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What gives your life purpose?

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DH and I have been in a rut lately and we realized part of the problem is we don't DO anything. He goes to work, comes home and plays runescape LOL. I school the kids, run a few errands ,which I condense onto days my DS goes to theraphy, and that's it. We are once again churchless, so weekends are long and boring. We don't have family or friends so there is no BBQs and get togethers. We haven't gone on vacation in 9 years? We haven't gone anywhere in ages other than said errands.


I am bored out of my mind and feel like our life has no purpose lately. There has got to be more to life than watching CSI alone every night. :001_huh:


We don't have much $, so doing a lot of field trips is out of the question. We used to enjoy going for a ride on Sunday afternoons, but with gas at $4 a gallon, thats out too. My oldest DD is really struggling with the same feelings I am having too.


So, what fills your days and fullfills your life? Where do I/we go from here?

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Calling, vocation... I see my work as a calling from God. You have sooo much to occupy your time - I can't imagine being "bored" with 10 children!! And homeschooling! And all that you've accomplished with nutrition and health in the last year or so. I think a new perspective would help rather than more to do!!!


Some books to recommend...


The Callings... The Gospel in the World, Paul Helms



Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper



And another book to recommed for those mid life "what have I done and what am I doing with my life" panicky feelings that are common to so many of us!

Lost in the Middle, Paul Tripp




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Well, we don't do much either as far as entertainment. My dh and I sit out in the orchard with a Mike's :) (could be iced tea) and talk when he comes home. We talk walks together and hold hands. We've been watching the entire series of All Creatures Great and Small lately. We run in the irrigation water with the kids. I guess we're in a kind of rut too, but I don't really mind it much.


I guess it's my children and husband that give me purpose. I've been in a faith quandry lately, but I still believe God has a purpose for me and that it is my family.



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But I am bored. I need something more than just HSing the kids, kwim? Of course once school starts, I will probably whine that I am too busy. Maybe I am just nuts.


Thanks for the book recommendations.


Any hobbies? Sewing, quilting, gardening, baking bread? I've been wanting to learn to spin and weave. Of course, that would take money I don't have. Something new you want to learn? Some girlfriends to go with for coffee? Sometimes I re-arrange furniture although the husband doesn't always appreciate it....



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We used to enjoy going for a ride on Sunday afternoons, but with gas at $4 a gallon, thats out too.


How about replacing the Sunday afternoon drive with a weekend walk or hike? I know that for my family, spending time outdoors really "recharges our batteries". For my dh, it is nothing less than a spiritual experience which is deeply important for him. You said that you are churchless right now, so I will mention that my dh has commented that he does not need a church when he has a mountain to climb. :) Not saying you have to climb mountains to have a rewarding and fulfilling experience! But time spent outdoors, I believe, really fulfills a need that many modern people don't even realize that they have. Regardless of what religious perspective you come from, it can be a rewarding thing. From a Christian point of view, I think it would be deeply fulfilling to spend time enjoying God's beautiful creation. From my Buddhist point of view, it is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings. From any point of view, there's just something very satisfying about moving the body, breathing the fresh air deeply, soaking up the sunshine, and listening to birdsong!

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I hope you didn't think I was being condescending - I have a great deal of respect for you!


Maybe one of the keys in your post is that you are churchless in your new community? Not getting with friends? Not serving outside of your immediate family? Maybe God will use this emptiness to lead you to a new church family.

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I hope you didn't think I was being condescending - I have a great deal of respect for you!


Maybe one of the keys in your post is that you are churchless in your new community? Not getting with friends? Not serving outside of your immediate family? Maybe God will use this emptiness to lead you to a new church family.



I know that for our family, the first year after we moved I struggled a lot with feeling like our weeks had a direction without a church home. We were visiting a couple of different churches, so we were worshiping every Sunday, but until we found a place to belong and build into, I felt adrift in our new home.


Most of our friendships have always come from within our church community and it was hard waiting to find the right place to begin to build those again. So I guess I would encourage you (Jean) and your dh to at least build family worship into your Sunday morning (or afternoon!) and continue to try and find a church home where you can be challenged and encouraged to grow in your faith and serve other believers. It's hard though, to church visit and try and find one where you really feel you can connect with others and belong. :001_smile:



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I hope you didn't think I was being condescending - I have a great deal of respect for you!


