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Another question from me, does the man in your house

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Dh calls himself the "pater familias" but it's usually with a ;). (He doesn't actually know any Latin, he's just quoting George Clooney's character in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?) We are not religious. I don't call myself anything, but that's because everyone already knows I run the show 'round here. ;):tongue_smilie:

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No, I've never heard DH refer to himself as 'head of the house', nor would I refer to myself as the 'lady of the house', it sounds horribly old-fashioned to me. DH can be a bit old-fashioned about some things, but I think he knows he'd get raised eyebrows from me if he were to use such a term. No-one's 'in charge' here, it's a home and we're a family.


DH is Anglican. I'm not.

Edited by Cassy
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I have been deeply contemplating cultural and religious things around me, so bear with me. I truly don't want any of these threads to get out of hand. I don't know enough people to get a wide sampling in real life. ;)



Call himself "the man of the house" or "the head of the house?"


When does he refer to himself this way? For example, is it in response to some situation?


Do you call yourself "the woman of the house" or something else?


Also, if you feel comfortable posting your religious views, please do so. Please do not feel you must to participate. It's just part of my survey.

1] No

2]Im not the women of the house and dislike the terms housewife and home maker



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We're Catholic.


Same here.


OP, just to give background, one of us grew up on a home where the father was the "head" of the household in all aspects. We are not following that example, but it's not something that's been a conflict for us.

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Maybe as a joke or in relation to asking me how to fill out a tax form? Not in a serious way though.


Last time DH traveled he told DS he was the "man of the house" while he was gone, so :act like a big boy and help your mom out", but it was kind of a cutesy thing, not serious. KWIM?


I don't think I've ever used the terms woman of the house or anything like that to describe myself.


We're early 30's. We're Christian, attend an Eastern Orthodox parish because that's where I belong. He loves it there, but is much more liberal in reality.

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I think dh jokingly told Baxter (our dog) that he would be head of the house while he (dh) was gone for a trip.


I do not think I've ever referred to my self as woman of the house. As much as I'd rather be overly formal than too casual I think calling myself the woman of the house is a bit much.

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Neither of us reference ourselves or each other that way.


Both consider ourselves conservative Christians by background and currently (although he does have more wild and crazy 'liberal' taste in music.:lol:)


He is the man of the house, however, as God bless him, he's the only male here so far. He would more likely be referred to by the kids as "our favorite boy" or some such affectionate childish term. I call him "Babe" most of the time and sometimes "Daddy" around the kids.

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The only time he is formally called the "head of household" is on our taxes. If someone calls with a survey, I am called the "head of household" and answer it if I want to. We do have a slightly hierarchical marriage in that he is the leader and the tie breaker but honestly I think that has come up perhaps once in 19 years of marriage. It is something that is unstated. To have to state it would mean in our marriage that either he was trying to throw his weight around unnecessarily or that I was disrespecting him regularly in some way. Its presence in our marriage is an attitude - one of responsibility on his part and one of respect on my part. It is not one of entitlement. We are Christian.

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My husband is the head of the house but we don't say "hey, Head of House...take out the garbage" I should add that he is the only man in the house except our new little kitty!

He is Dan, Dad, honey or "my husband"

I am Melissa, Mom, Mommy, honey or "his wife"

We are plain jane Christians if that matters.

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In Islam, then the woman is the queen of the household in every respect except if there is a disagreement in which case she should give in to the man as him being the leader. If there were disagreements and he had a strong different opinion. In reality, then the men I know in Syrian culture are passive-aggressive and defer to their wife. However, should a situation arise, then from a religious point of view his ruling/preference/whatever you would call it without thinking wife abuse etc.! would win.

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I have been deeply contemplating cultural and religious things around me, so bear with me. I truly don't want any of these threads to get out of hand. I don't know enough people to get a wide sampling in real life. ;)


Call himself "the man of the house" or "the head of the house?"


When does he refer to himself this way? For example, is it in response to some situation?


Do you call yourself "the woman of the house" or something else?.


My husband does something similar with regard to me but I do not with him.

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I have been deeply contemplating cultural and religious things around me, so bear with me. I truly don't want any of these threads to get out of hand. I don't know enough people to get a wide sampling in real life. ;)


Call himself "the man of the house" or "the head of the house?"


When does he refer to himself this way? For example, is it in response to some situation?


Do you call yourself "the woman of the house" or something else?


Also, if you feel comfortable posting your religious views, please do so. Please do not feel you must to participate. It's just part of my survey.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Good God, NO! He wouldn't even think of referring to himself that way. We aren't religious, since you asked and I don't mind putting it out there.

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I have been deeply contemplating cultural and religious things around me, so bear with me. I truly don't want any of these threads to get out of hand. I don't know enough people to get a wide sampling in real life. ;)


Call himself "the man of the house" or "the head of the house?"


When does he refer to himself this way? For example, is it in response to some situation?


Do you call yourself "the woman of the house" or something else?


Also, if you feel comfortable posting your religious views, please do so. Please do not feel you must to participate. It's just part of my survey.


We're a Christian household. Dh doesn't refer to himself as the "man/head of the house" nor does he refer to me as "the woman of the house". I don't refer to myself that way either.

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He's agnostic and doesn't ever refer to himself as the man of the house. Honestly, none of this head of the household stuff ever comes up in our family except jokingly. We just talk about decisions and make them together - giving someone a title and special authority just never occurs to either of us.

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