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your son's first shave?

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CollegeMan did it himself...safety razor and shaving cream. He does not have much to shave at age 20. His fraternal twin, SillyAutismMan, only recently has had anything worth shaving, and I got out the electric shaver hubby had bought for him in anticipation of his eventual need to shave, and showed him how to use it. He now "buzzes" himself every few days as needed.

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All my boys have done it on their own. When they were very small, my dad (their grandfather) would role play shaving with them. They had little plastic razors and he would put shaving cream on their faces. Then he would shave and they would mimic him.


When they were teens and nearing the time to need to shave, I always purchased a new razor (in a snazzy color) for the up-and-coming son. Eventually he would just do it on his own - although the last son was surrounded by a couple of brothers who were going to "make" him get that hair off his lip :). I do have to remind them from time to time that their upper lips are getting a little fuzzy.


Dh was not around when the boys had their first shaves. Chances are he had already left for the hospital before they got out of bed. It wasn't a big deal - no "rite of passage" thing for us.

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Ds and dh did it together. I have no idea how or when they decided it was time, or how it was handled, but I'm sure there was much coaching and instruction from dh (that's his personality). I noticed one day that ds's mini moustache was gone, and that was it.


Ds also cuts dh's hair with clippers, so they are accustomed to helping each other with hygiene issues. ;)

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