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Exercise Thread ~ 4/9-4/15

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Thank you, Negin, for starting this thread. I was sick with a cold over the weekend.


It's been almost two weeks since I worked out. Sickness and other issues have gotten in the way.


Yesterday, I ran for 30 minutes.


This morning I ran a little longer but not quite 40. Started feeling dizzy and queasy so I slowed to walk for a bit. All you runners, what do those signs mean? Not enough water before I started running? Because I still have the tail end of a head cold?


I'd like to do some muscle work later today. Hopefully, I'll get to it. Gotta get started on lessons to be finished on time.

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After a winter of constant colds, and being displaced from our home when a big tree fell on it, we are FINALLY healthy and home. My exercise this week and next will be:


Unpacking and spring cleaning -HOURS of dancing did not prepare me for this. Ow.


3 suspended dance classes will resume now that my home dance room is available once more. (same curriculum for all three classes)


The 5 other classes I teach and take will continue now that everyone's Spring Break is over.


Cramming extra rehearsals for Shimmy Mob



I need to hit up a yoga class because my back is aching from resuming all of this activity, but I don't see that making the schedule because I do need to feed and educate people SOME time :-). I will probably do the Gentle Yoga for Aches and Pains with my son if it's still on Netflix :-)

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I'm about to do Callanetics Evolution. Never done it before. I'll see how it goes. I love Callanetics so far. I'm only posting now since I'll be super-busy and away from the computer all day.


I was sick with a cold over the weekend.

It's been almost two weeks since I worked out. Sickness and other issues have gotten in the way.

:grouphug: Hope you're feeling much better now.


All you runners, what do those signs mean? Not enough water before I started running? Because I still have the tail end of a head cold?

I used to be a daily runner. Could be that you started out again doing too much too soon? And/or, that you are still going through the symptoms of your cold and need to build back more gradually? Dehydration? Fatigue? Stress? I would build back up slowly and gradually. Make sure you're hydrated and have enough potassium - bananas, etc. Again, hope you feel better soon. After 2 weeks, it does take a little while.

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Wednesday: Bar Method - Accelerated Workout


Still trying to decide if this type of workout is "enough" for me. They are so different from the JM-type stuff.


On its own I don't think it's enough. I think more cardio is needed. So on the days I do muscle work DVDs, I try to get in a run too.

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Love to be on this thread! My goal is one hour(ish) a day of walking, biking, hiking and/or running.

Sunday: 60min family walk; 15min jog, 20min biking; 20min hiking

Monday: 60min fast walk

Tuesday: 1 mile run 14 min; 40min biking

Today: 73 min walk with neighbor; 1mile run in 12min


Lisaj, mom to 5

Edited by 74Heaven
more exercise today to add
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Nothing. I can't tie my hair back until tomorrow (hairdresser instructions). I really don't like to workout if I can't tie my hair back. In fact, I'm so odd that one of my pet peeves are DVDs where instructors, etc. don't tie their hair back. I just find it a bit annoying. :lol:


I did Crunch: Fat-Burning Pilates with Barrett. I love her. :) It was a fun workout.

I like this one and I really like Ellen. :)


Wednesday: Bar Method - Accelerated Workout

Still trying to decide if this type of workout is "enough" for me. They are so different from the JM-type stuff.

For me, yes.

See how you feel :grouphug:. Read up more on it if you wish. Reading up on it helped me greatly. I really liked the Callanetics book. You can get it used on amazon. It's very dated, but still so relevant.


Insanity: Cardio Core and Balance.

And tonight is Zumba!

Wow. Good for you! :D


Love to be on this thread! My goal is one hour(ish) a day of walking, biking, hiking and/or running.

A good goal.


*sigh* I loathe you exercise...

I hear you. I feel the same at times. But I love the feeling when I'm done.


Oooh-tonight's water aerobics class was water Zumba. That was FUN!

Does sound like fun. :D


Biked around lakes and along Mississippi River for 22 miles today.

Fabulous. I can't even imagine being able to do 22 Miles!

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Nothing. I can't tie my hair back until tomorrow (hairdresser instructions). I really don't like to workout if I can't tie my hair back. In fact, I'm so odd that one of my pet peeves are DVDs where instructors, etc. don't tie their hair back. I just find it a bit annoying. :lol:


Okay, I have to know what you had done to your hair that restricts pulling it up?? :D I've just never heard of such a thing. Curious minds, you know!

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Okay, I have to know what you had done to your hair that restricts pulling it up?? :D I've just never heard of such a thing. Curious minds, you know!

Keratin treatment to cut down on the frizz. :D The older I get, the frizzier my hair gets. Plus, we live in a humid environment. I can tie it back tomorrow and wash it also.

