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Dog owners: do you take you let the dog out in the yard or take it for lots of walks?

How do you manage your dog's toilet breaks?  

  1. 1. How do you manage your dog's toilet breaks?

    • Let the dog out into the yard
    • Take the dog for lots of walks
    • Some combination
    • Other

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We are planning to get a dog, but have discovered that DH and I have different expectations. When his family had a dog, it was let out into the yard, into a fenced dog run, whenever it needed to go to the toilet. When I was a kid, our dog was walked several times a day, and generally went with us on errands. It didn't use the yard as a toilet, and any accidental doings in the yard were cleaned up immediately.


What do you do? DH's option, my option, some combination, or something other?





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My husband walks the dog. When he's home, I pretend that I also walk the dog. When he's not home, I let the dog outside in the backyard. Occasionally, I actually walk the dog. Like, once a month, maybe. But he walks her when he gets home from work and again before bed, so it's not like she doesn't get walked.

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uses piddle pads in the house....that is because I am very lazy and hate getting up early and taking the dog outside, LOL! It is very convenient for me....you can leave them and don't have to worry about them going on the carpet. When I go outside....I usually let the dog out with me...and she will go to the bathroom in the grass...but we have 1 1/4 acres here...and I have never stepped in anything, LOL!


When we run errands....we take her...as long as I don't have to leave her in the car (it gets too hot here). I take her to the grocery store if I am running in for 1/2 things and I carry her the whole time.


We take her for walks....but not on any schedule...just when we feel like it, LOL!



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Mostly we just let our dog out in the yard. I have used some of the cheap wire garden fence to fence off a little area for the dog do "do her buisness" - that way nobody steps in anything. She loves to go for walks, but doesn't walk nicely so I don't take her nearly as often as I should.

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Our dog is no longer with us but when we had one he had free access to the yard. The messes were cleaned up as needed. He was also walked twice per day but the reason for that was exercise and "socialization" with other dogs and humans. Of course he did go to the bathroom on the walks, but we cleaned up the messes from that too. Frankly, I would rather he that he pooped on our lawn than on someone else's.

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We have a large, fenced dog run. Ds (8) is responsible for scooping it every second day.


When I grew up we took our dog out for three walks a day and that was usually when he did his business. I *hate* those mandatory walks. I enjoy the dog much more now that we can walk him for the pleasure of walking him rather than having to walk him at certain times just so he could go to the bathroom.



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Lack of exercise is the number one factor in dogs misbehaving. Most all dogs benefit from a regular walk at least once a day if not twice. Depending on the breed, they need a "job" to maintain a feeling of belonging to your pack. Yard time is great but it's so important not to skip the walk.


I highly recommend Victoria Stillwell. Is is the UK's version of Cesar Millan (like him too, but she has easier guides to follow).





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we have three dogs right now and we take them out several times a day for "walks." my dh grew up with dogs that were allowed to roam the yard and do their business all over the place.


we have a tie out that is 15 ft. that we take turns putting them on for 20 or so minutes several times a day. they go in the back (fenced) yard with us only and then it is specifically to play, no potty business out back.


we police their area several times a day as well.

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We have a fenced acre and another cross fenced 1/2 out of 6 total. So yeah they go in the yard sometimes, but my dog only goes on the fenceline. My mother's untrained dog idiots go anywhere so she scoops the yard...


We only take them for "walks" for special occasions (going to town is special, lol). They also run with the children in the woods for thrills and stimulation (our property is backed and sided by well over over 150 acres of empty forest and the neighbors don't mind.)


If you live in town, with a small lot, then you might as well walk to the park, etc, 'cause you will have to scoop. Plus most any dog will need way more exercise than a tiny run will provide and that means lots of walks anyway. :001_smile:




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When I was small, we had a small garden, with no space for a dog run. It would never have occurred to us to let the dog poop in the garden. We don't know what kind of space we will have in Scotland, but if we only have a small garden, I can't see turning it into a dog poop area.


I'll keep thinking about it, then see what kind of property we get.





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than our last out of control pup. He does go for a about a half hour walk in the morning with dh or older boys, and then pretty much hangs out sleeping until lunch. We play outside with him at lunch (don't trust him in yard with beautiful flowers to tempt) and then he sleeps until late afternoon. At that time he usually is going to baseball with us or we are outside together. Crate is a must have! Works well on vacation and in car as well as at home. He also has a big soft bed that we tie him to off the kitchen so he can be with us. He sleeps all night and we have trouble getting him up @ 7:30 am. He is a DREAM! But I do think getting him out and exercised helps a lot.

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We let the dogs out to do their "duty". I think it's important to train the dog to go in just one designated area of the yard so it's not pooping all over the place, esp. in the garden, sandbox, etc.


We try to take the dogs for walks, too, but mainly for exercise and bonding. I hate when my dogs poop on walks bec. I have to carry those little bags of poop around with us.


I feed them after the walks to make pooping on the journey less likely. Peeing on walks is ok, but I don't let that get out of hand. I try to let them mark only a couple of times, when I say it's ok.


We also feed on a schedule--no free feeding--to encourage established bathroom habits.


I highly recommend Cesar Millan's DVD's and books. He changed the way I thought about pets. I think he's great!