Maybe one of the keys in your post is that you are churchless in your new community? Not getting with friends? Not serving outside of your immediate family? Maybe God will use this emptiness to lead you to a new church family.



No, no. I appreicate your post! I have been praying for a church and hopefully once that happens some other areas of our life will fall into place.

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I don't know. It used to be that my family and the house were enough. They aren't anymore.


But trying to do any hobby type things is an exercise in frustration. I can't get ten minutes in a row without being interrupted by someone needing something. I wish it were easy and I know I will miss the interruptions someday. But today is not that day.


Today I want to do something for me. And I can't.

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Any hobbies? Sewing, quilting, gardening, baking bread? I've been wanting to learn to spin and weave. Of course, that would take money I don't have. Something new you want to learn? Some girlfriends to go with for coffee? Sometimes I re-arrange furniture although the husband doesn't always appreciate it....




I do like to sew, but I am not really good at it. Once day I do want to learn. I'd love to take a class or something, maybe painting? but no money and its hard to justify spending $ on a class I don't "need". I don't have any friends here yet.


LOL @ the furniture, we do that too. Dh never knows what the house is going to look like when he gets home :)

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I know that for our family, the first year after we moved I struggled a lot with feeling like our weeks had a direction without a church home. We were visiting a couple of different churches, so we were worshiping every Sunday, but until we found a place to belong and build into, I felt adrift in our new home.


I have been praying. We did attend a church since we got here, but have since moved on. While there we didn't realy connect with anyone because everyone was older 55 and we are in a different season then them. It's hard to go over for a BBQ when they are kidless and we have 10 kids, kwim? LOL

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I don't know. It used to be that my family and the house were enough. They aren't anymore.


But trying to do any hobby type things is an exercise in frustration. I can't get ten minutes in a row without being interrupted by someone needing something. I wish it were easy and I know I will miss the interruptions someday. But today is not that day.


Today I want to do something for me. And I can't.



I completely understand! :grouphug:

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I'm kind of there with you. So many summer activities have been cancelled and the days just feel dull. I love reading...the library flooded...Now I'm trying to garden organically and I'm not that good at it. Anyway...my days feel the same and I feel your pain.


My search for a church is taking longer, way longer than I could ever imagine. I'm looking for one with a ladies bible study. I really miss that weekly morning out....:grouphug:





DH and I have been in a rut lately and we realized part of the problem is we don't DO anything. He goes to work, comes home and plays runescape LOL. I school the kids, run a few errands ,which I condense onto days my DS goes to theraphy, and that's it. We are once again churchless, so weekends are long and boring. We don't have family or friends so there is no BBQs and get togethers. We haven't gone on vacation in 9 years? We haven't gone anywhere in ages other than said errands.


I am bored out of my mind and feel like our life has no purpose lately. There has got to be more to life than watching CSI alone every night. :001_huh:


We don't have much $, so doing a lot of field trips is out of the question. We used to enjoy going for a ride on Sunday afternoons, but with gas at $4 a gallon, thats out too. My oldest DD is really struggling with the same feelings I am having too.


So, what fills your days and fullfills your life? Where do I/we go from here?

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I'm kind of there with you. So many summer activities have been cancelled and the days just feel dull. I love reading...the library flooded...Now I'm trying to garden organically and I'm not that good at it. Anyway...my days feel the same and I feel your pain.


My search for a church is taking longer, way longer than I could ever imagine. I'm looking for one with a ladies bible study. I really miss that weekly morning out....:grouphug:




I am sorry you are going through this, too! :grouphug: I never thought being without a church would be so hard. I really need that fellowship. I will be praying you find a church soon.

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How about volunteering for something in the community? You could do this alone, with your dh, or with your whole family. Your city or county probably has opportunities in a local park. My city has a volunteer park patrol, which I don't have time for, but sounds like a lot of fun. Our local Humane Society has volunteer dog walkers. Our police dept. has neighborhood watch coordinators..you get the idea.

Volunteering for more community-oriented activies gives you an opportunity to put your faith in action outside the church.

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So, what fills your days and fullfills your life? Where do I/we go from here?


My belief in God and wanting to go to Heaven pretty much gives me fulfillment.


Aside from that, my friends and family.


