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So what is your vote for the worst movie?

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Oh I forgot about Valley Girl! That is a Nic Cage movie I like also...


I LOVED Eternal Sunshine. I have no idea why. My husband said he could barely make it through and I just LOVED it. He also hated What Dreams May Come and I loved it. Hmmm. To each their own, I guess.



I really like Kevin Smith movies (Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy) but I didn't like Dogma...at all. Ugh.

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WARNING...SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you haven't seen Fight Club and want to, don't read post.





















A note on the Fight Club movie...I just couldn't get into it. Then the ending...come ON! He's hitting himself?? LOL My husband and I spent the next week, making each other hit ourselves and yelling, "STOP hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself."




But..I know people really like the movie...I just didn't get it or something.


Oh. One bright spot in Fight Club was Helen Bonham Carter. I think she is so talented and weird and cool. She creeps me out but in a good way. lol

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But I can. not. stand Jesus Christ Superstar. And the thing is, my dh LOVES it. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate that "movie" (I've never seen it on stage, nor do I have any intention, not that it's showing anywhere anymore).


I walked out of "Me, Myself and Irene". The only movie I ever walked out of the theater on.


Dh and I just watched and turned off "Across the Universe" last night. We enjoy musicals, but that was just stupid.


I didn't like "Casino" because it made me angry. There was so much anger in the movie, the feelings transferred to me even though I had nothing to be angry about, LOL. Make sense?


I don't care for Renee Zellweger


Dh and I just watched and turned off "Across the Universe" last night. We enjoy musicals, but that was just stupid.


I don't care for Gwyneth Paltrow, but was pleasantly surprised with "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". Really enjoyed that one.


As far as KC goes, he doesn't bother me. Some of his movies I don't like (including Bull Durham), but I really liked "Mr. Brooks". Not because it was a "good" movie from a moral point of view, but because he did a good job. It was dark, but well done.


Did NOT like "American Beauty" at. all.


Agree about JA - she was great on Friends and that's it.


Never saw Solaris or "Alexander" (I knew better on that one. Come on...Colin Farrell? Angelina Jolie? That was a no-brainer it would suck, LOL)

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Little Miss Sunshine was wonderful! The end was so great... power of love and family over disfunction and all that. I saw it on an airplane the first time, and even in its butchered state the end made me cry....


My son and I had a great time watching this one, and couldn't wait for Sweetie to come home to watch it with us. We thought he'd love it! Nope -- he just stared at us like we were "off" -- LOL! And he loves "weird" stuff -- so I guess it was just too weird for him! :lol:

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Actually, I liked it! lol... It's true that you can't go into it expecting a historical epic. That's not what it is. But it does manage to give the feel for a particular point in history -- the over-the-top decadence that is so ultimately unfulfilling, the obliviousness to anything outside the main characters' expansive and yet ultimately very *small* world... It's very beautiful to look at, the soundtrack --while completely anachronistic -- fits with Coppola's interpretation of the time...


It *is* slow and languorous. Not a great deal happens. And ultimately, it's really deeply sad -- and not so much because of the ending we all know is coming, but because there really isn't much meaning to be found in wardrobe.


I wonder if I would have liked it more if I hadn't had unreasonable expectations going in -- but now I'll never know! Darn it! :)

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My son and I had a great time watching this one, and couldn't wait for Sweetie to come home to watch it with us. We thought he'd love it! Nope -- he just stared at us like we were "off"



This happens to us, too. Goodfellas? I HATED it, DH loved it. Emma w/ Gwynnie? I LOVED it, DH subtitled it, "They Came to Talk." Raising Arizona? Brilliant! DH despises this movie. Steel Magnolias? I can take it or leave it. DH actually got up and walked out--he couldn't take the bad Southern accents. He can't understand my love for Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, which he considers puerile. Puh-leez! Modern masterpiece! But sometimes we agree: We BOTH loathed ad eventually walked out on The English Patient.

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I thought "The Golden Compass" fell far short of it's hype. Dh and I previewed it (we were thinking of watching it with our children as an incentive to discuss the Phillip Pullman/anti God phenomena), and we were surprised at the thought of so much money going into this film, only for it to fall short. We were hoping for great special effects, but none seemed to catch our fancy.





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Oh that's easy: Con Air with Nicholas Cage. It was the first time since my new baby was born that we could go see a movie, and *nothing* was showing anywhere. We chose Con Air basically because we didn't know anything about it.


