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My 6.5 yo has still not lost ANY of her baby teeth...

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Anyone else have a child that was late in loosing their first tooth? She keeps asking me when she'll lose one because all of her friends have lost multiple teeth already.


She was a late teether as well. She didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months old.

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Anyone else have a child that was late in loosing their first tooth? She keeps asking me when she'll lose one because all of her friends have lost multiple teeth already.


She was a late teether as well. She didn't get her first tooth until she was 13 months old.


Link is 8.5 and still hasn't lost any. :D

I keep telling him that when he finally gets around to it, they'll all fall out at once and he'll have to live on Jello and mashed potatoes. :)

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I was nearly 8 (and in the 3rd grade) when I lost my first tooth. :) I was 16 when I lost my last, and I still don't have my wisdoms (at 45).


It somewhat runs in my family. Most of us were around 7 when we lost our first.

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Link is 8.5 and still hasn't lost any. :D

I keep telling him that when he finally gets around to it, they'll all fall out at once and he'll have to live on Jello and mashed potatoes. :)


My dd11 (almost 12) just lost a tooth today and was told that within about 2 months she'll lose 3 more. My 10 year old has lost just one more tooth than her older sister.


Her youngest brother almost 6.5 has his first loose tooth and I was curious if they would both lose teeth the same day.

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My dd11 (almost 12) just lost a tooth today and was told that within about 2 months she'll lose 3 more. My 10 year old has lost just one more tooth than her older sister.


Her youngest brother almost 6.5 has his first loose tooth and I was curious if they would both lose teeth the same day.



Yeah, Astro (almost 2 years younger than Link) has now lost 3 teeth.

Maybe he'll beat Pink to it. ;) :lol:

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I teach second grade and usually have several kids in my class that haven't lost any teeth yet. It is very common, though, for that age group to be in the process of losing those first four front teeth. I wouldn't worry.

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Didn't lose my first until I was older than your child which meant I missed out on the prizes at school for losing teeth in first grade.


Eventually, after .. oh, a few decades, I got over it. (I'm kidding, I'm not even a few decades old. But I was ticked and still hadn't finished losing teeth well into high school. Awkward!)

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It's better to lose them later. The later those permanent teeth come in the more time your child has to learn how to take care of then. Every year they are in is more time for cavities.


If she was at the later end of teething then she will be on the later end of losing them


On the other end of the spectrum are my kids. As near as we can tell, they are born teething. First teeth erupted at 12 weeks.

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My son lost his first tooth on his 6th birthday. His twin sister didn't lose any until two years later. Every time he would lose a tooth she would cry and cry because she was so sad. I just kept reminding her that her time would come, and she had to be patient. :)


My nephew didn't lose any teeth until he was nearly nine.

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Link is 8.5 and still hasn't lost any. :D

I keep telling him that when he finally gets around to it, they'll all fall out at once and he'll have to live on Jello and mashed potatoes. :)




I have had thoughts similar to this. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the reassurance! I wasn't too concerned, but my DD is disappointed and keeps asking, so I thought I'd consult the Hive. :D


MY wisdom teeth still aren't all the way in and I'm 29. Now that I think about it, my niece (15) had a tooth come out last year.

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are any permanent teeth erupting behind recalcitrant baby teeth?


don't worry about it. If you have serious concerns, talk to your dentist. My son didn't lose his first baby tooth until after he turned seven, and he's still only lost two. I don't remember about the others, but they were all late teethers and they all have a full set of permanent teeth.

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DD lost her first tooth within a month of her 7th birthday. (She got her first tooth at 11.5 months).


DS is 6.75 and he doesn't have any loose teeth. (He got his first tooth at 13 months).



I think DH and I were late teethers but I don't know the specifics.

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My ten year old is currently two front toothless. He has two permanent on the bottom. I just asked the dentist about it and he said it was cause to celebration! Less time for cavities and hopefully more time for us to replenish the ortho fund after the first three!

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Mine were early on both ends. My oldest got her first tooth at 3mo and lost her first right after 5yo. My middle got her first tooth at 5mo and lost her first at 4.5yo. My youngest got her first tooth at 6mo and lost her first at 5.5yo. All of mine were born with a full head of hair and had all their baby teeth by 1yo.

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My daughter didn't lose teeth until she was 7 and then it took over a year for her permanent teeth to come in. She has *very* slow to erupt teeth. I thought she would never get her two front teeth and I'd be cutting up corn and apples for her when she was a teenager :lol:.

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It's better to lose them later. The later those permanent teeth come in the more time your child has to learn how to take care of then. Every year they are in is more time for cavities.



This is what our dentist says. He gets excited when he sees kids who lose teeth on the later side.


My oldest lost his first tooth right after he turned 7. He's 11 now and has just lost the two teeth on the bottom next to the two permanent teeth. So that makes it 6 teeth so far he's lost.


My 8.5 yr old just lost one of his top front teeth. He lost the two bottom about 4 months ago.

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My ten year old is currently two front toothless. He has two permanent on the bottom. I just asked the dentist about it and he said it was cause to celebration! Less time for cavities and hopefully more time for us to replenish the ortho fund after the first three!


Yes! We make the last payment on my son's orthodontic treatment next month :party:!


The orthodontist says we're still 6 months to a year out on dd's treatment, due to those slow to erupt teeth. Woot!

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Ds just lost his first 2 at 7 yr 9 months iirc. We had a check-up about 6 months ago and I asked about it then and they said there was no reason to worry as long as the others weren't coming in already. As soon as he lost them, both fairly close to the same time, the others started coming in. He has a few others a little bit loose but if they are anything like the other 2 it will still be several months before they are out. I've heard the same as others that losing them later is better.

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My children have been all over the board on this one.


One ds was almost 8 before he lost his first tooth -- he was my earliest teether, at 5 mo.


My latest teether (11 mo before we saw a tooth -- not that she let that stop her) lost her first tooth at 4 1/2. Her older brother didn't lose his first tooth for almost a year after, but he finished losing baby teeth almost a year before she did (making them about the same age to lose the last tooth).


My littlest brought me her first tooth while I was still in bed on her 5th birthday.


My brother didn't lose his first tooth until he was 9, almost 10. He had his last baby tooth pulled the day before his 23rd birthday.

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