I can focus on resting, doing art, science, and technology projects with the children, but also ironing out our new school year and finish planning!


A few years ago a member here started a social group on here, Following Charlotte. I'm a member. Maybe you can bring that up there. I would be interested. Where would you want to start? I'm already very familiar and conversant in the basic principles. I just want to delve deeper in the philosophy and the "nitty gritty" of history, literature, nature study, etc. I highly recommend When Children Love to Learn for the practical aspects and philosophy as well.

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I'll go look for that group. I wanted to start at the beginning with the first volume. I've read them all but really briefly, and practically just scanned the last 3. I've read several other charlotte mason books also. I'm still pretty early in the process and I really want to go back to her original words and just savor them for a while, let them sink in, let myself take the time to go into them deeper, you know? I like the idea of a book group because I mostly just want to read them chapter by chapter and have some other people to chat with about it! :)

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Lovely!! Whey don't I just start a thread on here at designated times? If we subscribe to each thread, I'll link a link to the new thread at the bottom of each one when I start a new one? Does that sound okay?


Why don't I give us the rest of this week to gather people. I was thinking of "meeting" once every 2 weeks... because it's more than a week and less than a month and I thought would be an easier chunk of time to get a handle on. Does that sound okay?


So - a couple questions...


1- what day of the week would be good for people?


2 - about how many pages do you all think ever two weeks? I was thinking relatively slow. For the first time a warm up of just part 1 (37 pages plus introduction) so that we can go slow, take notes, ask questions, that kind of thing.


3 - should we do introductions below in this thread while we get ready?

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I decided just to do introductions since my computer time is usually so early in the morning and I wasn't sure if I'd get back right away and didn't want to leave ya'll hangin! :grouphug:


I'm Anne. My kids are still really young, 3 and almost 8 months. I'm slightly addicted to homeschool planning right now and I'm trying to just educate myself, gather materials, that kind of thing right now. I love Charlotte Mason. I've read so many of her works and works about her... every time I drift away from her philosophy a little in my reading I end up coming back to it because of her clarity, simplicity and brilliance. I just think she knew kids really well, and was very wise. I recently moved across country so am still in the midst of re-organizing our lives. We live on a small farm and are slowly building up our home/homestead and fixing up the farm. I love all things vintage, wish that we drove horses and buggies instead of cars, and have an unhealthy appreciation for chocolate.

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1- what day of the week would be good for people?


I'm flexible.


2 - about how many pages do you all think ever two weeks? I was thinking relatively slow. For the first time a warm up of just part 1 (37 pages plus introduction) so that we can go slow, take notes, ask questions, that kind of thing.


I like that idea. It's meaty stuff. :)


3 - should we do introductions below in this thread while we get ready?


Definitely! :)

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My intro: I'm, um, Maverick_Mom. (Love my privacy. ;)) I go by MavMom or MM on another forum. I've been hsing for 10 years and did a lot of reading on the subject before that. When I first read about Charlotte Mason, I felt like she was a kindred spirit. So much of what I envisioned in teaching my children was what she espoused -- good books, art, music, poetry, nature study, short lessons. I'd never heard of narration, but it made sense (it almost seemed too easy). And when I read about copywork, I was instantly transported back to Mrs. Brooks' first grade class -- she would write classic poems (from poets like Emily Dickinson) on the blackboard and we would copy them. My love of poetry can be traced to that. I've often wondered if Mrs. Brooks (an elderly lady) knew of CM. We've incorporated a lot of CM into our homeschool over the years (narration, art and music appreciation, nature study, short lessons, LOTS of good books, poetry) but not as much as I had hoped. There have been times with each child when a different approach was necessary. But I think I am still a CMer at heart. It's the way I would have wanted to be taught if I'd been homeschooled. :)


Oh, and I have four dc, all of whom have been homeschooled at some point but we've had experience with ps and cs as well. Two are finished with school, and this year I'll have a high schooler (we're using MFW Ancients) and a middle-schooler who has Asperger's and ADHD.

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I'd be interested. I'll have to see if I can get the books for my kindle, I also haven't much luck reading on the computer.


I am not worried about the day of the week, I am flexible at the moment.


For introductions - I'm meghan, my kids are 7, 4, and 2. I'll be starting grade 2 with dd7 this year and just doing some reading and writing with dd5. Last year we used mostly AO. THis year I am sort of doing an AO-LCC medley, as far as content, but very CM in philosophy.

