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Random avatar questions-

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*anj*, is your little girl holding a purse or an Easter Basket?? And what is in her other hand?


Colleen, your profile picture reminds me of someone and I can't think who. When I remember at three in the morning I'll be sure to let you know.


Jenny in Atlanta, I never heard the spoon story. Where is it?


PariSarah, pinch Theo's cheek for me and my girls.


WTMindy, put up a profile pic. Now.


Mom2legomaniacs- no fair putting up the same picture. Get on that right away.


Karenciavo- even if you live next door to me for 20 years, I'll always think of you as Galadriel. Do you ever do that scary thing?


Abbeyej- what gives? Wheres the pics?


Beansprouts- love the hair.


Aubrey- that's a Mona Lisa smile, what do you know that the rest of us don't?


Elegantlion- love your mane too!


Pam H in TX- Your little girl (or is that you) looks just like a youngun at our church. Do you go to our church?? Oh, no, wait, TEXAS.


I love looking at everyone's avies and profiles. It's FUN! Any other avie remarks?

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Shoot - my ds walked by, saw this thread, and got all excited that it was about Avatar - his fav. tv show. He was all ready to answer any and all questions about Zuiko, Yang, etc. then realized it that was not what the thread was about. :D

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Okay Melissa, the sock is good IF you made it yourself.


Yes I did! I am quite proud of that sock. Sadly, it shrunk a tad after washing so it didn't fit me anymore. However, my mom loved them and they fit her quite well. I am working on some for me now. I have pictures up on blog if you want to see those! (excited and proud of them -- yep a knitting fool here!)


Oh, and to get that picture, I contorted a fair bit too. Leg up on the back of a taller backed chair while trying to position the computer to center the shot and keep the rest of me out at the same time while trying to push the button was quite a feat. (nice sentence there, huh)

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"quite a feet" too! :lol:


I so admire those who can knit such wonderful things. My niece is one of those knitting divas too. You all are amazing folks.


But look at what you create! I could never create anything like that. Mine is following a pattern. I do love it though. It is very mathematical. Right up my alley.

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Jenny, I will always picture you as Amelie (can't get that cool accent thing, shucks). I LOVE the movie and smile every time I see your avatar. She is the picture of contentment to me. Wonderful, just wonderful.


Ya, wish I could have a nice French accent. My flat LA one is very boring.

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