As for you, I don't have any words.

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Do you always take a break?


I can see why you might want to recharge, but I wonder whether the stress of homeschooling all your children would be easier on you if you kept it up at a lower level during most of the year instead of intensely for the normal school year (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood you).


My inclination if there was a period where I was bored would be to read, knit, run, study the Bible (preferably in community with a small group of other adults) and hike. Wild nature enriches me incredibly, and I love sharing that with children as well.


But if EVERYONE was bored, I would probably start a simple unit study a la Steward Ship. I would pick a history or art or science topic, get a bunch of books about it, read a non-fiction and a fiction book aloud every day for about an hour total, and have the kids read, write, do vocabulary, and labbook or notebook about the topic. I would keep it light and fun, and I would either pick a topic that I would enjoy learning about as well as having the kids learn, or that I know and love and never seem to get to with the kids.


I actually think that it's good for kids to be a bit bored sometimes, as long as they aren't allowed to fill their time with screen time. If they have plenty of art and writing materials available to them, and hopefully some building and/or science materials, they will probably get pretty creative once the initial whinefest is over.


Hey! Don't they need a clubhouse? Or maybe a fantasy castle? Or maybe a couple of forts? If you don't favor carpentry, there are always refrigerator boxes.

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Well, saying it gives my life meaning might be a stretch . . . but I've started two things in the last year that have helped.


First, I've been more intentional in my personal reading. I select a mix of fun and challenging books to read in the next three months. It pushes me to read instead of falling into the TV default, and I feel it sets a good model of lifelong learning for the kids. And, it's fun and exciting to read good books and learn new things. :D


Second, I started a blog. I like practicing my writing voice in a way I can't do in my day job (technical writer), and it's a fun way to keep our far away family and friends informed on our lives.


Best of luck finding what works for you.

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Jean, I do understand where you're coming from. I am easily bored, myself, although I often wonder how I find the time to be bored and I only have 3 children, LOL! I think it's that my brain yearns for stimulation from something other than the children.


I knit, cross-stitch and scrapbook. I realize that none of these are exceptionally low-cost hobbies, and if I didn't have a huge stash of stuff already I would not be able to do any of them. If you have a digital camera, you can get free digital scrapbooking software and free graphics and give that a try. It's a lot of fun. Of course, printing is not free, but you could have the files on your computer and print as you have time.


I LOVE to read. When I need to do something for me, I read a fun book. I am not talking about books on becoming a better parent or homeschooler; I like fantasy/sci-fi and I will find something in that genre. Reading is a good hobby because with a library card, it's free! :D


You mentioned that you might like to take a painting class someday. Well, how about doing something like Drawing With Children (Or, Drawing With Older Children And Teens)? Teach yourself to draw! I would love to do that. Actually my kids really want to learn to draw so the nice thing to do would be to let them play, too, but you know, I could see myself doing this at night when they were in bed so that I could enjoy it for myself.


I don't know that these things give my life purpose, per se, but they do make it a whole lot more fun! I hope you can find something that will work for you.

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Our school years are usually so busy that it's a big shock to my system when suddenly summer is here and we have so much less to do. It takes me a couple of weeks (or more) to decompress so I can relax.


But lately, there's been more of an unsettled, restless feeling in me that seems much like what you describe. Dh (a pastor) says that when someone is feeling unsettled or restless, it is often God calling and preparing that person for something that He has for him/her to do. He allows us to become dissatisfied with the way things are so that we will be ready to move forward when He opens the door.


In my case, with ER going off to college in a few short weeks, I know that big changes are in store for our family. Also, dh, as I mentioned, is a pastor, but we are sensing that it is time to move on to another facet of ministry. We will be taking on new roles, and I think God is preparing us for that.

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Just letting you know..you are so not alone! No advice..but I'm so with you! I have no friends at our new location, no church family and I miss my parents. I just can't seem to find my groove at our new location. Hugs and hang in there!:grouphug:


PS...I can't wait for school to start...I feel like I wander around like a lost puppy. I hate summer vacation.

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Do you always take a break?


I can see why you might want to recharge, but I wonder whether the stress of homeschooling all your children would be easier on you if you kept it up at a lower level during most of the year instead of intensely for the normal school year (Please forgive me if I have misunderstood you).


