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A no good very bad day

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My aunt passed away suddenly (only 51), my van started with a clunking noise and its leaking a fluid (husband checked brake and steering fluid and oil and all levels are fine??) and my dryer just quit.


I have to get to my family 5 hours away and had to send 2 dc with my sisters today so that me, dh, and dc#3 can travel in 2 days with my sister's fiancee to the wake and funeral because we cant take my van (its ALWAYS broke....sick of fixing the dang thing) AND I had to send the kids in dirty clothes because I couldn't get the laundry done this weekend due to the darn dryer. And now we will be a week behind on school. Oh yeah and I have a horrible cold and feel terrible.


To top it off I am running a community yard sale at our community center Fri and sat and people keep dropping out. So its gonna suck. Tomorrow I have to do all the yard sale work so it is done when I get back Friday, go buy a dryer and do fifty loads of laundry so we all have funeral clothes, pack, take my van to the shop and hope they can look at it this week and beg someone to pick me and my son up at the shop and bring us home, clean, and pack.


And did I mention I was really close to this Aunt and I am heartbroken and all I want to do is crawl in bed and not get out??????? :crying::crying::crying:

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Yes, find a decent laundromat and take the clothes there. I got spoiled summer before last, we were staying near a really nice laundromat and I could do a whole days worth of laundry in a couple of hours. I actually hated to return to our house after that summer and see my washer and dryer.



I'm so sorry about your aunt.

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I am so sorry for your loss! :grouphug:


Don't take on any more on your plate than you have to. Call somebody about the yard sale and tell them you just had a death in the family and you cannot run it and they need to find someone else. They'll manage.


Take your clothes to a laundromat- better still, one that for an extra charge will wash, dry and fold all your clothes for you.


Don't worry about being a week behind on school. It doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things. Consolidate, skip the unimportant things, modify to shorten some things, and consider it a couple of days worth of work to catch up on rather than a whole week. Sometimes family/personal matters have to take priority.


Don't stress over a ton of cleaning, do the bare necessities and enlist help if possible with any other errands etc you have to do.


I hope you feel better soon and that things work out with your car- if you can do something nice for yourself, please do, it sounds like you could use it! I know how awful it feels when it seems like everything is piling up on you at once- even the little things suddenly become major, but right now just focus on what's absolutely necessary, give yourself time to mourn, and be kind to yourself! :grouphug:

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thank you all!


I think I will leave the house a mess and head to the laundromat (I just dread sitting there with my 4YO..we are a tiny town and don't have the option of having someone do it for me)


I couldnt sleep and am exhausted. I was as close to this aunt as my mom.


I hate being a grown up.

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thank you all!


I think I will leave the house a mess and head to the laundromat (I just dread sitting there with my 4YO..


I had to do this when our dryer broke.


Sometimes, I washed at home and took the clothes to dry, but that takes longer and the clothes are heavy to take in.


I took books with me to read to the little ones and we took lots of walks. Since the washers lock after you start them, we also sometimes went for a snack during that time, and returned before it was done.


I hope you feel better soon.


If you don't feel like folding clothes there, you can bring them home and fold them.

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