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To Keep or Not to Keep Clothes...

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I've always kept the kids old clothes for the next sibling generally just for frugality. However, today for the first time I went through ds' clothes and didn't keep his old stuff, other than just a few things. As it is *if* I'm pregnant w/ a boy there will still be an 8 yr age gap between him and the next boy and to be honest that is a long time to store clothes. With my dd they are only 2y7m apart and dd1 is smaller frame so it makes sense to save her clothes but his, man it doesn't seem worth it to me as most of his are worn out already-passed-around 3 x play clothes.


So, what do you do? Keep, sell, donate? I'm just donating what's left there is nothing that is worth my time to sale, especially as I live so rurally a yard sale is not an option.

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Donate. What goes around, comes around. :) When the next one is big enough to need 8 year old clothes, you'll likely be able to find hand-me-downs or thrift store finds to keep him clothed without sacrificing 8 years worth of closet space. Plus, if your boy is anything like mine, clothes are pretty much trashed after use!

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Definitely donate. I have actually lived out your scenario--my 1 year old is almost 8 years younger than his next brother (there are 3 girls in between). As I have opened tubs of stored clothes, I have found clothes with stains that have appeared, elastic that has totally degenerated (on pajamas especially--Micah looks like he's wearing a barrel!), and stuff that just looks old. If I had known there would be such a big gap between boys, I would have gotten rid of all but favorites, and then replaced stuff at our big consignment sales!

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I am pregnant and my youngest is a tall 6 and a half year old. I am saving the clothes. They are a pain to store but I don't want to shop and rebuy. Plus this will be our last so I will clear out all the babystuff and clothes as this baby uses them.

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DONATE or trash.


I have 3 girls. A few years back, they were 6 years apart in clothing sizes, and 1-2 years apart for the younger two. Now the older two are in the same size with opposite body types, and the youngest is currently in girl size 10, with her sisters in Junior 5s.


Each girl had different body types, and wildly different senses of style. Plus, elastic gets completely rotted in storage- I was so mad that I had to throw away what someone else could have used.


Here is what I keep:

Dress/church shoes.

Winter outerwear

jeans, if there is no elastic in the waist.


dressy church/'wedding' type clothing.


Basically, anything that is expensive to replace, barely worn, and not too trendy gets kept.


Anything stained or worn out gets tossed. Anything with an elastic waist gets donated. Whatever matched the elastic waist pants gets donated, too. :D


Much of the girls clothing is handed down from someone else or bought secondhand.

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I've head about clothes going bad as well. I did keep a few items that were nicer but I didn't have a lot of that and some shoes that I kept. For my daughters it makes more sense to keep since they are so close but ds is rough on his clothes it makes more sense to keep those few church items and not worry about the rest.

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If I can sell thru a consignment store, I sell, but I also have her donate what is left at the end of the season. I don't want any back. THe rest I donate.



I don't store for that long. I used to save Link's stuff for Astro (they are 21 months apart), and I still do to some extent - but it doesn't require actual 'saving'. It's more putting them in the other drawer :lol: ...and Astro is past the point of a lot of things being able to be 'passed down' to him, since he's bigger than Link is (except Link has him by an inch or so in height). I did save a lot of their little stuff for in case I had another boy, and then I had Pink so I gave a lot to my SIL.

With Pink's stuff, I know she's the last so I've sold a LOT. I saved some, too, and just gave it to SIL as well. I'd say it's probably half and half...

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I just found out last night that we are actually having another girl, so IF we have another boy it will likely be about 11 yrs age difference, then of course another 5 or 6 yrs- or so for some of those clothes to even be used. I'm going to see if there is anyone who needs boy clothes and donate what I have saved for now. I don't have any special or handmade items, and not a ton that is nice either. Nearly all his clothes are hand-me-downs as it is. Technically I have space, but it would end up with my basement way more cluttered then I like. If I donate boy clothes it frees up room for girl clothes storage as well, which makes way more sense in our situation.

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If there is an outfit that is precious to you, keep it but otherwise donate the rest.


I have one small bag of things that I have kept, including the very first little outfit that all my children wore, one after another. The layette that I crocheted myself, and an outfit that my grandmother made for me when I was a baby, all 7 of my siblings used it and all my children.


My teen boys are all pretty much the same size now, and they wear out their clothes.

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