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Do you still use an iron board?

Do you still use an iron?  

  1. 1. Do you still use an iron?

    • I iron quite often, at least once a week.
    • I iron 1-2 times a month.
    • I don't iron at all.
    • Obligatory other.

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I iron a lot. Its a stress reliever, for me. Meditation time. I also get to watch mindless TV when I'm folding laundry, ironing, etc. I really like getting all the clothes and things repaired and in good shape. I sew, and didn't have time to repair anything or iron anything for years when the kids were smaller, so I like ironing even husband's work shirts now. I have an ironing board downstairs and one upstairs. The upstairs one is for ironing things I missed or put away un-ironed (formal things worn rarely.) All three kids, including two boys, know how to iron, and do their own when away from home (college.) I cringe that my father in law sends his jeans to a cleaner because he likes a crease.....too lazy to iron them himself. Wow.

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The only thing I have ever personally ironed was hand-made paper, to help it dry, but that was about 15 years ago. I have never in my life owned an ironing board; I'm 38, if that means anything. I know we had an ironing board in the house when I was growing up, but I don't remember anyone ever using it.


For the *very* occasional time when someone needs clothing pressed (<once a year), I figure that's what dry cleaners are for.

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I don't know how you all avoid ironing so well. Dh irons every day- khakis and button down shirts. We all iron our clothes for church. I iron my clothes if I'm going out. I can't stand to have any wrinkles and even t-shirts and jeans sometimes seem to get wrinkled or creased wrong. However, I only iron what I need at the time and don't have an ironing basket.

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I haven't ironed since the boys were in elementary school. DD and I went to Target and bought a cheap iron last week because she thought she had something that needed to be ironed. While there, I could not remember whether we had an ironing board and a cover. DD said we did, and she was right. The iron is now in storage in the basement because we didn't need it after all, and the ironing board and its cover have been accounted for.


DH takes his shirts, pants, and suits to the dry cleaner. I'd iron everything but the suits, but he refuses to let me. He is not a hero, saving me work -- he firmly believes the dry cleaner is the only solution to wrinkles.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I iron every time I go out, which is probably 5 times a week! I always wonder how people don't iron things....and they don't appear to be very rumpled! I do think that line drying compared to the dryer possibly makes clothes a little more crumpled.

Anyway, I like to wear freshly ironed clothes!:001_smile:

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When my husband had to wear dress shirts we had the ironing board set up in the hallway and never really took it down, but now that he's got more casual work wear, I only use it a couple times a week... which evidently is still more frequently than most.

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DH irons his clothes on an as needed basis. Usually I get them out of the dryer and hung in a timely manner so not much needs ironed. I iron maybe once a year for myself. I buy clothes for the dc that don't need ironed or I make sure they get hung quickly. On occassion I've been known to throw things in the dryer with a damp cloth to avoid ironing.


I marked other because now that I've begun to sew I do use my iron and ironing board on a regular, sometimes manic, basis.

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I iron for quilting fairly regularly (although it is my least favorite part of quilting).


I iron clothes maybe 2 times a year, always for some event like attending the theatre or symphony.


Same here. I really only iron if I'm sewing. :001_smile:

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Most of the time, I de-wrinkle by tossing the item in the dryer along with a wet wash cloth. A few minutes, and it's just like I've used one of those steam machines on it. I do this several times a week.


I try to not buy anything that will need to be ironed or dry-cleaned.

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We own and ironing board and iron, but we never use either one. We have a Conair stand up steamer. It tales up less space, is always set up, and os easy to use. It takes five minutes to warm up, so we hand our clothes on it, do something else then come back and steam.


It has a crease attachment for pants and adjustable clips to stretch pants. I love it!

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