We are on break. Maybe doing something like a unit study would be a good idea. I am sure the kids would roll thier eyes lol, but maybe thats what I need.

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First, I've been more intentional in my personal reading. I select a mix of fun and challenging books to read in the next three months. It pushes me to read instead of falling into the TV default, and I feel it sets a good model of lifelong learning for the kids. And, it's fun and exciting to read good books and learn new things. :D


Second, I started a blog. I like practicing my writing voice in a way I can't do in my day job (technical writer), and it's a fun way to keep our far away family and friends informed on our lives.


Best of luck finding what works for you.


I have a blog and have been terrible about updating it! Good reminder :) As for reading, I do enjoy it, but haven't been able to get into a book lately. I will have to try again. I have a few books hanging around that I haven't gotten too.

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I knit, cross-stitch and scrapbook. I realize that none of these are exceptionally low-cost hobbies, and if I didn't have a huge stash of stuff already I would not be able to do any of them. If you have a digital camera, you can get free digital scrapbooking software and free graphics and give that a try. It's a lot of fun. Of course, printing is not free, but you could have the files on your computer and print as you have time.


I LOVE to read. When I need to do something for me, I read a fun book. I am not talking about books on becoming a better parent or homeschooler; I like fantasy/sci-fi and I will find something in that genre. Reading is a good hobby because with a library card, it's free! :D


You mentioned that you might like to take a painting class someday. Well, how about doing something like Drawing With Children (Or, Drawing With Older Children And Teens)? Teach yourself to draw! I would love to do that. Actually my kids really want to learn to draw so the nice thing to do would be to let them play, too, but you know, I could see myself doing this at night when they were in bed so that I could enjoy it for myself.



I do have a digital camera and have a TON of pics on my computer ( organizing those could fill my time till I was 50 lol). I bet my Dd's would enjoy helping make scrap books, too.


I will see if my library has any of the drawing books. That might be a good start.


Thanks for the great ideas.

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But lately, there's been more of an unsettled, restless feeling in me that seems much like what you describe. Dh (a pastor) says that when someone is feeling unsettled or restless, it is often God calling and preparing that person for something that He has for him/her to do. He allows us to become dissatisfied with the way things are so that we will be ready to move forward when He opens the door.


I have been thinking @ this lately. I am doubting why He moved us to Maine then here and I know He doesn't make mistakes, but I wish I knew what the point was/is. I really need to think and pray on this. I am struggling with being content where I am.

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Just letting you know..you are so not alone! No advice..but I'm so with you! I have no friends at our new location, no church family and I miss my parents. I just can't seem to find my groove at our new location. Hugs and hang in there!:grouphug:


PS...I can't wait for school to start...I feel like I wander around like a lost puppy. I hate summer vacation.



:grouphug: Sorry you are struggling, too.

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But I am bored. I need something more than just HSing the kids, kwim? Of course once school starts, I will probably whine that I am too busy. Maybe I am just nuts.


Thanks for the book recommendations.


I go through this at times too. We are a family that thrives on routine, and we all do best with this, but at times it gets plain old boring! Some simple things-get the whole family out and take a walk together. Develop this as a habit. I love our evening walks (sometimes the kids ride their bike, or scooter). Get a reading list and challenge yourself that way. Play a game together? I know the ages of your kids make this harder, but perhaps you could find something. Have you and dh talked about volunteering somewhere together?


These are simple answers to a deeper question. Maybe the could help, maybe not. Sometimes when I am bored it is a bit of a spiritual priority problem for me. I am trying this summer, while I have more time, to drink more deeply from the spiritual well-spending more time in prayer and reading the Bible. I'm also reading the book What's So Amazing About Grace, which is wonderful!

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Jean, is it possible that you're still adjusting to the move here? It can take quite a long time to feel really settled in and having no friends or family can prolong that. But look at it this way, this can be a special time for your family if you spend it doing the things only families can do together now. Can that be your life purpose for this season of life? Later on, as you find a church or groups to join, you'll have less time together as a family. Maybe you can have a meeting or something with your family and make a list of fun and free things to do together and make a plan to do them and follow through on that. The other posters had great ideas. Just plan on having fun even if you may not feel like it at that time. I understand, having been through this several times.