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I would be interested. I did Ambleside pretty faithfully when my oldest was 1st/2nd grade age but then I got side tracked with some WTM/Classical stuff. I'd like to get back into CM and Ambleside though. I (finally) decided to get The Handbook of Nature Study and figure it out this year. I'm also focusing more on art/music, writing/literature and science this year. It would be a logical step to read through the Original Series. I've always wanted to read them, but so far I've only read *about* them online. Or I've read books about CM methods.


Does anyone have a good link for the best version of these to buy or read? Thanks.


http://www.amblesideonline.org/CM/toc.html I've looked through here a bit in the past, but reading online is never very enjoyable for me.

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These are the ones I have and love http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003OUXB1S/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=thecomroo-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=B003OUXB1S


Oddly the paper copy by the same author only has vols 1, 3, and 6



Leslie Laurio is on the advisory at AO....she made it very easy to understand CM's writings.

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Lovely!! Whey don't I just start a thread on here at designated times? If we subscribe to each thread, I'll link a link to the new thread at the bottom of each one when I start a new one? Does that sound okay?


Why don't I give us the rest of this week to gather people. I was thinking of "meeting" once every 2 weeks... because it's more than a week and less than a month and I thought would be an easier chunk of time to get a handle on. Does that sound okay?


So - a couple questions...


1- what day of the week would be good for people?


2 - about how many pages do you all think ever two weeks? I was thinking relatively slow. For the first time a warm up of just part 1 (37 pages plus introduction) so that we can go slow, take notes, ask questions, that kind of thing.


3 - should we do introductions below in this thread while we get ready?



I think a social group would be better. I try to keep up with the threads, but they get buried so quickly, and they're hard to discuss on KWIM? A Social group would make it easier to discuss instead of posting, and you only have to subscribe once.


Just my two cents :)


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I'm in!


Oh and my introduction. I'm Lisa and this is my first year homeschooling. I had a dd who is 4th grade and a ds who is all over the map from kindergarten to third grade. He has some special needs and that is the main reason we have moved to homeschooling. I am really drawn to CM and her ideas on education. A lot of the things I've wanted for my children fall right in line with her teachings. I know I have a challenge ahead of me trying to seperate us from PS thinking. Looking forward to this.

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I would be interested. I did Ambleside pretty faithfully when my oldest was 1st/2nd grade age but then I got side tracked with some WTM/Classical stuff. I'd like to get back into CM and Ambleside though. I (finally) decided to get The Handbook of Nature Study and figure it out this year. I'm also focusing more on art/music, writing/literature and science this year. It would be a logical step to read through the Original Series. I've always wanted to read them, but so far I've only read *about* them online. Or I've read books about CM methods.


Does anyone have a good link for the best version of these to buy or read? Thanks.


http://www.amblesideonline.org/CM/toc.html I've looked through here a bit in the past, but reading online is never very enjoyable for me.


I bought the Modern English version for my Kindle. $2.99 each. A huge bargain IMO :)


Is it OK if we read that version? I have tried the original and I really struggle with wrapping my head around it.



Oh, BTW, I'm Dorinda :D. I have two kids (4th and 7th) and we're using Ambleside year 2 with MOH as the spine and year 6.




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These are the ones I have and love http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003OUXB1S/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=thecomroo-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=B003OUXB1S


Oddly the paper copy by the same author only has vols 1, 3, and 6



Leslie Laurio is on the advisory at AO....she made it very easy to understand CM's writings.

I guess I should have read the whole thread first. :tongue_smilie: I think 1,3 and 6 are the most popular in the series. They're also free if someone doesn't want to pay for them right away. I love it that AO has really worked to make CM so accessible to everyone!

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So.. are we going to be using the Following Charlotte social group as the platform? It's under Community :)


It is easier to keep track that way, and won't clutter the general or curriculum boards.

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I think it's fine if we use whatever versions we want. What do other people think? I personally much prefer the original version, I like her words and the sound of them. I think it's partly why I want a book club or group so bad. Because it does take a while to really absorb all that she's saying! :) I'm a quote fiend. SO I'll probably quote a lot. But I think we all probably just want to understand as much as we can and chat about it, right? It might make comparing notes/quotes/page numbers harder. But I'm up for it if other people want?



I bought the Modern English version for my Kindle. $2.99 each. A huge bargain IMO :)


Is it OK if we read that version? I have tried the original and I really struggle with wrapping my head around it.