I love your curious mind. :grouphug: :lol:

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Denise Austin doesn't tie her hair back. It's always made me wonder why. My hair is too short to tie back but I do wear a head band to keep it out of my face.


Speaking of hair, my hairdresser told me that she blow dries and styles her hair only twice a week. The other days she doesn't wash it so she doesn't have to restyle but just touch it up. She said the women back in the day had it right by only doing their hair once or twice a week as it saves a bunch of time. I can see this, but I can't do that. I have to shower after working out and at least rinse the sweat out of my hair. Since I work out more than once or twice a week, I'm washing/rinsing my hair a lot more than that.


I once had a woman tell me she buys super cute workout clothes because most times she doesn't have time to change after working out before she has to run errands. Um, there is NO way I could not shower and change after my work outs. I am sweaty. I told her so and she stared at me blankly, and asked what I do to myself while working out. I laughed and said, "Work my body and that produces sweat when done properly." She huffed at that. Oh well.


Am I weird for doing workouts that make me work? (Except on my lazy days...shhhhh)



I did Bar Method: Accelerated method. The DVDs are all so similar...almost that same.



I hope to get a run in later.

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I did Bar Method: Accelerated method. The DVDs are all so similar...almost that same.


Is this true for the Sculpt I and II as well? I was considering getting those down the road, but I won't if they are too similar. Can't remember - do you have the advanced dance one??

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Is this true for the Sculpt I and II as well? I was considering getting those down the road, but I won't if they are too similar. Can't remember - do you have the advanced dance one??


no, I don't and yes sculpt 1 and 2 are similar to the Change Your Body and Accelerated ones.

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Denise Austin doesn't tie her hair back. It's always made me wonder why. My hair is too short to tie back but I do wear a head band to keep it out of my face.


Speaking of hair, my hairdresser told me that she blow dries and styles her hair only twice a week. The other days she doesn't wash it so she doesn't have to restyle but just touch it up. She said the women back in the day had it right by only doing their hair once or twice a week as it saves a bunch of time. I can see this, but I can't do that. I have to shower after working out and at least rinse the sweat out of my hair. Since I work out more than once or twice a week, I'm washing/rinsing my hair a lot more than that.


I once had a woman tell me she buys super cute workout clothes because most times she doesn't have time to change after working out before she has to run errands. Um, there is NO way I could not shower and change after my work outs. I am sweaty. I told her so and she stared at me blankly, and asked what I do to myself while working out. I laughed and said, "Work my body and that produces sweat when done properly." She huffed at that. Oh well.


Am I weird for doing workouts that make me work? (Except on my lazy days...shhhhh)



I did Bar Method: Accelerated method. The DVDs are all so similar...almost that same.



I hope to get a run in later.


Ya, I don't get it when people say they'll "run to the store" after going to the gym. :001_huh: Could. not. do. it. I practically look like I've *already had* a shower by the time I'm done with my workouts. :lol: Anything less and it's just an "activity", not a workout for me. :tongue_smilie:

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Denise Austin doesn't tie her hair back. It's always made me wonder why.

Yes, I have noticed that. I also notice it on a few others - Leslie Sansone in most of her DVDs, etc. It bothers me, but I have to admit that if I already like the DVD/instructor, I let it go. It does annoy me at times, but not too much. I think they do it for vanity. It looks better. One thing I really loathe is cooking shows, etc. with hair not tied back. Yuck. My dh laughs at my quirks. :tongue_smilie:


there is NO way I could not shower and change after my work outs. I am sweaty.

Me neither. Even when I didn't live in the tropics and lived in cold places like OR and NY, there is no way I could workout without showering and changing after. And on those rare days that I didn't workout, there was no way that I would ever leave the house in the morning without showering first.


I did Bar Method: Accelerated method. The DVDs are all so similar...almost that same.

Yes, the ones I have done are very similar.


Is this true for the Sculpt I and II as well? I was considering getting those down the road, but I won't if they are too similar. Can't remember - do you have the advanced dance one??

Cynthia, it's been a while, but if my memory serves me correctly, the Sculpt ones are just slightly different. I preferred them. I wish I could remember exactly, but I'm quite certain that I'm right about that.

I've been sidetracked lately with first not working out consistently for quite some time and now that I am working out more regularly again, I'm doing all sorts of stuff - Callanetics (which I love), swimming, rebounding, yoga, etc. I wish I had time to workout more.

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Most or nearly all of my clothes hold that promise of being able to transition from gym to market. WHATEVER! I have man sweat. It is actually the reverse, from market to the gym, then straight to the shower!


I am on recovery week and instead of Core Cardio and Balance I have been running and doing some MA. I dropped Tai Cheng but need to pick it back up again. Tai Cheng is very nice but I often get side tracked into doing other stuff around the house.

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