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If you were chosen for the banana grams thing

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I wanted to post this right away, because I know that several of us were still waiting for our packages, and now we know that we can stop stalking the UPS guy and just wait for a new email from Bananagrams -- and hope that they don't decide against doing a second round of research! :001_smile:


Thank you!


We were wondering here too.

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Any other MI mamas who are still waiting for their package?


We still haven't gotten ours yet. I was afraid something must have happened to it, but it appears that we're not the only ones still waiting.


Maybe (hopefully :001_smile:) tomorrow.

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A good friend of mine was also accepted for the trial. She made a comment about her opinion of the game she had received. It is a different game than the one I received.


That's strange.


I still haven't received anything. Since I'm in IL, I probably would have by now if I was in the first round.

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  • 2 weeks later...
No game and no news about if we would be receiving anything later. Oh well :(


Same here. The last thing I got was the email sending me to the site where I electronically signed the terms for participation. Then I got an email saying the game would be on it's way shortly. That was about a month ago. Maybe longer. Whenever someone posted the opportunity on here...

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Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(

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Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(


I got the same email this morning. No bad taste here though. It's a business decision, not personal.

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Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(



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I sent them a very scathing email this morning after I received their "sorry, but you're getting nothing" message. I just received a reply saying that they are sending a free game to all of us who were originally chosen but hadn't gotten anything yet.


I'm glad they are sending games to the kids. I didn't care about the gift card; I just hated to think that kids were disappointed.

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Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(


Yeah, I just got the rejection email too. Bananagrams should think about the goodwill they're losing by doing that to people....


I didn't even get a "sorry" in my email from them! I emailed them a few days ago asking about the package I was supposed to receive an their response was a very generic "Thank you for your interest. We will keep you in mind for future product testing." WOW. Needless to say, I sent a fairly rude response as well. This was one of those times when their email should contain at the very least, an actual apology.



I have to say I am really surprised at these responses. It smacks of entitlement to me. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of privilege and entitlement.

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I have to say I am really surprised at these responses. It smacks of entitlement to me. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of privilege and entitlement.


Entitlement? :confused: Wow. Judgmental much? :glare:


This isn't a matter of entitlement; it's a matter of keeping your promises, and Bananagrams really dropped the ball.


People applied to be part of the Bananagrams testing program. They were emailed and told that they had been accepted and that Bananagrams was sending a free game right out to them. I'm sure a lot of kids were waiting for the mail (or the UPS truck) to arrive each day, hoping their game would arrive.


And then... nothing.


I'm sorry, but I think it was a terrible business decision to make children think they were getting a free game, and then not sending them anything. (I'm sure a lot of people were also looking forward to the $50 gift card, as well.)


I'm sure I'm not the only mom to send an email telling them how disappointed many kids would be as a result of their decision to send them nothing, but fortunately, it seems that they have reconsidered their decision and will be sending the free games after all.


I, for one, appreciate their responsiveness, and am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they never meant to disappoint the kids.


But I think you are way out of line for suggesting that this has anything to do with privilege and entitlement. In my mind, at least, it has everything to do with making good on a promise. (I also think you might be of a different opinion had you not already received both the free game and the $50 gift card.)

Edited by Catwoman
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I have to say I am really surprised at these responses. It smacks of entitlement to me. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of privilege and entitlement.


It is not entitlement....I didn't fill out the original survey expecting to get selected, that is entitlement, I also did not expect to receive the game not do anything and get a gift card again entitlement. But when I am told that I was selected and then told to E-sign a statement with a follow up that says the game is on its way that is what I expect to have happen...And if it could not happen I would expect to receive information in an appropriate time frame that was more than a generic email like I had never really been selected to begin with. I don't expect to get something free but I do expect a company to communicate appropriately its not entitlement it is good customer service.

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It is not entitlement....I didn't fill out the original survey expecting to get selected, that is entitlement, I also did not expect to receive the game not do anything and get a gift card again entitlement. But when I am told that I was selected and then told to E-sign a statement with a follow up that says the game is on its way that is what I expect to have happen...And if it could not happen I would expect to receive information in an appropriate time frame that was more than a generic email like I had never really been selected to begin with. I don't expect to get something free but I do expect a company to communicate appropriately its not entitlement it is good customer service.


Exactly. When a company sends me an email which basically says, "You were selected and you will receive things!" I expect to either: a.) receive things, or; b.) receive an email describing why I will not receive things. In the event that neither a nor b occur, I expect to email the company with a question and be emailed an appropriate response. None of those things happened. I do not think my expectations were inappropriate at all.


ETA:Truly, all I desired was an apology for their strange (to say the least) customer service actions regarding the whole thing.