Oh, BTW, I'm Dorinda :D. I have two kids (4th and 7th) and we're using Ambleside year 2 with MOH as the spine and year 6.




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So.. are we going to be using the Following Charlotte social group as the platform? It's under Community :)


It is easier to keep track that way, and won't clutter the general or curriculum boards.



I found the community and joined. It definitely makes the most sense to me to put ourselves as a new thread in there, easier to find and stuff, so we don't clutter up the k-8 thread. What do other people think? Is that okay?

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I found the community and joined. It definitely makes the most sense to me to put ourselves as a new thread in there, easier to find and stuff, so we don't clutter up the k-8 thread. What do other people think? Is that okay?


Count me in :)

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Count me in.


Heres my intro...

I have a 6yo, 4yo, almost 3yo, and 14 month old. I guess we will officially be in our second year of homeschooling, K and now 1st. Homeschooling has become a way of life for our family. I found WTM book right before I started my 6yo's K year. So we are beginning our second year with using the Classical education method (although not perfectly we do the best we can ;)). I have only recently started reading stuff about the CM philosophy. Everything I have read I have really loved. I have made it a goal this next school year to learn more about the CM approach to education. So this group will be perfect. I went ahead and ordered a used copy of these. After reading some of the reviews of this series I am a bit worried I will be in a little over my head, but a book club would be perfect to help me work my way through them. I have a feeling that eventually our homeschool will be a mix between CM and WTM.

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Count me in.


Heres my intro...

I have a 6yo, 4yo, almost 3yo, and 14 month old. I guess we will officially be in our second year of homeschooling, K and now 1st. Homeschooling has become a way of life for our family. I found WTM book right before I started my 6yo's K year. So we are beginning our second year with using the Classical education method (although not perfectly we do the best we can ;)). I have only recently started reading stuff about the CM philosophy. Everything I have read I have really loved. I have made it a goal this next school year to learn more about the CM approach to education. So this group will be perfect. I went ahead and ordered a used copy of these. After reading some of the reviews of this series I am a bit worried I will be in a little over my head, but a book club would be perfect to help me work my way through them. I have a feeling that eventually our homeschool will be a mix between CM and WTM.



yay! I think you'll love the original series. To me they're not hard to read, or really intimidating... it's just that there's SO MUCH IN THERE! seriously! It almost makes me laugh. I randomly pick any page and within 1 page I feel like I can find a lot of helpful information. So when I try to read the whole lot it's just too much for my mind to absorb. That's why reading slowly with a group of people to chat about seemed so great to me! I'm sure they'll come up as we read, but the charlotte mason experts out there really have helped me start to get a handle on it.

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Welcome, Foreverfamily.


For those not familiar with social groups, just click on the Community tab above (third from left, starting with User Control Panel) and type in Following Charlotte. It's easy to join.


Hope to "see" you mamas there!

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Hi! So excited some more people are going to join us! On monday I'll post a thread in the "Following Charlotte" group under community so that we can chat there and continue planning. In the meantime we can stay here so that we get anyone else through the weekend who might want to join?


Then 2 weeks after that on a Monday I'll post the first "book club meeting" thread. Sound good?


We'll begin just by reading part 1. So those who need to order the book have a little time, and a small section to start with. So we'll chat in the meantime but gather on the 20th in the "Following Charlotte" group to discuss part 1?


Sound okay? Any other ideas or preferences?

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In the introduction, if I remember right, a family tracked down the books when they were out of print and made these reproductions of them.


I think that's Karen Andreola and her husband (Dean? or something).


I am in. I would love to think about this more.


I have an 8yo and a 6 yo I am working with this year.

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I think that's Karen Andreola and her husband (Dean? or something).


I am in. I would love to think about this more.


I have an 8yo and a 6 yo I am working with this year.


Yup -- Karen and Dean Andreola. Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (daughter of Francis and Edith Schaeffer) actualy got the ball rolling with her book For the Children's Sake, in which she describes how one of her children thrived in what was at the time one of few remaining Charlotte Mason-based schools in England. I think she wrote her book in 1984. Karen Andreola came across it and was inspired to get the original CM books back into print; she also wrote the well-known Charlotte Mason Companion in the late 90s.

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I would love to participate! I have to say though, that my participation will probably be sporadic at best because baby number 4 will be arriving in about 8 weeks or so. But I will certainly follow the discussions as best as I can.