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Our dog just uses the backyard. We rarely take our dog for walks....one, because I always seem to be approached by some dog that has gotten out of it's yard :glare:. And I'm terrified of loose dogs. Two, because he's afraid of everything under the sun and he goes on walks with his tail between his legs. And three, he doesnt care to be outside anyways. He goes out, does his business, and comes back to scratch on the door to be let inside.


Pre-kids he went on errands with me often. Now, with two kids in tow, I cant do a dog too LOL. But he does go camping with us.

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We have a border collie...Ella Bella...we also live in an apartment in Germany.

First thing in the morning 6:30 am..she goes out. Breakfast is served and then if she "talks to us" we take her out, right that second. Other than that we wait until around 10am..then at lunch she goes out, the afternoon we take her to the doggy park and on a walk, then at supper she goes out, and another short walk around the block and is in bed by 9:30pm. She's spoiled rotten by us..can you tell. :D


Edited to add...she's been in school this week for training..so we can take her downtown with us when we go out to dinner(she can relax under the table) and more socialization...she's an excellent pooch!

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Dogs in the yard when dogs need to go...Dogs go for walks for fun and exercise (who's fun and who's exercise may vary or coincide). I have never been able to have my dogs wait long enough for me or the kids to drop everything for a walk/potty break.


Note: The above only applies to those with access to a yard. Apartment dwelling with no yard is a totally different issue.


Note the Second: Clean yard regularly-if kids play in yard clean it more often. My Dad always had an old fireplace shovel (reserved for this purpose) and grabbed a bag at cleaning time. Water grass in the "regular" spots often.

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We have a small designated spot in the yard where our dogs do their business. It gets cleaned up daily. The rest of the yard is for play only. It is very easy to train the dogs to only go in a certain spot. We also take them for walks every day. They enjoy getting out and seeing different things and we enjoy being with them.

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The dogs regularly use the yard but my oldest adopted a shelter puppy earlier this year and I make sure she gets him out at least once a day for a walk.


My biggest regret with our older dog is not leash training him while he was a puppy. Now he is 85lbs and impossible on a leash. In every other way he is a wonderful dog, but put him on a leash and you are the one being walked.:001_huh:

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We have an old dog with arthritis,small kidneys, and a huge yard.She gets taken for a walk twice a day and let out multiple times a day.Sometimes 3-4 times an hour.And we put the pads on the floor at night or if we are going somewhere.

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We have a fenced-in part of the yard that is for the dog. It used to be the kids' play area.


We take him on walks, too. Lately he has figured out how to flick his head so that his collar comes off immediately, so that's a problem. I have a prong collar but it no longer fits him because of all the fur around his neck. He'll get walked more once I get him another prong collar. (It does not hurt him, btw -- he has too much fur for the prongs to touch his skin, but he can't flick it off.)


I take him to a dog park to run loose as often as I can. We usually stay for an hour, plus it is a 45-minute round trip.



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I voted combo...Our dog... very spoiled yellow lab... is an indoor dog... we let her out to "GO" but we trained her to only "go" in the woods.... If we are out somewhere and we can't find a bush or something like that for her... and she 'has" to go... poor thing stresses out a bit..... looking all over for a bush! lol


I cant stand dog mess in the yard :001_huh: yuck....... we play badminton and volley ball their in the summer months...and female urine kills the grass....


We pick up after her if we are out, but the woods at our house... she has free range and no one is going to pick it up.... *Ü*


We let her out a few times a day to go, and she goes on walks all the time.


We are planning to get a dog, but have discovered that DH and I have different expectations. When his family had a dog, it was let out into the yard, into a fenced dog run, whenever it needed to go to the toilet. When I was a kid, our dog was walked several times a day, and generally went with us on errands. It didn't use the yard as a toilet, and any accidental doings in the yard were cleaned up immediately.


What do you do? DH's option, my option, some combination, or something other?





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any accidental doings in the yard were cleaned up immediately.


What do you do? DH's option, my option, some combination, or something other?



We've had dogs in the past and left them in a fenced yard, that was in GA and the heat was not good for those dogs (re: exercise / walks). Our house was too small for them to live inside with us, though.


Our current dog now lives inside, but gets taken for 4 walks daily. Sometimes he's allowed outside in our yard, but generally only in the evenings after the mailman / UPS man are done with their rounds. (Our "fence" is a hedge and he can get through it.) He does not "run errands" with us, as I don't feel it's fair to leave an animal in a car, and very few of my errands are "just a minute" types.


Oh, and any "doo" left anywhere is immediately picked up. This was mandated by me, because I've had my toddlers stumble across another's "litter" and there was no-way, no-how I'd leave our dog's droppings for others to step in. It has the nice "re-enforcer" of being mandated by our city.

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To let your dog poop in your own yard and clean in up immediately


To let your dog poop in someone else's yard or a public area and clean that up immediately


Or to find a wild area where you can let the dog poop and not feel like you really have to clean it up.


It seems to me that the third choice saves you from some trouble. If you have access to a good wooded area where the dog can run and play, that's probably best. I get my dog down there most days just once, though. I can't get him there every time he needs to go out - especially since he often needs to do his business for the last time pretty late at night.


The other times he needs to poop, he poops in my yard and I dispose of it at once. I also take baggies with me on other walks in case he ends up pooping on the curb or in some ele's space, but I try to avoid that.

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