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When Did That Happen?!

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Wolf works w/a young women whose in the process of a divorce. She has 2 kids.


I've met her, we get along great.


Her and Wolf were chatting at work, and the topic of marriage came up...basically her asking him how we make our marriage work. She has a history of bad choices in relationships, and trying to figure out how to make better decisions for the future.


He chatted w/her for a bit, and suggested that she talk to me, since I was a single mom when we met.


That we were married 5 mths and 6 days from the day we met isn't exactly the 'right' way to do things...but we just had our 9th wedding anniversary in Apr, and are genuinely happy. I have to admit, I find it a bit freaky that someone is looking at *us* as an example of a marriage. When I said that to Wolf, he said, "Yup. We're adults now."


Well carp. When did *that* happen?!

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Dh and I are hitting 8 years this year and we also dated a short amount of time before marrying (4 months). I was a single mom and my oldest just graduated high school and is going off to college. And yeah, I still don't feel like the grown-up most of the time.


Now my ex and I dated for 2 1/2 years before getting married, made it 10 years but really it was only good for about 3 years. So who knows what's the right way.

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I guess I just dpon't feel 'qualified' if that makes sense.


Parenting, that I'm ok chatting about...Wolf calls me 'a 5th degree black belt' in parenting :lol: I've been a mom my entire adult life.


I think if she does ask me for advice (she's coming over Sat) I'm going to stick to my hard won experiences as a single parent. Thinking of it, I still have more time spent as a single mom than a married one! :001_huh:

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Hey at least you got married to him before popping out 3 kids with him :lol: I didn't marry my ex until 2.5 years after we met. I was however pregnant by the end of that first month we met, no one will ever be taking relationship advice from me, though July 8th will be my 12th wedding annviersary...too bad we have been separated for just over 11 years

Edited by swellmomma
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Darn you win. We were married 7 months after the first time we met;). Our 9th is in August.


I think I have you all beat! We married 2.5 months after we met, and this anniversary (November) will be #17!


Still trying to figure out where that time went, and if I can really be old enough to be at nearly 20 years of marriage!:001_huh:

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I agree it can seem odd to move into the "well seasoned" category. I thought we would be the last people ever to be giving out marital/life/parenthood advice, but after 18 years together and having climbed many mountains we at least have some sound thoughts to offer.

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I'm right there with you, Imp...people are always asking dh & marraige questions. We totally do not feel "qualified" for this either. We were 18 when we met, 2 months later we were engaged, and 7 months after that we were married, and the roller coaster began! There were many people that swore that we would never make it and would end up divorced before the end of the first year...now some of those people are asking us for advice!:lol: We have 6 kids and another on the way and we've been married for 17 years. I guess people think that just because we have so many kids and are still "sane" (hahahaha...little do they know!:lol:), we have unlocked some secret to the perfect marriage. :D Good luck with your marriage counseling...:tongue_smilie:

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I still find it odd when people ask me parenting advice. I can't imagine getting relationship questions. I guess there is a part of me that still vividly remembers watching Saved By The Bell and being excited about getting a large locker like they had when I went to high school.


Surely that doesn't seem THAT long ago. {sigh}

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I'm still concerned that people seem to consider me an adult. I mean.... granted I'll be 27 soon, and when I see OTHER 27 year old people, THEY seem to be adult-like, but I certainly don't feel like an adult. I feel like I'm just faking it. :lol:


And please don't ask me parenting advice. I don't have a child. I have a baby. An itty, bitty, teeny, tiny little baby. I'm not grown enough to have a *child*. Right? (Please excuse me while I continue into my land of denial.... :lol:)



Aug what? (My birthday is in Aug ;))


When is your birthday??? I'm August 10th. :D

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Yeah, I admit I snicker a bit when ppl do a dbl take at me when I tell them not only do I have 5 kids, but my eldest will be 20 this yr and is in the Navy.


Still, me? Giving marital/relationship advice? Eeep.


