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Listen to the crazy thing that happened to my daughter last night...

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I am talking about my 20 year old, by the way.


She had been at my house for most of the day as we were meeting the new boyfriend for the very first time.



Can we say Mr. Wonderful? Oh yes, sir, you may marry my daughter if you get the urge, yes you can. but I digress.


Anyway, they left here and went back to his apartment and watched his roommate shave off his beard. (Apparently the roommate needed some moral support to shave off his beard.)


Then she left there and went to gas up her truck before going home. At the gas station two guys started hooting and hollering at her and asking for her number and so on. She ignored them and got in her truck and started home.


She looked in her rearview mirror and guess who was tailing her? And make no mistake, they were tailing her and one of them was leaning out the window and shouting at her to stop because they just wanted to talk to her.


Her house would be empty and dark because her roommate was not home. Fortunately she had the good sense not to go there. She drove to my house instead and actually shook them off before she even got to my road.


How scary is that? She was shaking like a leaf when she got here. I calmed her down with some chocolate ice cream and told her how proud I was of her and then told her to drive to the police station if it ever happens again!

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Oh, this happens to me *all* the time - I have to put on my dowdiest clothes to buy gas or else I get no peace at all;).


Seriously, though, I'm glad she had the sense to drive to your house. Sounds like her pursuers had one or two too many.


ETA: Oh, dear, after I read that it sounds like they would have had to be drunk to think your daughter was worth pursuing which wasn't what I meant in the very least. Just meant that they were sure to be trouble if they had caught up with her. I should always hit "preview" - think I'd know that by now.

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She looked in her rearview mirror and guess who was tailing her? And make no mistake, they were tailing her and one of them was leaning out the window and shouting at her to stop because they just wanted to talk to her.



The small Kansas town I was from would call this "flirtin". I asked one persistent male what this was all about, and he said (I was rather surprized for the son of a hog farmer) "A girl will forgive the pass you make, but not the one you don't make".


Making her shake was part of the thrill.

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No, they were behind her so she could not see it. That's not a bad thought, but how would she go about getting behind their vehicle to see it?


In our state, front license plates are required by law for exactly this reason. (Well, not so young women can call the cops on crazy guys, but so that a person can read the plate numbers of cars behind them on the road.)

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In our state, front license plates are required by law for exactly this reason. (Well, not so young women can call the cops on crazy guys, but so that a person can read the plate numbers of cars behind them on the road.)


Oh. You mean the front plate holder on vehicles is NOT there for your confederate-flag-he**-no-we-ain't-forgot plate?

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. She attracted men like dog poop attracts flies, and sometimes they really would just follow her home.



I think I will not share this analogy with my daughter!!!


I think these guys were a real threat. I won't go into a physical description of the guys because I can't think of anyway to do it without sounding like a bigot, but suffice to say that their demeanor as described by her and the way they were shouting was very, very threatening.

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I think I will not share this analogy with my daughter!!!


I think these guys were a real threat. I won't go into a physical description of the guys because I can't think of anyway to do it without sounding like a bigot, but suffice to say that their demeanor as described by her and the way they were shouting was very, very threatening.


Yeah, well, it sounds like they may have been under the influence, too. I'm sure it was very scary!

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