Edited by Element
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I have to say I am really surprised at these responses. It smacks of entitlement to me. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of privilege and entitlement.




The company selected me & told me I would be participating. They asked for my personal information (which I don't often give out) & I had to sign a non-disclosure (legal) agreement. To me, at this point, I assume the company & I are working on a goodwill 'business' relationship... one in which I've given them way more info than they've given me at that point. To me, it seems as if they collected my personal info, had me sign legally-binding documents & then told me to blow off. I don't consider myself having an 'entitlement' attitude because I feel that they misled me into giving private info & signing legal documents & then they balked on following-through. If they hadn't had me give them all my personal info & sign a legally-binding paper, I wouldn't care if they cancelled on me.


I think you're misinformed & judgmental. I guess it is really no surprise that kids these days are growing up with such an attitude of judgmental rudeness based on ignorance, huh?

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They also posted a link on their Facebook. I shared it. Many of my friend's are hs parents, daycare providers and/or teachers. It looks like many people were turned down because their kids were not the right ages. So, it looks like they were actually being more selective on the next rounds?


Eta: I made modifications to the game I received in order to make it more difficult for my older kids.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I didn't get anything yet.


I'll say I'm not sure I'd buy their products after this incident. I love games and spend plenty of money on games, but they seem like a pretty flaky company. :glare:


Which game did you get?


I'm not sure I'm supposed to say? I will say I thought it was fun for my crowd though :)

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Well I just got an uninvited email from them :( Kinda frustrates me to get an email I was selected, sign the online thing, and then hear nothing for a few weeks, and now get this uninvited letter....I haven't ever tried to bananagrams and this kinda gives me a bad taste in my mouth...I know I should feel this way but it like being told I could go to the popular kids party and then told right before that they didn't really like me and that I was uninvited :(


Does it taste like bananas? Or maybe pears?




Sorry! I couldn't help myself. I have a weird sense of humor and it's worse when it's getting late and I'm tired. I agree that I'd be upset too. I hope you get your free game in the mail. If it makes you feel any better.....the game we got was a game we didn't have.....but to me it's just so-so (I'm glad we didn't spend money on it).

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Well since they broke their agreement with me I don't have much sympathy for them. ;)




I don't see how it could possibly make any difference at this point if we mention what game we get.


Nothing here yet, anyway, but I wasn't expecting to receive anything this quickly after their last email.


I hope, after all the waiting, that the game they send will be appropriate for ds12, but if it's not, it won't be the end of the world, and they will at least have held up their end of the bargain.

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I don't see how it could possibly make any difference at this point if we mention what game we get.


Nothing here yet, anyway, but I wasn't expecting to receive anything this quickly after their last email.


I hope, after all the waiting, that the game they send will be appropriate for ds12, but if it's not, it won't be the end of the world, and they will at least have held up their end of the bargain.


:iagree: My testing of the game is over. I don't think we are required, or under contract, to be hush-hush about what game we got forever. We got Pairs in Pears. :tongue_smilie: There, I said it. Personally, I was a little surprised because I thought it was going to be a brand new game to test, one that wasn't on the market yet. That's why I was saying I would have been pretty disappointed had I already owned Pairs in Pears.

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I rather like the taste of pears ;). This is the first of their products I have tried though :)


I love pears too (real pears). The game is just so-so to me. I think it would have been a little better hit if my dd was younger. This is the first of their products that we've tried too.

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It sounds like some people got sour grapes. ;)


We're very happy with the game we got! I can understand why the ones who got dropped after being told they would receive a package soon are frustrated. It's a small company and they didn't handle it right when the response was much greater than they anticipated. But it sounds like they are making a good-faith effort to resolve it. I don't have much sympathy for anyone whining about getting a free game and a $50 gift card because it wasn't as awesome as you would have liked.

Edited by WordGirl
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In the interest of full disclosure, I did get to participate and received the gift card too (I didn't know that was even a benefit of participating until after I submitted my evaluation).



I sort of understand why people are upset about not getting to participate after being told they could, but not entirely. In the grand scheme of things, there is so much more to be upset over in life. It's a small company, not Mattel. People make mistakes.

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It sounds like some people got sour grapes. ;)


We're very happy with the game we got! I can understand why the ones who got dropped after being told they would receive a package soon are frustrated. It's a small company and they didn't handle it right when the response was much greater than they anticipated. But it sounds like they are making a good-faith effort to resolve it. I don't have much sympathy for anyone whining about getting a free game and a $50 gift card because it wasn't as awesome as you would have liked.