My oldest is 23. I'm still working on the grownup thing. I think I'm pretty much the same person I was 20 years ago. I don't know what that says about me, though. :001_huh:

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I'm still concerned that people seem to consider me an adult. I mean.... granted I'll be 27 soon, and when I see OTHER 27 year old people, THEY seem to be adult-like, but I certainly don't feel like an adult. I feel like I'm just faking it. :lol:


And please don't ask me parenting advice. I don't have a child. I have a baby. An itty, bitty, teeny, tiny little baby. I'm not grown enough to have a *child*. Right? (Please excuse me while I continue into my land of denial.... :lol:)





When is your birthday??? I'm August 10th. :D

I feel more confident about my parenting than my mad marriage skillz. I mean, they're all fed and stuff. :tongue_smilie:


Birthday is the 9th :D

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Wolf works w/a young women whose in the process of a divorce. She has 2 kids.


I've met her, we get along great.


Her and Wolf were chatting at work, and the topic of marriage came up...basically her asking him how we make our marriage work. She has a history of bad choices in relationships, and trying to figure out how to make better decisions for the future.


He chatted w/her for a bit, and suggested that she talk to me, since I was a single mom when we met.


That we were married 5 mths and 6 days from the day we met isn't exactly the 'right' way to do things...but we just had our 9th wedding anniversary in Apr, and are genuinely happy. I have to admit, I find it a bit freaky that someone is looking at *us* as an example of a marriage. When I said that to Wolf, he said, "Yup. We're adults now."


Well carp. When did *that* happen?!


LOL. Very sweet and boundary estastablishing that he suggested she talk to you.

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When I said that to Wolf, he said, "Yup. We're adults now."


Well carp. When did *that* happen?!


LOL Love this! Congratulations on 9 years together Imp. :hurray: :party: :cheers2: DH and I will be married 16 years this November. We haven't seemed to have grown up yet though. :p

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I still find it odd when people ask me parenting advice. I can't imagine getting relationship questions. I guess there is a part of me that still vividly remembers watching Saved By The Bell and being excited about getting a large locker like they had when I went to high school.


Surely that doesn't seem THAT long ago. {sigh}



I know what you mean.


Though I felt like an adult the other day when I answered my son's questions with "Because I said so!"


He wanted a pet goat, to ride the dog down the stairs, and something else which I had to tell him no. He asked why and didn't like my reasonable explanation, so I went with that. It worked and now I'm my mother.


I've been asked for relationship advice. It's very weird. I'm 30 and have been with DH for 13 years now, married for almost 9. I don't have good advice, I was a kid when we were set up on a blind date and it all worked out.

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I know what you mean.


Though I felt like an adult the other day when I answered my son's questions with "Because I said so!"


He wanted a pet goat, to ride the dog down the stairs, and something else which I had to tell him no. He asked why and didn't like my reasonable explanation, so I went with that. It worked and now I'm my mother.


I've been asked for relationship advice. It's very weird. I'm 30 and have been with DH for 13 years now, married for almost 9. I don't have good advice, I was a kid when we were set up on a blind date and it all worked out.


:) My mother used to say that all the time too. :)


Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything. :crying: I wonder why???? What's wrong with me???



















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LOL. Very sweet and boundary estastablishing that he suggested she talk to you.

I met her Mon night, at a going away party for Wolf's boss. Wolf then hosted a 'golf' game (He had me collect all our formula and coffee cans for a few wks, and then put them in pre-existing badger and groundhog holes for the 'course' to thank his employees for all their hard work, and had a bbq after) on Wed. For whatever reason, she's decided she really likes me/us :lol: I guess we're her style of 'weird'.

Adult is such a harsh word. It just implies so much hard work and hassle. Surely we can come up with a better name. Except I'm not creative. :tongue_smilie:

Hmmmm. Maybe more coffee will help me come up w/something.

:) My mother used to say that all the time too. :)


Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything. :crying: I wonder why???? What's wrong with me???




















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