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Everything posted by Tootsie

  1. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. And Abbey- I literally just started reading about Pandas and heard about the connection to strep. I dont think her daughter has been sick but I will tell her what you said.
  2. My very good friend called me last week and said her 4 year old recently started excessively blinking and she was all concerned it was a sign of Tourettes. My frined is prone to dramatics at time so I figured she was jumping to the worst possible scenario. Last week I went to visit her to try and assuage her fears. However it was much worse than I had expected. Her 4 year old's left eye blinks RAPIDLY. It normally starts when she is calm or resting. Like watching tv or sitting in a car seat. It starts out with the left eye twitching faster than one would be able to do on their own. When it starts the 4 year old stretches her mouth(it looks like she is doing purposely on her own to try and stop her eye). She also sniffs and does something funny with her nose. Almost a snarl. I don';t know if that is being done in order to try and stop the twitching eye or if it is all done subconsciously. I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with something similar. I feel bad because I went to my friend hoping to ease her fears but only had my own brought up. She has an appt with the local childnre's hospital to have an EEG. They said thought would rule out brain trauma caused by a seizure. (which my friend doesn't think is the case) I keep trying to tell her to calm down and wait until we get more results and information. But she has been on WEBmd and online and is driving herself batty. Any advice or suggestions? I'm at a loss and would appreciate it.
  3. I entered a neat giveaway after checking out a lot of the blog links people suggested to me on a earlier post. It's one of the forum members and I love this quilted map she is giving away. I entered and thought id pass it along to you all since your the ones that led me there. :D Quilted World Map givewawy apologize for typos because im on my phone.
  4. Thanks for the great recommendations. I have a lot of sights here to keep me busy for awhile. I'm off to go read!
  5. Thnx for all the info and sharing your experiences. I will be meting with my friend later today and will share your insight. Thanks again
  6. My good friend has a little girl who is 4 years old. She just started this weird habit of going through periods of blinking her eyes repeatedly. Nothing seems to cause it or trigger it she just does it often throughout the day. Its been a couple months now. She just turned 4 in January. My friend started looking online adn is freaking herself out with all the WebMD diagnoses. Any suggestions?
  7. Today's Tuesday is feeling remarkably like a crappy monday for us here.
  8. I'm in the same position you are. I have been ready to purchase it a few times but would love tp hear what others think. and their experience with it.
  9. Can you send me your links to some of your fav preschool and elementary blogs? They dont have to necessarily be homeschooling sights but just somewhere I can get some ideas and inspiration. TY
  10. I've been reading the posts on here for awhile adn have found them ridiculously helpful. Is there by chance, so sort of Newbie area where there is already a post that can lead new homeschooling families to helpful areas. I have seen that many of you blog and i've been reading some of those. Do you have favorite posts on here or favorite homeschooling blogs (even if your own) that you visit often for inspiration? I have young children from preschool to middle of that helps you guide me.
  11. i've been reading these forums for awhile now and have gleaned a bunch of information. Honestly, sometimes it is overwhelmin with the amount of information passed on here. I figured I could come out of the woodwork now to say hello. I was wondering if any of you ever feel any concern about these forums being open to the public? I am a member of a few other boards where they are blocked from public access. Do you ever have any concerns about that?
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