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I don't really know the answer for you, but I wanted to say that I do know what you mean. I really think that most of us (probably all) need something outside of our kids to keep us sane, to give us a sense of identity, etc.


For me, I love writing. And painting. Sometimes scrapbooking, sewing, redecorating. But sometimes the scrapbooking, sewing, decorating are all still too family-focused. Sometimes I need an outlet for *me* to remember that I'm an individual, a person. That I can *think* lol.


So no help, but sympathy. I hope you find what you're looking for! And I hope you don't give up or feel silly. It's important, whatever it is. !!! :grouphug:

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asking questions and seeking answers through prayer is evidence that you're trying to be open to God's leading.


...I know He doesn't make mistakes, but I wish I knew what the point was/is. I really need to think and pray on this. I am struggling with being content where I am.


I will remember you in my prayers! :grouphug:

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I hesitate to mention this, because I don't want it to seem like I am spamming, but it has been so much of a blessing to my family. :) I signed up as an Usborne Books consultant (with Brigitte, actually!) about 6 months ago, and it has been so much fun. I love working with other Moms, I really enjoy the professional aspect of working with schools and libraries, and I thrive on the challenge. My kids love all the free books, and the commissions are getting bigger every month, but I mostly have to say that I get a kick out of the job itself. I am very part-time, but I still am meeting a ton of new people, and bringing something of real value to them- it's been fantastic. I just delivered $800 worth of free books to a daycare last week, and the director was practically in tears with gratitude. It has been really rewarding. :)


That said, we spent 2 years church shopping, and it was worth the effort. Keep trying the ones you don't think will work for whatever preconceived reason. We ended up loving one that I originally didn't even think about going to.


Blessings, Amy

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Jean, is it possible that you're still adjusting to the move here?


I think that has some to do with it, but I am feeling like we don't have roots. I used to miss NH so much when we lived in Maine and now I could care less @ going back, other than an occsional pang of home sickness. I really disliked Maine, but now I am regretting not enjoying it more and being content there. I feel like we made a mistake coming here and we should have worked harder to be happy in Maine. I really felt the Lord called us there and we blew it. Almost like moving here is our punishment for not obeying His call. I am not UNhapy here and don't dislike Arkansas, but I could move in a heart beat and it wouldn't bother me. But move where? Move why? There is no reason to leave and we don't have anywhere to go even if there was. Not sure what this has to do with my feeling blah. Is this a mid-life crisis? LOL

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I don't really know the answer for you, but I wanted to say that I do know what you mean. I really think that most of us (probably all) need something outside of our kids to keep us sane, to give us a sense of identity, etc.


For me, I love writing. And painting. Sometimes scrapbooking, sewing, redecorating. But sometimes the scrapbooking, sewing, decorating are all still too family-focused. Sometimes I need an outlet for *me* to remember that I'm an individual, a person. That I can *think* lol.




Thanks. I would like to find some kind of hobby. I need to just DO it. I have ideas then I talk myself out of it. lol. I am at the point I don't even know what I like. I have thought @ classes, but other than drawing, I don't know what I'd do or what interest me. It;s like I have been a mom/wife so long I don't know who I am. Does that make sense?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Borrow a two year old for a week. Since my grandson has been here I think I've lost five pounds, and I stopped wandering around wondering what motivates other people to get things done. I didn't have the time or the energy at the end of the day.


Our family did have a wonderful time camping last week. It doesn't cost much more than the gas and campground fees if you already have camping equipment. A friend of ours and her kids volunteer at a nearby state park and they get free passes to the park and pool, and earn free camp days at any park in the state.

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Jean! I've had the same feelings after moving here from another state that I had disliked. It's hard, isn't it? What helped me was to just try to be thankful for what I had and to just trust in God that this wasn't a mistake. We don't have friends either to invite over for a bbq even though we do go to a church that we like. It's just life, I guess. I wonder if Abraham felt the same way when he had to leave his family and friends to move to the desert with his only wife, nephew, and a bunch of animals?:)

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Jean! I've had the same feelings after moving here from another state that I had disliked. It's hard, isn't it? What helped me was to just try to be thankful for what I had and to just trust in God that this wasn't a mistake. We don't have friends either to invite over for a bbq even though we do go to a church that we like. It's just life, I guess. I wonder if Abraham felt the same way when he had to leave his family and friends to move to the desert with his only wife, nephew, and a bunch of animals?:)



I know and that is my prayer right now; that I can find contentment no matter what our situtation. Thanks for understanding :grouphug:

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I tend to get into patterns of learning all I can about a topic that has affected my life. For example, when my oldest dd was born with group B strep, I educated myself about that bacteria and ultimately became the Group B Strep Assn.'s national volunteer coordinator.


