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s/o How would your 14 yo daughter earn money?

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She could tutor anything she's good at for younger hsers. (My dd is a karate instructor, even at age 12. Although she doesn't get paid yet, she will!)


I second the babysitting.


My kids all do yard work for our relatives. Pick up sticks, mow, gardening, helping grandma tear down her shed, cutting up firewood....


Take care of animals. Dog walking, feed and water for out of towners, general grooming. With your permission, she could even pet sit.

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Not mine, but some 13 year old girls I know were trying to raise money for a big school trip and they had a whole bunch of services they offered to families in our neighborhood and church group:



  • mother's helper
  • babysitting
  • making cookies and other treats
  • weeding
  • cleaning and tidying
  • simple craft classes and activity afternoons for younger kids, for a small admission fee per child (during the summer)--lots of the neighborhood moms took them up on this one!
  • feeding and watering chickens, goats, cats, etc. for families who were out of town


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We told the kids that if they do things around the house that saves us money we will pay them (NOT things they are supposed to do anyway, like cleaning). For example, this week Ani (12) cut her brothers' hair for $5 each. She's not perfect at doing their hair, but she'd getting better with each cut and her brothers don't mind not having perfect hair. It would cost us at least $15 per boy at the cheap haircutting place so we save money and she's thrilled with the extra money for a few minutes of work.

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My 13 year old has made money babysitting, pet sitting, walking dogs, assisting with dance classes and helping out with other things around the studio.


My 10 year old even made money this winter, working as a scorekeeper 4 hours per week at the hockey rink. He plans to referee when he's old enough.


I would look at activities she's in or anything else she's involved in and see if they need help with anything. Even if she offered to volunteer, that could quickly turn into paid work.

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Babysitting, house cleaning, Mommy's helper, pet sitting, lawn maintenance (if physically able), tutor (if she has an area she is talented in), e-bay re-seller (friend had daughter buy and sell books on ebay), hobby (my son sold eggs from our hens - we had about 75).


My boys do not get allowance. We pay them for some chores but not all chores.

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My dd has gotten pretty good at making money on EBay. She finds items on clearance, usually at Office Depot or Staples, and sells them on EBay for a profit. She bought a couple of items for $5.00 recently, and sold them for $90 each! She has been doing this for a couple of years now. She also has people who bring her things they want to sell, and she lists/ships them for 20%.

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We told the kids that if they do things around the house that saves us money we will pay them (NOT things they are supposed to do anyway, like cleaning). For example, this week Ani (12) cut her brothers' hair for $5 each.

I love this idea. Both the general application and the hair-cutting specifically. Hmm, you're in MD? Maybe she could come cut MY 3 boys hair (I dislike doing it SO much!).


PS Butter -- I checked out your blog: you make me want to use Calvert!

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I don't know what type of farm you have' date=' but could she plant a corn maze and maybe a small pumpkin/gourds patch for some business in the fall?[/quote']


Locally we have a demand for white pumpkins and princess type pumpkins. Everyone's tired of the standard. Also, maybe cut flowers? She might be able to sell bouquets at a local store or even coffee shop.

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My 13yo and 16yo have been taking care of a neighbor's dogs for over 2 years now. They were destroying the house during the day, but that stopped when my girls started going over there at lunchtime and taking them out to use the bathroom and playing with them.


My oldest has not been successful at finding a job at all, but she doesn't like animals or kids or the outdoors, so that really limits her options.

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