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Everything in its place?

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And a place for everything? Does your home reflect this idea?


I try. I really do. Yet stuff piles up. I've tried to clean my kitchen table at least 3 times this week. I get it down to a few things and by the next day it's covered again. I'd like to remove all horizontal surfaces from my home. We can eat sitting on the floor or standing up. Hmph!

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More bookshelves!


Wedo seem to acquire a lot if little things that do not belong anywhere in particular. I corral them all together every once in a while and try to figure out how to categorize them.


I have been a bit tooooo relaxed on keeping things organized lately and am planning a big spring clean. Soon. Honestly.

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:lol: Hahaha... that was a joke question, right?


Oh... wait a minute... it wasn't? :001_huh:


Guess you can tell what my answer is.... (Like you, I try to keep things put away. Some days are better than others. I love the idea of a place for everything & everything in its place, but our house is not there yet.)

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:lol: Hahaha... that was a joke question, right?


Oh... wait a minute... it wasn't? :001_huh:


Guess you can tell what my answer is.... (Like you, I try to keep things put away. Some days are better than others. I love the idea of a place for everything & everything in its place, but our house is not there yet.)


Yeah this would be my answer

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I try my best. There's only three of us but still, stuff piles up. Of course, I'm one that likes things to be clutter free so just two or three things on the counter drive me a little bonkers. I really need to go through and get rid of stuff, but I'm not real motivated for some reason. I guess because my son always is underfoot. I need several days of him somewhere else where I can attack the house and not have him interrupt sixteen times in an hour....

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I find that as I get rid of more and more clutter, it becomes easier and easier to get those things put away in their place. My theory is that if you don't have an easy to access home for everything then you still have too much. I don't have a place for everything yet, but we are getting closer.

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Almost every evening that we are at home we take 15 minutes for everyone to pitch in and put things where they belong. The kids are responsible for their personal things first and then I usually assign them a room to de-clutter. They aren't allowed to be in their bedrooms during the 15 minutes unless the rest of the house is clutter free. The key to making this work is that everything needs to have a place and the kids need to know where that place is.


Since the kids really can't help with the paper clutter I really make an effort to touch paper only once. It's either filed, trashed or, if necessary, put in a folder of things that must be addressed at a later date.

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Yes, in our home everything has its place.

That does not mean that everything always is where it belongs- kitchen things recently used may be on the counters, school stuff may be on the table, clothes may be on a chair. But the important thing is, IMO, that everything in principle has a place and that, when I want to put it away, I know where it is supposed to go.

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We have too many things......we are working on that.


As we get rid of more and more, it's easier for us to see the places where things need to go.


With a lot of littles in the house, it takes constant training to get them to put things in their place, so we are always working at it with someone!

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I try. I really do. Yet stuff piles up. I've tried to clean my kitchen table at least 3 times this week. I get it down to a few things and by the next day it's covered again. I'd like to remove all horizontal surfaces from my home. We can eat sitting on the floor or standing up. Hmph!


:iagree: I'm in exactly the same spot!

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True story...I work pt for The Container Store and my house could be featured on Clean House. I hate it! I'm the only neat-nik out of the 4 of us. The kids and dh could live in squalor and be happy. I have learned a lot about myself between those three and my job.


1. Perfectionism is overrated.

2. Only *you* know it's not perfect.

3. Some days just one thing is good enough.

4. You can't change others.

5. Expecting others to live like you want to live will only foster resentment.

6. You can't organize clutter. (Got that one from flylady.)

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I definitely have a place for everything and everything in its place. I get really irritated when things pile up all over the house. As I'm the only one to ever put things in their correct places, things do pile up all over the house. I then either wear myself out putting it all away (if I'm feeling mild and mellow), or I nag and moan and shout until its all put away (when I'm being an hormonal, menopausal old witch). Today I'm treading a thin line between those extremes :glare:.



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My stuff and dh's stuff all has a place. It's the children! And really, who can blame them. They're 7. Of course they go through new things all the time. Trinkets they find and trade. Stuff they make. It's a bit maddening, but I think it might be a metaphor for childhood, so I try to live with it, find places sometimes and chuck stuff out as needed.

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Well.... I want it to... Most of the clutter is stuff I don't have a place for, and finding/making a place has helped quite a bit.


I think it is a great piece of wisdom, but it is hard to implement after years of making do, and collecting stuff. Giving something a place requires time, brain energy, and sometimes cash to make it work well. I've always tried to use what I already had, and scrape by without spending. I have since realized it is worth the cost to me, to have it done right the first time.

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