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We "finished" school a couple of hours ago, and my kids have been playing while I lesson plan (and spend more minutes than I should on this forum...)


During this time, my kids have wrapped a bunch of toys in tape, calling them mummies, and gotten out a bunch of old shoe boxes, decorated them, and are calling them sarcophaguses. (sp?)


We're studying mummies and pyramids this week (Week 4 of SOTW) and tomorrow afternoon we're supposed to do a project based on this subject. What I have picked out is not NEARLY as much fun as what they did.


I'm tempted to declare our history project done and take tomorrow afternoon off for a park date. Can I put these two hours in our log as school hours? ;)


Oh, gotta go, they've set up a museum, and made tickets, and I have to go buy my ticket for the next showing or I won't get in... Apparently...

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Your kids must be related to mine . . . a word of caution, though; those free tickets are surprisingly vulnerable to inflation. I used to get in for free, but now I have to pay $1 for myself + $.10 for the baby! :lol:


I do get to keep the programs, though.


My son tries to use his museum ticket sales as a money laundering scheme. It's pretty funny- he takes my dollar, and then pays me back with a dollar from his "save" jar (once money goes into the save jar, it goes to the bank, they aren't supposed to get it back out...) Then he declares that it's just for pretend, every body gets their dollar back, and he pockets his dollar in the spend jar. I let him get away with it the first time because I was so impressed, but then nipped it in the bud. He's a total hoot.


And, yes, the pictures are in my draft for my end of the week blog post, and I printed copies and we put them in their history notebooks. :D

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