Mistake. Bad, very bad mistake.


We still talk about how truly awful that movie was.

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Oh that's easy: Con Air with Nicholas Cage. It was the first time since my new baby was born that we could go see a movie, and *nothing* was showing anywhere. We chose Con Air basically because we didn't know anything about it.


Mistake. Bad, very bad mistake.


We still talk about how truly awful that movie was.


Aw, come on, you didn't like Nicolas Cage with long air and a bad accent?

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Aw, come on, you didn't like Nicolas Cage with long air and a bad accent?


It had the misfortune of combining two elements that make a movie detestable: 1) it was a bad movie, and 2) I was so desperate for a break from nonstop motherhood I would have been happy to see almost anything, and it took my short-lived break and WASTED it.



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As far as slightly weird/gothic movies go, I'm more of a Tim Burton kind of fan than a David Lynch fan. And anything Joss Whedon does is golden. Off the wall is good, but I need the humor!


Other movies mentioned earlier:

I do like Rocky Horror- but could not stand The Mask. Shudder. I think I must have been in the completely wrong frame of mind when I went to go see that one.


Tim Burton and Joss Whedon are my two FAVORITE people in the world, other than my husband and kids!!!

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This happens to us, too. Goodfellas? I HATED it, DH loved it. Emma w/ Gwynnie? I LOVED it, DH subtitled it, "They Came to Talk." Raising Arizona? Brilliant! DH despises this movie. Steel Magnolias? I can take it or leave it. DH actually got up and walked out--he couldn't take the bad Southern accents. He can't understand my love for Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, which he considers puerile. Puh-leez! Modern masterpiece! But sometimes we agree: We BOTH loathed ad eventually walked out on The English Patient.


LOL! Hopefully you found something productive or fun to do with the rest of the evening. "The English Patient" is one that I haven't watched yet. But from some of the comments here, it looks like I'm not missing much. :D


I couldn't watch "Goodfellas" -- I tried and tried, because that's another one that we can't get together on. I just can't get past the language. I don't mind the occasional expletive, but when none of the characters can seem to put together a sentence without dropping the "F" bomb, it gets old pretty quick. I don't think I've managed more than ten minutes at a time on that one. So at that rate, I might get through the whole movie in ten years or so. :lol:

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But I can. not. stand Jesus Christ Superstar. And the thing is, my dh LOVES it. I can't even begin to describe how much I hate that "movie" (I've never seen it on stage, nor do I have any intention, not that it's showing anywhere anymore).


I walked out of "Me, Myself and Irene". The only movie I ever walked out of the theater on.


Dh and I just watched and turned off "Across the Universe" last night. We enjoy musicals, but that was just stupid.


I didn't like "Casino" because it made me angry. There was so much anger in the movie, the feelings transferred to me even though I had nothing to be angry about, LOL. Make sense?


I don't care for Renee Zellweger


Dh and I just watched and turned off "Across the Universe" last night. We enjoy musicals, but that was just stupid.


I don't care for Gwyneth Paltrow, but was pleasantly surprised with "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". Really enjoyed that one.


As far as KC goes, he doesn't bother me. Some of his movies I don't like (including Bull Durham), but I really liked "Mr. Brooks". Not because it was a "good" movie from a moral point of view, but because he did a good job. It was dark, but well done.


Did NOT like "American Beauty" at. all.


Agree about JA - she was great on Friends and that's it.


Never saw Solaris or "Alexander" (I knew better on that one. Come on...Colin Farrell? Angelina Jolie? That was a no-brainer it would suck, LOL)


American Beauty. We netflixed this and my dh and I watched about ten minutes and thought, would these people get OVER themselves? I have no patience for made up angst. And it was just so creepy how the husband gets this infantile lust for his daughter's friend. Gosh, what a depressing, depressing movie and that people thought it was TRUTH and it won the Oscar or some such thing made it worse.


Probably I'm being unfair but we had such a visceral reaction to it. Ugh.

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I should have known better, Waterworld being a Kevin Costner vehicle. However, it had a promising start, what with the urine and all, but, even before it started to get ridiculous, DH leaned over and asked me why everyone was so dirty. It was all I could think about for the rest of the movie.
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I should have known better, Waterworld being a Kevin Costner vehicle. However, it had a promising start, what with the urine and all, but, even before it started to get ridiculous, DH leaned over and asked me why everyone was so dirty. It was all I could think about for the rest of the movie.


