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Idea for BFSU users -- Collaborative Pinterest Boards!


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I think I came up with a (maybe) really useful idea for all of us BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding) users -- I created a Pinterest board for each thread, plus a "general resources" board, that I hope many users will collaborate on to find pins that relate to the BFSU lessons.


I find one of the big weaknesses of BFSU to be the lack of printables and the fact that there are no visual aids at all that come with the curriculum. I thought if various users add to the pinboards with the lesson code (C-7, D-8 etc) in the Pin description, it would be so helpful for everyone!


Here's my Pinterest page (BFSU boards start in the second row of boards). Message me with your pinterest username or leave a comment on a Pin if you want to be added to be able to add pins. Anyone (with or without a pinterest account) should be able to view the boards.


Hoping this is a helpful resource for BFSU Users...Others may find this useful as well to find science ideas!

Edited by kirstenhill
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Bump for the evening crowd. :) Thanks for the encouragement so far...I've gotten a nice handful of new followers on the boards. Hoping more of you want to be added as collaborators?


Would it be rude to just send out "invites" to join the boards as collaborators to those who decided to follow just the BFSU boards? 'Cause I'm thinking about doing that so I am not the only one trying to find pins for these boards. ;-)

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I hope you don't mind, but I started following you. I see so many great ideas on your boards! :)


Of course I don't mind... :001_smile: One can't take too much credit for great ideas when it comes to Pinterest though...it is so easy to click "repin" and so hard to actually follow through and DO the things you pin! :lol:

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I would love to be a part of this, need some BFSU inspiration - hit a plateau! But I don't know anything about how to do Pinterest... do I have to have facebook (I don't)? Or can someone just invite me?


Thanks :)

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My pinterest username is shannon831.


So, how would I pin something on your board? Or would you just repin something that I pinned onto the proper board?


I'll invite you to "join" those boards as a pinner, then you should see the BFSU boards in your list of options when you go to pin something.


After I reply to the other poster who asked a question I'll add you, and you'll get an email from Pinterest saying you need to accept the invite in order to pin to those boards.

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I would love to be a part of this, need some BFSU inspiration - hit a plateau! But I don't know anything about how to do Pinterest... do I have to have facebook (I don't)? Or can someone just invite me?


Thanks :)


Wow...I started writing my last post (above) about two hours ago, then my Internet connection melted down. I hit send then, but it looks like it just posted now.


Anyhow, you need both an invite to Pinterest and either a Facebook or a Twitter account to set up a Pinterest account. They make it complex, don't they. If you don't want to be on FB, it isn't too hard to set up a Twitter account and mark it private, and then just not add or follow anyone there - just having the account is enough. Not sure why they do that at all. If you do want an invite, PM me your email addy and I can send you one!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think I came up with a (maybe) really useful idea for all of us BFSU (Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding) users -- I created a Pinterest board for each thread, plus a "general resources" board, that I hope many users will collaborate on to find pins that relate to the BFSU lessons.


I find one of the big weaknesses of BFSU to be the lack of printables and the fact that there are no visual aids at all that come with the curriculum. I thought if various users add to the pinboards with the lesson code (C-7, D-8 etc) in the Pin description, it would be so helpful for everyone!


Here's my Pinterest page (BFSU boards start in the second row of boards). Message me with your pinterest username or leave a comment on a Pin if you want to be added to be able to add pins. Anyone (with or without a pinterest account) should be able to view the boards.


Hoping this is a helpful resource for BFSU Users...Others may find this useful as well to find science ideas!

GREAT idea! Thanks for the inspiration.

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