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Don't you hate when you find a prettier version of a book than what you already have?


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I've become a children's book addict. I'm trying to build up a nice hardcover classic library, preferably with beautiful illustrations. After tons of research, I bought this annotated version of The Hobbit:



But this weekend, I saw this version at B&N, and I love the illustrations. I didn't buy it, but so tempting :)



Sigh. I already spend a small fortune on books. We certainly don't need multiple beautiful and pricey editions of all these books :)

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Tammy, you have a serious addiction! It is hard to resist the pretty books though!


My kids can't stand it when the books in a series don't match. Ds was reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle and Runaway Ralph, which he got as a present in new editions. But I owned Ralph S. Mouse in an older edition with a different size and different small illustrations. He won't read it. Seriously. He refuses because it doesn't match.

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Tammy, you have a serious addiction! It is hard to resist the pretty books though!



I know, I know! I wonder if there's a 12 step program :) Some women buy shoes, I buy books! I think it comes from not having read most of these books as a kid. I'm over-compensating, lol!

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And to make your choice even harder, would it help if I told you that the artist Alan Lee worked with Peter Jackson in the making of the LOTR movies? He's a master. IMO it would be a serious misfortune to deny your children the chance to study the artwork of an artist who is so deeply connected with all things Tolkien. You would be justified in buying that book. ;) (I might buy that book!)


I do the same thing, even my oldest ds has the bug. We have a copy of James and the Giant Peach with the original artwork. We were at a thrift store and my ds asked, "mom can we get this James and the Giant Peach book?" I didn't even look, but said "no we have one at home." "But Mom, Lane Smith drew the pictures in this one."


Oh well in that case...yes! I will buy a book I already have based on the artwork---especially artists we're fans of to begin with.

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And to make your choice even harder, would it help if I told you that the artist Alan Lee worked with Peter Jackson in the making of the LOTR movies? He's a master. IMO it would be a serious misfortune to deny your children the chance to study the artwork of an artist who is so deeply connected with all things Tolkien. You would be justified in buying that book. ;) (I might buy that book!)


I do the same thing, even my oldest ds has the bug. We have a copy of James and the Giant Peach with the original artwork. We were at a thrift store and my ds asked, "mom can we get this James and the Giant Peach book?" I didn't even look, but said "no we have one at home." "But Mom, Lane Smith drew the pictures in this one."


Oh well in that case...yes! I will buy a book I already have based on the artwork---especially artists we're fans of to begin with.


Oh you evil, evil enabler ;)


And while we're on the subject, we don't have copies of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Any recommendations for those? I know they are more suitable to older ages, but I plan to read them myself also.

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Tammy, I'm putting in a plug for your already-owned Annotated Hobbit. I LOVE mine! Douglas Anderson goes into such depth in the annotations on Tolkien's influences, the various editions, reproduces illustrations -- the annotations make for a wonderful read all on their own!


So, ask for the lovely illustrated version for Christmas! Our boys are 19 and 20 and I have this set of books on gift wish list: http://www.amazon.com/Through-Golden-WIndows-Ten-Set/dp/B000GBSWOY/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1342457304&sr=1-1&keywords=through+golden+windows No way they are anywhere near reading these books; it will be just for me! I'll read them myself and love every moment of it. :)


It's not an addiction; it's a true love and appreciation of a beautiful art form. In an age where Kindle and e-books are making physical books obsolete, I figure I will be sort-of like the people at the end of Farenheit 451 keeping ACTUAL books alive. I am not an extravagant person; not big on clothes, shoes or make-up; I don't scrapbook or quilt and have expensive supplies for hobbies. But I LOVE vintage books and beautifully illustrated books, and children's picture books. And some day, I'll have grandchildren to read to! ;)


Warmest regards to a fellow beautiful book lover! -- Lori D.