When we were going through infertility treatments, I learned more than any woman wants to know about the treatment options, meds, vitamins/herbs, treatment risks/rewards, etc.


When we decided to adopt, I use the "pregnancy" months to learn about attachment disorder to "prevent" having problems. (If only it had worked to prevent adopting kids with attachment issues! I'm still researching this b/c it's still affecting our lives.)


When a psychiatrist wanted to use three psychotropic meds to control my adopted son's behavior, I started looking for treatments with fewer side effects. That led to learning about natural/dietary/biomedical treatment of mental illness/hyperactivity. I was asked to speak at a national conference of adoptive parents.


In each case, my quest to learn has led me into some really interesting situations and kept my brain from imploding during times of stress. ;-)


IMHO, think about a topic that is important/interesting to you, and get involved in something related to that topic. In my case, the lust for learning has kept me sane -- and much less bored -- than I would have been.





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(George Weiss / Bob Thiele)


I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world


I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world


The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"

They're really saying "I love you"


I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow

They'll learn much more than I'll ever know

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

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I know that for our family, the first year after we moved I struggled a lot with feeling like our weeks had a direction without a church home. We were visiting a couple of different churches, so we were worshiping every Sunday, but until we found a place to belong and build into, I felt adrift in our new home.


Most of our friendships have always come from within our church community and it was hard waiting to find the right place to begin to build those again. So I guess I would encourage you (Jean) and your dh to at least build family worship into your Sunday morning (or afternoon!) and continue to try and find a church home where you can be challenged and encouraged to grow in your faith and serve other believers. It's hard though, to church visit and try and find one where you really feel you can connect with others and belong. :001_smile:






I can't imagine our life without our church family. The relationships we've made within that body mean so very much to us. Life would definitely seem more empty without them. Christians aren't meant to function completely on our own-- God has established bodies of believers to help, to encourage, to instruct, to comfort, to love, one another. I know that it can be hard to find that church that is the right fit, but once you find it, it's the biggest blessing.


We just got home from a family night at our church. We had a pig roast/picnic, and it was just so much fun. My dh and I both have so many good friends there, we just moved from one good conversation to another. We were there for 4 hours, and we still didn't get to talk to everyone we wanted to. All three of our kids have lots of good friends, too, and they were playing in the fields around the church or in the church gym, having a ball the entire time. They were sad to leave, but it was 11pm!! We sang praise songs and hymns around the fire before we left. It was such a blessing.


All that to say, that a church family is unreplaceable in a Christian's life, imo. It took us years to find the right church for us, but that search was so worth it in the end. Don't give up!



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Hey I play Runescape too! LOL Cat_The_Spaz is my username....wave if you ever see me. LOL


Anyhow, we are so happy to be back "home" in the NW after having lived in the midwest for nearly 10 years....that we spend a LOT of time outdoors....most especially on the weekends. We like to go for hikes up on Mt. Pilchuck... play, fish and pan for gold in the river....and hang out at the beach. I've also been working out at the Y no fewer than 3 days a week (usually I make it 5) since joining in January....I needed to lose 85 lbs and am doing pretty good....Ive lost 28 so far and, more importantly, feel MUCH better. Dh and I find much joy in teaching our children about nature...we both are total nature geeks and find that igniting that spark in our children brings us great purpose....too many people have fallen out of love with nature...and seeing the excitement for it in our children brings us hope for the future.... ok, Im done waxing poetic...LOL

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Hi Quiver!


I have fun working through the high school reading lists at AmblesideOnline. It is free if you have a library card. Hope you find a good church home soon where you can get some fellowship too.




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We do SCA. Maybe you can see if there is a branch in your area. If not, with a family of your size you could probably start one! It's something you can attend or not attend as you feel like it, the kids are welcome (or I've never had the experience of them not being) and adds all sorts of different crafts to try. Not to mention your husband would look sexy in armour ;) Mine does!! It's a nice place full of people with obscure interests. No one will think you are weird for being interested in medieval calligraphy, and anyone will be happy to tell you long and involved story about how they finally got their "period" style tent to stay up in the wind.

