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Does anyone have children who never asked to go to school?

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Sometimes I feel that I have created a monster called homeschooling!


There have been many times I have wanted to put the kids in school and go back to work. I miss working.


My children have never asked to go to school. They didn't even ask when they were younger. And my kids went to full time preschool when they were young (I worked.)


In fact, it was my oldest who asked me to homeschool when he was 5. Long story short, Dh and I juggled our work schedules to make that happen until he was 7 and that is when I quit working.


If I mention going to school they all say, "NO! We want to homeschool!"


Sometimes I wish my kids would want to go to school. I even have sometimes talked about how fun it would be. They aren't buying it. :lol:



Our kids have been able to hear, over the years, the horror stories that their friends relate about school. Since we have a large 4-H club, this means they've heard stories from four different school districts and one private school. So, the boys have always maintained they only want to be homeschooled.


DD went to private school for 5th, 6th, and 7th grade when we lived in a different part of the state. During that time, the boys were very little and attended the parochial pre-school while I taught part-time as a music teacher and science lab, science fair coordinator plus floating sub. I loved my job! Adored it! Dd did great for 5th and 6th grade, but the 7th grade teacher had major personal problems that descended into mental illness and it wrecked havoc on the classroom. The school board was not proactive in doing anything about it. It ruined her desire to be schooled away from home again. We brought her home for 8th despite this school having an amazing set of 8th grade teachers (the head of the science department told me to homeschool her before "regular school ruins her zest for scientific pursuit" and we never looked back.


So, I've never had a child ever ask to be put in school. She didn't ask when we enrolled her in the parochial school, but she did ask to be brought home. The boys barely remember preschool and though they liked it, listening to their friends talk has convinced them that they have a good thing going and not to mess it up!


I'm on the hook for six more years. Additionally, dd thinks I should be like Jesse Bauer...help homeschool the grandchildren K-2! Dh thinks this is wonderful....I don't think it has occurred to them that I might like to have a life that doesn't not include this!!!! :glare:



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None of my children have an interest in any school but homeschool. I've asked my oldest DD (out of curiosity) if she is even curious about high school. She always looks at me like :001_huh: and maintains she'd have be around "kids". :lol:


My oldest DS is such a momma's boy that he not only wants to homeschool through college but wants to get a job, get married, and have children... while living at home with me. Not a chance, kid. You need your own home. :tongue_smilie:

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My son has never wanted to be in school. He didn't even care for the pre-K class he was in at a daycare center, and he hated Kindergarten which is when we pulled him out to begin homeschooling. When he was in 4th grade, I felt overwhelmed and put him into school. It was horrible. We pulled him out after 13 days. He told me he never, ever wants to go back to school. He asked if he could homeschool college even.

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Never asked and frequently thank me for homeschooling them. They also plan to buy the house next door and live beside us forever. :D


My then 9 yr old told me we needed to expand his bedroom so that when he gets married he'll have room for his wife. :lol:



Same ds also told me I need to help him find a wife who will home school his kids.

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Mine have never asked. In fact, even in high school, the threat of sending them to school still works:). Dd might be a different story. She is very social. We are fortunate to have a bunch of girls around her age that she is close to and this helps her get the social fix. I think she knows that she has it good, but I do wonder if she wil buck the trend here.

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Oldest son did not want to go to school at all, positively, vehemently, for years. Before 9th grade, he wanted to take a few classes at the public school (primarily to take a lab class and also to get a feel for structured classes in anticipation of going to college). Now he is considering taking classes at the community college or local Univ. next year. They definitely change. :)


Younger son is quite content homeschooling, but I suspect as his goals mature, he will want to take advantage of programming classes at the public school.

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Neither of my boys have ever really asked. With the oldest, we found an opportunity that looked promising and tried it for a while, but after less than 2 years, he came back home readily, and has expressed that he'd only want to go back as a plan C or D, it's not a priority or particular desire of his.


My little guy only asked once because his friend down the friend pressured him into asking. Circumstances didn't work out just then to send him, and when I offered him opportunities for next year and/or the year after, he has come right out and declared that he'd rather not go to school, certainly not now, maybe not at all. He'd be my only exclusively homeschooled dc.


My older dd went for two years at her own request, and will go back for high school at her own request. I found a charter that might take her next year, but she declared that she'd rather stay home.


Younger dd is the only extrovert in a house of introverts. She'd thrive in a brick and mortar school environment, and as soon as conditions are favorable in our local ps (right now it's overcrowded and understaffed, but there are plans to correct that), she'll go.

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Sometimes I feel that I have created a monster called homeschooling!


There have been many times I have wanted to put the kids in school and go back to work. I miss working.


My children have never asked to go to school. They didn't even ask when they were younger. And my kids went to full time preschool when they were young (I worked.)


In fact, it was my oldest who asked me to homeschool when he was 5. Long story short, Dh and I juggled our work schedules to make that happen until he was 7 and that is when I quit working.


If I mention going to school they all say, "NO! We want to homeschool!"


Sometimes I wish my kids would want to go to school. I even have sometimes talked about how fun it would be. They aren't buying it. :lol:


LOL! My kids are the same. They *DO NOT* want to go to school. I have tried to tell them they will have more friends and such. They aren't buying it either.


Dd asked if she could homeschool through college!

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Sometimes I feel that I have created a monster called homeschooling!


There have been many times I have wanted to put the kids in school and go back to work. I miss working.


My children have never asked to go to school. They didn't even ask when they were younger. And my kids went to full time preschool when they were young (I worked.)


In fact, it was my oldest who asked me to homeschool when he was 5. Long story short, Dh and I juggled our work schedules to make that happen until he was 7 and that is when I quit working.


If I mention going to school they all say, "NO! We want to homeschool!"


Sometimes I wish my kids would want to go to school. I even have sometimes talked about how fun it would be. They aren't buying it. :lol:


None of mine have ever asked. They value being masters of their own time.

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We finally got dd off of wanting to live at home for college and then never get married and just stay here forever.


awww, my DS 4.5y/o said to me the other day - near tears - "I don't want to grow up and have to live by myself" He said he'd miss his sister! :lol:

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My first never asked to, perhaps because she had awful memories of the two years she was in school.


My second once in awhile used to mention something that she thought would be interesting about school, but she never actually asked to go, and she never says this anymore.


We'll see about the baby. ;)

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