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It's not an addiction; it's a true love and appreciation of a beautiful art form. In an age where Kindle and e-books are making physical books obsolete, I figure I will be sort-of like the people at the end of Farenheit 451 keeping ACTUAL books alive. I am not an extravagant person; not big on clothes, shoes or make-up; I don't scrapbook or quilt and have expensive supplies for hobbies. But I LOVE vintage books and beautifully illustrated books, and children's picture books. And some day, I'll have grandchildren to read to! ;)


Warmest regards to a fellow beautiful book lover! -- Lori D.


Lori - I love you :) You make me feel better. It's funny because I refuse to have anything to do with a kindle or the likes. My kids make comments about how much they hate that section of the bookstore, haha. I guess I've rubbed off on them. All of us like our books in hand. Heck, I have a hard enough time keeping track of files I download - I can't even imagine having my books that way. I love the way books smell, look, feel. Part of me believes I have to stockpile books so that my kids can have the real thing with their kids (and of course I'm learning how wonderful books can also go out of print, which can be really sad too).


And bonus of having two copies of a few of these books - since I have two children, they can each have a copy when they are adults and reading to their own children :)

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Oh you evil, evil enabler ;)


And while we're on the subject, we don't have copies of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Any recommendations for those? I know they are more suitable to older ages, but I plan to read them myself also.


We have the Alan Lee version similar to the Hobbit you linked (we own that too!) But it's all volumes in one book: Illustrated Trilogy

It's quite cumbersome for a child reading.


We got these editions for my son, but there are no illustrations: Part I

The cover and dust jacket are awesome and they include a fold out paper map (b&w)


Regarding The Hobbit. My daughter is reading from the beautifully illustrated edition and wanted to bring it to camp. I suggested that she takes DHs paperback, since it's already beat up. He was horrified that I would suggest such an idea!! He has such memories attached to the actual book that introduced him to Tolkien!! 1977 paperback

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We have the Alan Lee version similar to the Hobbit you linked (we own that too!) But it's all volumes in one book: Illustrated Trilogy

It's quite cumbersome for a child reading.


We got these editions for my son, but there are no illustrations: Part I

The cover and dust jacket are awesome and they include a fold out paper map (b&w)


Regarding The Hobbit. My daughter is reading from the beautifully illustrated edition and wanted to bring it to camp. I suggested that she takes DHs paperback, since it's already beat up. He was horrified that I would suggest such an idea!! He has such memories attached to the actual book that introduced him to Tolkien!! 1977 paperback


I'm the same way. I have three hardback, falling apart, yellowed, taped up LOTR books that were mine when I was in the 5th grade (when I first read them and fell in love with them). They may actually be the ones you linked above, but the dust jackets are long gone. There's no illustrations except the map on the inside cover. Those are special to me. I am attached to those specific books. But when I read LOTR now I use three slim paperbacks (the ones with a picture from the movies on the cover) because I don't want my childhood treasures falling apart and I like throwing the paperback in my bag. Even though my old ones are still readable.


When my kids get interested in reading them on their own, I'll likely just buy the unillustrated hardbacks again. The Alan Lee books are soo tempting though. I'll have to put that on my wish list too. There's also this:

http://www.amazon.com/The-Lord-Rings-Sketchbook-Alan/dp/0618640142/ref=pd_sim_b_4 My oldest ds saw me looking at it and he nearly flipped---so again another book on my wish list. Maybe Tammy you're the evil,evil enabler! :lol:

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If you also love the movies, we have these three books. My 4 year old is constantly carrying them around and looking at them. And my 9 year old has read through most of them. They're like LOTR cliff notes with eye candy from the movies.

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I don't know about "prettier" versions, but I realized the other day (when cleaning out for sale) that I have FIVE copies of the same book....


Guess How much I love you (well....book, I guess I love you to the moon and back! :lol: )


I have:


- Paperback/Bendy Cover Version

- Hardcover Version

- Board Book Version

- Mini/Pocket Book version

- Activity version (its the book, but uncoloured/colouring book, and I think it might have fill in the blanks)


Now, perhaps that might be a tad overkill? :001_huh: :D

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I have a nook and have been slowly getting rid of the paperbacks, but I keep the illustrated books. We were reading the lemony snicket books on the nook, but we went to the library and dd found the books and that they had illustrations, so now she is all about the physical books. Especially since the illustrations have all sorts of hints about the story.