I actually just bought the whole set of CM's books on amazon. It just arrived the other day and I keep looking at them sitting on my shelf, just waiting for me to dive in! I am just trying to finish up a few other books that I have around before I begin.


For my intro: my name is Lisa and I have a 6yo, 4yo and 2.5yo to keep me busy. :) I read some CM when I was first looking into homeschooling and really felt like this was what I wanted our home school to look like. I am very excited to have others to discuss this with- most of the time when I try to talk to people about this IRL I start to see their eyes glaze over and the subject is soon changed. :lol:

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I'm so excited to finally delve into this series! My intro: I'm another Lisa, married for almost 22 years to my one & only, mama to 6 (4 living, 2 no longer with us...ages in siggie). We've primarily homeschooled, although my oldest graduated from ps hs, and my younger dd is currently attending public hs too. My sons don't have any desire to attend ps, so I may be navigating high school as a homeschooler for the first time in about 2 short years. My youngest is just beginning first grade (and we really would love to be blessed with more :D). I don't know if I've left out any important information, but if so, ask away!

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My maternal grandmother was taught with CM and I am related to CM through my paternal grandparents.



Totally wicked. She's on my short list of people in history I would love to meet :)


OneLittleWindow,do you mean Part I of Home Education? I own all six volumes. Your plan sounds very reasonable.

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Yes, I have three volumes from these. This is what the Ambleside volumes are based on,


If you look on Google books, you can find the originals, and they include even more about the exams or whatever than the reprints do. I figured this out a couple of years ago but forget the details.


Of course I went looking for them now and only see two of the vols, not School Education, which is the text I was referring to. I know I have it downloaded, though.....anyway here it is on Archive.org


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I think it's fine if we use whatever versions we want. What do other people think? I personally much prefer the original version, I like her words and the sound of them. I think it's partly why I want a book club or group so bad. Because it does take a while to really absorb all that she's saying! :) I'm a quote fiend. SO I'll probably quote a lot. But I think we all probably just want to understand as much as we can and chat about it, right? It might make comparing notes/quotes/page numbers harder. But I'm up for it if other people want?


We'll have to see. The version in Modern English references what page numbers the rewrite is from. Since both are available free online, if someone was reading the Modern English version, they would be able to go back and forth if need be (can you tell I've done that:lol:) I'll probably read both. I'm like that with Bibles too many different translations.:tongue_smilie:


How exciting!

See you on Monday!


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Totally wicked. She's on my short list of people in history I would love to meet :)


OneLittleWindow,do you mean Part I of Home Education? I own all six volumes. Your plan sounds very reasonable.


Yup! Part one of Volume one... Introduction, part 1 "Some preliminary considerations"... sound good? to page 41 in my edition.

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Yup! Part one of Volume one... Introduction, part 1 "Some preliminary considerations"... sound good? to page 41 in my edition.


Thanks! I'm reading Part I right now. Part I Preliminary Considerations is page 1 through 6 in my book - I bought the volumes back in 2006. Although I've read all of Home Education and much of School Education and a sprinkling of Ourselves (wow!) and only skimmed the surface of Parents and Children.


I also watch the nine videos on Amblesideschools.com to keep me on track. The first one is about children being born persons.

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I'll go join the social group when I'm on my laptop. Too much a pain from my phone.


I'm just starting homeschool with a kindergartener and twin PK4ers this year. I was introduced to CM about 12 years ago when I applied to teach 3rd grade at a classical/CM hybrid private school when I graduated from college. Susan Schaffer McCauley's book was required reading before my interview. I had a wonderful experience teaching in that school (4 years) before I had my kids, and IMO, the best parts of their curriculum and methodology were what they took from CM. I have re-read For the Children's Sake since I began preparing to homeschool, but have never read her original series. I'm excited!

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Thanks! I'm reading Part I right now. Part I Preliminary Considerations is page 1 through 6 in my book - I bought the volumes back in 2006. Although I've read all of Home Education and much of School Education and a sprinkling of Ourselves (wow!) and only skimmed the surface of Parents and Children.


I also watch the nine videos on Amblesideschools.com to keep me on track. The first one is about children being born persons.



Thank you for mentioning those videos! I hadn't been to that site in forever and had completely forgotten about them. I'm trying to schedule a little "retreat" for myself - just an hour or so once a week with videos to watch. Mostly so that I can pretend I'm at a HS conference or workshop - as I can't find any near me soon to go to ! :)

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