Good question! I guess soap was at a premium, but they certainly had plenty of water. :D

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Actually, I liked it! lol... It's true that you can't go into it expecting a historical epic. That's not what it is. But it does manage to give the feel for a particular point in history -- the over-the-top decadence that is so ultimately unfulfilling, the obliviousness to anything outside the main characters' expansive and yet ultimately very *small* world... It's very beautiful to look at, the soundtrack --while completely anachronistic -- fits with Coppola's interpretation of the time...


It *is* slow and languorous. Not a great deal happens. And ultimately, it's really deeply sad -- and not so much because of the ending we all know is coming, but because there really isn't much meaning to be found in wardrobe.


I agree completely! I think there is enough of the essence of Marie Antoinette in the movie for me to completely love it even though there is a lack of dialogue. These movies give me something visual to attach what I know about these historical figures and Versailles is beautiful. Tragic story but I enjoyed it!:D

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What a fun thread...I've gotten many laughs over your suggestions.


I do like Bull Durham and Field of Dreams, but nothing else with KC. I love baseball and baseball movies. :D


Movies I intensely dislike...gee, the list is long, but here are my tops in the bottom department.


Napoleon Dynamite. Couldn't sit through it.

White Men Can't Jump. Gag. Best friend and I sat through it thinking it HAD to get better. It didn't.

Children of Men. Dark, depressing, violent, and pointless.

The Accidental Tourist. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz


The only thing I like Nicolas Cage in are the National Treasure movies. In the beginning of his acting career he sounded as if he were reading the words off a cue card. He was a poor reader, too. :D


There are so many more bad movies than good ones. Too bad.

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The Accidental Tourist. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz


I watched that one a long, long time ago and don't really know if I felt one way or another. Then my mother told me she thought I was like Geena Davis in that movie -- that pretty much nixed it right there. :lol:

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Wasn't this the movie where most of the world was covered in water but everybody smoked cigarettes. My mil saw it and said she kept wondering where they grew all that tobacco!!!!!
They didn't grow it; IIRC they either dove for cigarettes in sunken containers or there were some on cargo ships or a combination of these.
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And for the I-can't stand-Richard-Gere anti-fan club, one of the worst films ever made was the 1983 "remake" of Jean-Luc Godard's 1959 French New Wave classic "Breathless" (one of my favorite films) with Gere and Valérie Kaprisky.


This one was beyond AWFUL.



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Which Midnight Movie person were you?


Rocky Horror Picture Show




The Wall?




OOoooo, the Wall without a doubt! I cannot watch people shave any part of their body now because of this movie, which I first saw 20 years ago.



Worst movie I have seen: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (again Jim Carrey).


I also really hate 2001, Space Odyssey (saw it in college , the only movie that I have walked out of the movie theatre).

I really LOVE both those movies. Really.


I thought "The Golden Compass" fell far short of it's hype. Dh and I previewed it (we were thinking of watching it with our children as an incentive to discuss the Phillip Pullman/anti God phenomena), and we were surprised at the thought of so much money going into this film, only for it to fall short. We were hoping for great special effects, but none seemed to catch our fancy.

I was really disappointed in this one too.


I should have known better, Waterworld being a Kevin Costner vehicle. However, it had a promising start, what with the urine and all, but, even before it started to get ridiculous, DH leaned over and asked me why everyone was so dirty. It was all I could think about for the rest of the movie.



I ambivalent towards both Kevin Costner and Nicholas Cage, sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't, depends on the movie. The actor I really can't stand AT ALL is Michael McConaughey.

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Zoinks! I was bleeped! How funny--I didn't even think about the fact that the title might be construed as vulgarity. :tongue_smilie:


Well, that's a first for me. Anyway, the bleeped word rhymes with crammed. Starring Stuart Townsend. Avoid at all costs.

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In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale.


I don't know what we were thinking when we rented this. Well, my guess is that poor dh is so starved for a good action movie, that he got desperate. At least we had the wherewithal to stop when it got about twenty minutes or so into it. (It's hard to convince my dh to stop watching something when he's paid five good American dollars for the privilege. The fact that he didn't argue with me should tell you something big.)


But that's twenty minutes of my life I won't ever get back.

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Ok, I actually liked "The Royal Tennenbaums". :) I must of watched it on an off day. I must have been in the mood for something really dry.
Aw, I liked it. :) Not even Gwyneth Paltrow could ruin it for me.
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