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It's not an addiction; it's a true love and appreciation of a beautiful art form. In an age where Kindle and e-books are making physical books obsolete, I figure I will be sort-of like the people at the end of Farenheit 451 keeping ACTUAL books alive. I am not an extravagant person; not big on clothes, shoes or make-up; I don't scrapbook or quilt and have expensive supplies for hobbies. But I LOVE vintage books and beautifully illustrated books, and children's picture books. And some day, I'll have grandchildren to read to! ;)


Warmest regards to a fellow beautiful book lover! -- Lori D.


Oh I LOVED this... soooo soooo true.... we are doing our children a great service by keeping a love of real and beautiful books alive.


This thread is amazing. I am pinning book suggestions left right and centre....


To the original poster - have you found a LOTR hardcover set that you love yet? I'm very curious about that.


Keep the suggestions for beautiful hardcover, illustrated editions coming!!

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I don't know about "prettier" versions, but I realized the other day (when cleaning out for sale) that I have FIVE copies of the same book....


Guess How much I love you (well....book, I guess I love you to the moon and back! :lol: )


I have:


- Paperback/Bendy Cover Version

- Hardcover Version

- Board Book Version

- Mini/Pocket Book version

- Activity version (its the book, but uncoloured/colouring book, and I think it might have fill in the blanks)


Now, perhaps that might be a tad overkill? :001_huh: :D


I'm a tad addicted to Guess How Much I Love You stuff. We have a few books, hardcover and board, leappad version, baby memory books, xmas ornament, and a little stuffed rabbit. I love that whole "line." :D

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Oh and I forgot, not exactly literature, but I collect Homemaking/Homekeeping books. So I have lots of Self-Sufficiency, that big book of "Home Comfort" thats more like a phone book, Mrs Beetons (I think it is) book of housekeeping, 60's housekeeping magazines etc. Every time I go off to the farmers/flea market or to a charity shop, another "Home" book makes its way back to my house....I don't think I have actually ever read a "whole" one of these books/mags, I rather just collect them because 1. I love vintage housekeeping books, and 2. Cause they are pretty :tongue_smilie: I do love the vintage magazines, the drawings on them are gourgeous. The little ladies in their pinnies, the geometric looking vaccuums, the FANTASTIC furniture, that for some reason they don't make anymore (Samantha Stephens oven for example, or in one of my vintage books, it was explaining about various "good" furniture, and I was practically salivating over this armchair, it had a pull out drawer at the bottom of it, and a few other little nook storage spaces, and it folded out to the gourgeous "one man bed". Furniture today is so blah :lol: I love the innovative stuff from back then! There was another one (significantly older) that was someones patent, obviously meant for something like a NYC shoebox. the bed pulled up to reveal a couch, the couch slide aside to become a table (with floor chairs) another one was a combined water heater/shower/toilet. The best bit of those time (actually round the 70's I think) is the sunken living rooms, I so want one of those. I so so many things on "leveling" a sunken floor and nearly cry. :(


Going now, yep, you found out my secret. :tongue_smilie: Its my little itty bitty addiction :D

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To the original poster - have you found a LOTR hardcover set that you love yet? I'm very curious about that.


Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I haven't found a set I love yet unfortunately. I'm not in a rush, but will be keeping my eyes open!

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I cannot believe I opened this thread. It's like p*rn for bibliophiles.


For those who have asked, I have had my eyes on this edition of LOTR for a while now, but have not yet purchased it. My birthday is in a few weeks and I'm expecting an amazon GC though... :D But I haven't seen it in person... has anyone else browsed this edition?

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I cannot believe I opened this thread. It's like p*rn for bibliophiles.



I know. Do you think there's a board where husbands are discussing how to deal with their wives' vintage or illustrated book collections and addictions? My husband would join in a heartbeat.

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