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I got checked out by a teenage boy!!!

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(for reference, I am 32 years old, have been married for almost 15 years and have 4 kids, the oldest being 14)


I went into the grocery store the other day, all by myself, no kids. In the parking lot right next to where I parked was a fellow, probably 16-17 yrs old, sitting the passenger seat of a truck. When I came back out, he was still there, but now he'd taken off his shirt, turned up the country music and gave me this flirtatious grin.


I just inwardly chuckled, since I bet if he knew the reality of my life, he would barf.


It was an odd feeling though. I told my husband about it and we both got a good laugh about it.

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The whole situation made me think of those awful news stories about female teachers hooking up with their teen boy students. That does not appeal to me one. little. bit. I don't understand it. To me, teen boys are just kind of icky, immature and silly. (at least if I were judging them on the basis of being a s*xual partner)


Makes me wonder what I saw in them when I was a teen. :tongue_smilie:

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I got flirted with in the grocery store last month. The guy was SOOOOO good looking too! He asked me for my number! I laughed it off and told him that I didn't think my husband would like that too much! But, I have to say, it felt really good! (And, yes. I came home and told my dh. And my sister. And, my mom. And every friend who would listen!! LOL)

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I had that happen a few years ago. A kid, probably 16 at most, held the door for me at the store with a wide grin and asked if I wanted to ride his skateboard. I was about 40. I used to skateboard and almost took him up on it, at least I thought about it for a second. :D

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I finally had to open this thread, because I kept thinking, "Why is it so unusual that she had a teenage boy check her out at the store? Is it so odd to have a teenage boy as a cashier? I have teenage boys as my check-out clerks several times a week!"


Okay, so NOW I get it. :lol:


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I have gotten both teen guys and old men who whistle, check me out, or ask me out. Just yesterday, at Walmart, I kept bumping into a man in his 50's who kept wanting to carry on a conversation. I was quite cold to him in my responses, or ignored him. Then later he asked me out while yelling across check out lanes! He said "Hey, we keep bumping into each other. Maybe we should just meet up again and make it an official date." I completely ignored him again.:glare:

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When I was in my mid-thirties, a friend and I were walking down the sidewalk of a strip mall on our way to meet up with our husbands at a restaurant. Two teenagers in a pick-up starting whistling and cat-calling as they came up behind us. They passed us, and I heard the guy in the passenger seat say, "Oh man, they're old!"


I told my friend, "At least we look good from behind." :tongue_smilie:

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I was recently driving with my kids and a car full of teenage boys next to me kept staring (which made me uncomfortable :001_smile:) and when we had to stop at a light, one yelled out to me, "Your pretty hot...for a mom!" :001_huh: I told my husband I'm not sure if thats a compliment or not! LOL

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Once I had these two teen boys whistle and holler to me as I drove by (they were on bikes. lol!) The joke was on them, however b/c I was 8 months pregnant....I felt like pulling the car over and hoisting my big preggo belly out and see what they thought then. :lol:

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Oh yeah!?! Well, I got checked out by a 19/20yo guy with rotten teeth, torn and dirty shirt, and greasy hair. It was gross. I may or may not have given dh a little extra PDA on my way back to the van...as if to say, "look at me again and THIS guy will get you!":tongue_smilie:



I'd rather have your story.:lol:

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I finally had to open this thread, because I kept thinking, "Why is it so unusual that she had a teenage boy check her out at the store? Is it so odd to have a teenage boy as a cashier? I have teenage boys as my check-out clerks several times a week!"


Okay, so NOW I get it. :lol:



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houseofkids&pets: Ya, I get the same response from the men at my grandma's nursing home.:D


Laughing. Yes, THOSE are the men who check me out now.


But hey, I had it when I needed it (as my Mom used to say).





Good for you for aging well (not that 32 is old....I am way past that:)).


Me too...like two decades. But I just remembered that I did hire a teen boy to do some work for me when I was 32 myself and he flirted with me. We got a kick out of it. Oh to look now like I looked then...

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I was recently driving with my kids and a car full of teenage boys next to me kept staring (which made me uncomfortable :001_smile:) and when we had to stop at a light, one yelled out to me, "Your pretty hot...for a mom!" :001_huh: I told my husband I'm not sure if thats a compliment or not! LOL




A friend and I got checked out like this on a road trip once....we immediately thought we'd left our coffee cups on top of the car.


Our two sons in the back were howling with laughter that ANYONE would check out their Moms.

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