If you are referring to me.....no sympathy needed. I actually didn't think I was whining about it. My dd will probably use the game from time to time to spell words. I just don't think it's an over-the-top game (it's basically letter tiles.....with not enough vowels I might add).

:iagree:that the responses were probably much greater than they anticipated. I'm sure they didn't expect the Hive to be told about it. :001_smile:

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I get the impression you are confused about what has happened. People were promised a $50 gift card and a free game to test out a new game. They were then told they weren't getting anything because "oops they screwed up". Then I imagine so many people complained they decided they better attempt to save a little face by offering a free game.


I'm not flaming mad, but it's a little goofy and awkward that they did that. They made us sign a contract. They acted all official about it. But apparently they don't really know what they are doing.


I think it is a nice gesture to send a free game and I do appreciate they are doing at least that.


When I signed up I wasn't aware of the $50. I have tested many products over the years. I just enjoy doing it.


I think she was referring to me. I got a game and I got my $50 gift card. But, it sounded like I was whining about not liking the game. I really was only pointing out that the game is a game that is already on the market....so it's very likely that someone receiving it might already own it. And, I just think it's an ok game. Saying these things doesn't mean I'm not grateful for getting what we got though.

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AH! Ok. Yeah I would have expected a new game. That's odd. I thought the point was to test out a new game.


For awhile we were testing video games and DH would write up reviews. The payment was we could keep the games. Some of the games were just so dumb. But that's the point of testing games. So you can tell them if you think it's good or not.


That's what I thought too. I thought it would be a new game they were making and they wanted testers and opinions on what, if anything, to change.

I think the game we got would be great if you have a preschooler. My 8 year old doesn't find it too exciting. I think I'll try to have her build her spelling words with them from time to time; so I am glad to have letter tiles with some patterns on them.

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We got ours in a green bag :D and it was so-so. Maybe if DD weren't already reading chapter books it might have been a better fit.


I do have a question related though - we don't want to keep the game since dd is past it. Would it be okay to sell it, as long as I don't include the testing instructions? What says the HIVE?

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We received our package today, and I have no qualms about telling you that we got a game called Zip-It. We're going to try it now, so I don't have a review yet, but on first glance, it looks sort of like a mini-Scrabble or Boggle type of word game.


The little fabric bag it comes in, is cute! :001_smile:

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We got ours in a green bag :D and it was so-so. Maybe if DD weren't already reading chapter books it might have been a better fit.


I do have a question related though - we don't want to keep the game since dd is past it. Would it be okay to sell it, as long as I don't include the testing instructions? What says the HIVE?



I don't think you should sell it - but giving it away would be fine.

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Guest SandEE
:iagree: My testing of the game is over. I don't think we are required, or under contract, to be hush-hush about what game we got forever. We got Pairs in Pears. :tongue_smilie: There, I said it. Personally, I was a little surprised because I thought it was going to be a brand new game to test, one that wasn't on the market yet. That's why I was saying I would have been pretty disappointed had I already owned Pairs in Pears.

First Post Ever!

Although I might not make any friends after this...

So,I was picked to do the research too, I got my game in the mail and filled out the online thing. I totally get, especially after reading other posts, why everyone is so pissed and I would be too if I was told that I didn't get picked after I had already been told that I was. :thumbdown: But, if you got picked and you did the research you should have really read what you were signing.


Since my hubby is a lawyer I took a screen shot of mine when I signed it for future reference. It definitely says that by signing it we are agreeing not to talk about the research with anyone until it becomes public knowledge, when the company releases it. And to everyone that signed it and didn't get a game, the contract doesn't say they are going to send you a game to test. It just said that if you tested it that you wouldn't talk about it with anyone. So the only people breaking a contract are the people on here talking about it. No way am I trying to defend them but if you thinks its okay just because everyone is mad about them not holding up their end of the deal... then are we just lying when we say to our kids, 2 wrongs don't make a right? That's what it sounds like.


I personally would just rethink posting stuff like that. A lot of people are talking about morals and lessons on here so maybe the moral is to really read something legal before you sign it? :confused:

Not sure about the other free game people are talking about though, all I know is what I signed.


Thats just my 2 cents


SandEE ---<---@

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I'm trying to follow what you are saying, but it seems to me that I'm not breaking any agreement because I didn't end up testing anything. I'm just mentioning the game they gave me as consolation for breaking their contract with me. Which was Zip-It. I agreed to not talk about a game I was testing. I didn't end up testing anything. Zip-It is already on the market. I'm pretty sure I can talk about a game with my friends, on a blog, shouting from a rooftop that is already on the market.


Anyhow...welcome to the board. :D


Several people mentioned the game they tested.

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