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Preschool and young elementary blogs


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I blog about my dd's preschool stuff- link in my sig.


Though, my blog template went kablooey the other morning and I'm still getting the new one fixed up, so be kind for a couple more days.


ETA: All fixed now. :)

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I am new to the blogging world, but I have a bunch of links to other blogs on my blog. One reason I started blogging, to be honest, was to have all the resources like blogs, and other key sites, always there for me. I find it easier - but that is just one reason. Hope that helps.

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I put a highlight post on my blog each week. I have several preschoolers so there is a lot of preschool stuff. It also includes highlights for my 1st, 3rd, and 4th graders. www.withasmile.wordpress.com


I also like homeschool share, homeschool creations, and counting coconuts.


Melissa :)



I really enjoyed your blog. You little boys are too cute. I wish I had a bunch of littles running around me all day! :001_smile:

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I really enjoyed your blog. You little boys are too cute. I wish I had a bunch of littles running around me all day! :001_smile:


Really? You can borrow mine if you want. It'll give me time to clean up the tornado of mess they create. They got ahold of styrofoam today and the ENTIRE large lounge looks like christmas, every time I try to sweep/vaccuum it ends up just blowing up into the air before settling again, and the cats have been making snow angel races through it.


I very, very much, dislike styrofoam....its worse than tinsel.


Original Poster: We're doing preschool for two this year, so we have loads of resources available, heres some quicklinks for you:


Health, Safety & Etiquette DIY Curriculum:


Disney Cars Birthday Party (5 part series with lots of photos & links):


Literature/Books List:


HWOT - Handwriting without Tears - Cheap DIY Alternatives:


Letter of the Week Resources:


World Geography Links:


Story of the World Correlation Chart: (Not useful now, but useful later on)


And of course: Mums time to get creative



I am also on Pinterest and I tend to put a lot of craft ideas/curriculums/resources/fun stuff etc on there:



Hope this helps you some! :grouphug:


EDITED TO ADD: Saw your interested in young elementary as well, so theres a lot more useful things on my blog & pinterest too, as I have a 1st grade this year as well.

Edited by Ecclecticmum
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I really enjoyed your blog. You little boys are too cute. I wish I had a bunch of littles running around me all day! :001_smile:



Awe, thanks. :) They are delightiful little boys, full of energy and lots of fun. They do keep me busy and exhausted most of the time and they tend to get into a lot together, but I wouldn't change a thing. :) Preschool is a blast with them as well because there are four of them so close in age (4 boys in 4 years).


Melissa :)

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I blog pre-k and 2nd grade. I have links to a bunch of other blogs on my sidebar.


Some others I like that aren't on my sidebar but I have bookmarked:









I also have the button for TWTM blog roll where you can click through to the next blog or chose them randomly.

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I find myself constantly turning to some of the websites already mentioned like


1+1+1=1 - awesome activities to print out and laminate for extended use!


Everyday Snapshots - a fellow forum member that I've been following. She's given me a whole new insight into a laid back/unschooly approach.


Filth Wizardry- arts and crafts out the wazoo. Did I mention loads of Star Wars ones!!


Confessions of a Homeschooler - a wealth of information


and lastly, I blog about things I am doing with my 5,3, and 20 month old at my site Teaching Stars. We're secular classical here.

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Really? You can borrow mine if you want. It'll give me time to clean up the tornado of mess they create.


haha. That's exactly what I was thinking! Leave us your address, and we'll dump our kids on your doorstep for awhile. You will eat those words!


I'm sure someday when I'm dealing with teenagers, my mind will wander over to the "I love having little children run circles around me" thought, but not today.

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I find myself constantly turning to some of the websites already mentioned like


1+1+1=1 - awesome activities to print out and laminate for extended use!


Everyday Snapshots - a fellow forum member that I've been following. She's given me a whole new insight into a laid back/unschooly approach.


Filth Wizardry- arts and crafts out the wazoo. Did I mention loads of Star Wars ones!!


Confessions of a Homeschooler - a wealth of information


and lastly, I blog about things I am doing with my 5,3, and 20 month old at my site Teaching Stars. We're secular classical here.


Thank you, Ms. Kristen, for the mention. :)


Looks like you might be interested in the crafty, printables-type blogs. I tend to read more of the "don't feel guilty if you aren't into all the crafty and printables" ones myself. A few I like:


Teaching Stars Kristen's (of course)


Amongst Lovely Things - A very relaxed feel with a beautiful childhood, no excuses, and no guilt. The archives are fabulous.

Only Small Things - One boy and one mom. Lots of field trips, nature and fun.

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