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The heat! Is everyone okay?

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After reading about the triple digit record temperatures for so many states, I just wanted to check in and see if everyone affected is okay.


As usual, if I have already missed this thread, just point me in the right direction.:tongue_smilie:


Sending you cool thoughts and hoping you and your loved ones stay healthy and comfortable.

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We're hot, but after the way it was last summer I just can't complain this year. 40 weeks pregnant, 114* (before the heat index), and 90 consecutive days over 100...yeah. We've only been over 100* a few times this summer so even though we're close almost every day I just can't bring myself to complain.


I do feel bad for all the areas that aren't used to blistering hot summers.

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This is our last of our over 100 temps for a while, tomorrow it is only supposed to be 98 or so. I'm hoping we might be able to turn off the air again since it will be getting cooler at night again but we will see what actually happens. We've had rain in the forecast off and on for a week as well but it never has showed up so I'm waiting to see if it actually cools down.

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We don't get triple digits here. 2 days ago we were at 57F today we were at 84F Most of next week is supposed to be between 87 and 89 which for Alberta is very very hot.


As for today it was hot and now there is a severe thunderstorm warning in effect for my area, so windows are all wide open to cool the house before the sky opens up on us. Living in an area where we only get 1-2 weeks a year of temps in the high 80s we don't bother getting A/C so the hosue can get quite hot sometimes.

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We are burning up here.


In West Michigan we had the hottest temps since 1936. It has been in the upper 90+s the past 11 or 12 days. Yesterday was 104. We are not used to this heat and we have the humidity to go with it and very little breeze. Add that to no rain in a month and the crops/pastures/hay fields, are just wilting and burning to a crisp. I am having a terrible time finding good hay this year for our horses as it just isn't growing.

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Today the high was 83 after 103 yesterday (and many days before were up in that range too!). I'm in heaven today. :D Hope everyone gets relief soon. We're in the upper midwest in a 100 year old house w/just window unit air so we do suffer a bit in the heat.

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Yep....hot, hot, hot here. Tomorrow's 110 heat index. That unfortunate thing is that we still have old wooden windows so it was 82 in the coolest part do our house most of the day. The air doesn't go off til it's time to come on again. :crying::crying:

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Yep....hot, hot, hot here. Tomorrow's 110 heat index. That unfortunate thing is that we still have old wooden windows so it was 82 in the coolest part do our house most of the day. The air doesn't go off til it's time to come on again. :crying::crying:


That's what it's like with our window AC in our old house. It gets old REALLY fast. Especially for sleeping. :grouphug::crying:

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We've had 4 days of 100+ temps. DH is a mechanic in a shop, so no air since the service doors are open all the time. Personally, we have not lost anything yet, but lots of trees around have died. All the grass is dead. My garden (that I water twice a day, early morning and late night) is struggling. We did not loose power in the derecho that blew through last week, but many were without power for almost a week.


My boys are going crazy inside the house. They are sensitive to the heat anyways, but this makes it impossible to be out for more than 5 minutes. It was 104 and humid today. Even the pool is to hot to be in. It is supposed to only be in the 80's tomorrow and for the next few days. We are looking forward to it! DH flew from here (IN) to FL this morning and it was about 15 degrees cooler in Tampa. He said it was nice!


I would have been a lousy pioneer wife...

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Today is supposed to be the last hot day for a while! It is very abnormal for it to get above 100 where I live, and espcially in early July. We do not have A/C and because of the way our windows work we don't have a window unit, just fans. Our house starts off cool in the morning and then will be between 88 and 91 in the afternoon/evening. As long as we take cold showers before bed then overnight is bearable.


So we have all been out of the house a lot lately going to places that are air conditioned -- movie theater, grocery store, Sam's Club, Dairy Queen, mall, etc. I figured we can splurge a little since our electric bill won't be nearly as high as those with air conditioning. I have also gone on a cooking strike and so we have lived on tacos, salads, smoothies, sandwiches, etc for the past few days. I'm so glad to have cooler weather coming as we are moving in a few weeks and I've been unable to get much done in the heat. Add to that the fact that I'm pregnant and trying not to exert myself and it's been a memorable week to say the least. :tongue_smilie:

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It's cooler "at home" in Florida (80s) than it is here in Ohio (104). :glare:


We've been staying in my dh's apartment while we have been househunting (closing on Wed.). The apartment cannot keep up with the temperature. Yesterday it was 85 degrees in here with the a/c running non-stop, and this is before I have cooked dinner. Also, I've put off ironing my dh's shirts this week because I did when it was in the upper 80s and was dripping in sweat.


I'm looking forward to a real a/c next weekend.

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After some record temps we got our cold front today. It was high-70s to mid-80s, breezy & wonderful. It was a tough week. We rarely left the house.


Sadly, a local woman was found dead in her home from the heat and an elderly man in the next town collapsed & died after a walk. :(

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After reading about the triple digit record temperatures for so many states, I just wanted to check in and see if everyone affected is okay.


As usual, if I have already missed this thread, just point me in the right direction.:tongue_smilie:


Sending you cool thoughts and hoping you and your loved ones stay healthy and comfortable.


You're so sweet Lisa! :) I love how you are always concerned for people. :grouphug: :grouphug:


To answer your question, I'm used to the heat here, but today was absolutely gorgeous! It was hot, but only in the 90's nothing like what some folks further north are dealing with and it was a glorious sunny day. I wanted to jump in the pool so bad and soak up the sun, but I had too much housework to do so I didn't. :glare:

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