Our involvement has led me to helping cook feasts, improve my embroidery, learn some dressmaking, try felting and weaving, learn about Polish heraldry, food history, attempt renaissance dancing (I'm bad, but hey, I only had one lesson, and that was with a baby on my hip!) Oh, I was researching medieval woodcuts. Oh, all sorts of weird stuff. Dh has gotten all excited about archery, so I'm saving up for an English style longbow for him for Christmas and he's made chainmail, tunics and a pair of Rus pants. Rus pants may well be the greatest pants in history.

The prices are usually quite reasonable, but they will add up with a large family. The good news is that the weekly events like craft nights are often free, or only a few dollars. Kids don't usually pay adult prices either. You can borrow things like garb and armour until you get your own stuff together, and lots of those sorts of things can be taken care of with Christmas presents. I know my dh would be delighted if I gave him 6m of white woolen fabric :) He wants a toga. Kids garb is often handed around the group. Like any hobby, it's as expensive as you allow it to be.

That's what we do to keep ourselves occupied anyway. We like it because we can go, do completely different things, but feel like we've spent the day together. Rich may not care enough to look at Elaine's embroidery, but he'll be happy to listen to me describe it on the way home. Different activities, but the same hobby, so the news carries over, kwim?



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I tend to get into patterns of learning all I can about a topic that has affected my life.


I do like this idea. I did spend some time digging into my son's learning issues recently. I think I am going to spend some time revamping our school and last night I reread some of the WTM.


I like Tami's idea of working through Ambleside's reading list and I am planning a library day tomorrow. I usually go alone and grab books for the kids, but I am going to take them and make a fun day of it like Tracy does( in the frugal living thread). I read the part in WTM where she had each child get a specific type of book each week and I am going to try that for the rest of summer and see how it goes. I also want to add in some books on tape which I think we will ALL enjoy.


Erica, your church sounds wonderful and I hope and pray we can have the same type of church family soon!


Cat_The_Spaz , it's my DH and kids who play, but I will tell him to say "hi". I can't get into games :D


kalanamak, thanks for the poem :)


Rosie, that sounds really fun! My boys love anything medievel and would have a blast. I don't know if we have SCA here, but I will kepe it in mind.


We are going to the fireworks tonight in town so that is going to be fun and finally something we can all do together. It's the first day in months that none of the kids or DH work. We might do somethign this afternoon too. Maybe apicnic or the park.


Thank you everyone! :grouphug:

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Doing something that *matters* gives my life purpose. And I would have to tie in my faith to this answer... It gives my life meaning.


Quiver, what are your interests? What do you like to do besides watch TV?


It sounds like you are pretty "unconnected" in your new community. We have moved several times and I think I am learning how to make it easier to connect. It means a great deal to me to have relationships with other Christian women. The best way to get close to women fast has been Bible study. I have learned that if there isn't one around I will start my own. There are lots of good Christian books to read through and discuss if you don't want the stress of making up your own Bible study. My sister loves the Beth Moore videos/dvds.


Once a week is idea. Even once a month is good.


I also helped start a homeschool co-op and would do it again in a heartbeat. It gave me a group of women to work together with, to get to know, to pray with... It provided a service that people appreciated...


I think the ideas of finding some service project is a great one.


It probably should be something you enjoy. If you don't like going on long walks, that might not meet your needs. If you need a break from the kids, find something to do without them.


If you can find something to do with dh, all the better. It usually takes time to find things in a community that fit. We just found free dance lessons after 5 years and now we're moving away. Oh, well.


Something that may be encouraging is the daily email devotion for homeschooling families. http://www.aop.com/home/enews.php Click on Daily Focus.


I will close by sharing a prayer written by Helen M. Young...


A Mother's Prayer


God, give me the wisdom to see that today is my day with my children; that there is no unimportant moment in their lives. May I know no other career is as precious, no other work so rewarding, no other task so urgent. May I not defer to nor neglect it. But by thy Spirit accept it gladly, joyously, and by thy grace realize that the time is short and my time is now, for children won't wait!


May God give you His abundant joy on this journey through life!

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