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George Carlin has died :(

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Here is lesson for all of us:


Do you feel like you've accomplished what you want to accomplish during your time on Earth?


Yes, I have. There's a quote from Pablo Casals -- that probably shows up in research on my stuff, but -- Pablo Casals, he was a past master of the cello. He was the virtuoso in the 20th century. He was in his 90s and he was still practicing three hours a day, and one of his friends said to him, "Senor Casals, you are such a past master, a virtuoso of this instrument, everyone knows it and acknowledges it. Why do you practice three hours a day?" and he said, "Well, I'm beginning to notice some improvement." When I read that I said, "What a wonderful thing to file away as a kind of attitude to have." Yes, I've accomplished all the things I've wanted to and way more, I couldn't have really predicted some of the paths. But I know that there's a restlessness, you know, artists are never finished. There's this vague sense of being incomplete, of not having done it yet. You know they say a poem is never finished; it is abandoned. You just kind of move on. There's this restlessness. "OK, that's finished, what am I going to do next? Oh, here's a good thing, I'll do that."


You can read the entire interview here.


ETA: Language warning on the above. Should have mentioned this in the first go around.

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Some of my favorite quotes of his:


"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday."


"Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."


"When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."


"Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time."


Farewell, dude. You rocked.

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Genie you summed it up well.


I was introduced to George Carlin when I was about 12 years old by my then 20 y/o and 16y/o aunts. He has been my favorite comic since. I loved that his comedy really made you think about things. I just recently watched one of his HBO specials and laughed just as hard as the first time I saw it.


Farewell old friend, you definitely ROCKED!!!

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Oh, no! I just watched George Carlin Again on HBO. sad-057.gif


He narrates a Thomas the Tank Engine video and part of me is always waiting for him to say, "Thomas you *&%^&$# engine!!" or "Look at the *@*$ on that boxcar!" ;)



I feel so sad.

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When I was about 20 years old I went to see Carlin live (at the Roxy or the Whisky-a-go or some other Wilshire Blvd club) with my date, my friend and a guy we were trying to fix up my friend WITH.


We went to the first show at 9pm and laughed so hard we decided to stay for the 2nd show that didn't start until 11pm - so we were home WELL AFTER my friend's curfew. She was 19 but still living at home with "her dad's rules." We were all worried about getting her home well after 2am - and doubly worried that it would reflect even worse on the guy-friend we'd set her up with (the two of them had hit it off well that night.)


When we got her home and the lights were STILL ON (2am??) she insisted we all go WITH her inside - her dad - a big guy with a strong protective attitude toward his first-born - was spitting mad that we'd kept her out so late.


Immediately we started telling Mr. Dad all about the Carlin show - retelling the funniest bits and laughing (hard!) all over again. I remember that night my face actually hurt from being forced into the pertpetual wide-mouth grin for literally HOURS (we watched Carlin from 9pm to 1am.) Anyway, in the end we calmed Mr. Dad's anger, the "guy-friend" bonded with his future father-in-law and all was well.


I'll never forget that night. Carlin was a comic genius - he could take a lame line such as, "what do you imagine that a dog does on vacation ... he can't lay around ... that's his JOOOOBBBBBB!!!" and make me laugh remembering his delivery ... 30+ years later.


Rest in peace.

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DH and I still ask each other that when contemplating leftovers!


And of course, his routine about "Stuff". When it's someone else's things, it's "wow, they have a lot of sh#t" But our own things, "hey, that's my stuff!"


And we loved him on Thomas the Tank Engine, back when DS was small.

Michelle T

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I don't know if it's been posted yet, but here's the 2004 interview Terry Gross did with George Carlin that they replayed on Fresh Air tonight. I've been away from home all day today and only heard part of this in the car this evening. The bit about how his mom instilled a love for language in him was very interesting.


In all my running around today, I think I heard the news of his death announced about 7 times. What do you say to a listing of the seven words you can't say on television in his honor? Just kidding. Hey, can you still not say those words or are some of them now okay?


Oh, I see Mamagistra has beat me to it:D

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