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Do you have a pretty teapot?

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How do you use a teapot in real life? ( NO! STOP LAUGHING!!!) Why bother with a china one if the tea just gets cold in it?


If you just have a microwave can you heat up the REAL CHINA teapot in

that? How is that better that just zapping a mug of water in the microwave and then dipping the teabag in it?


I feel like I should get this, since I have a teapot collection.... but only tried using one once. I served stone cold tea to a guest. :-P


You're supposed to put hot water in the teapot first, swish it around and then pour it out. That gets the teapot warm. Then you put the hot water in and steep the tea.

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I collect them and I love them. I make a pot daily for my teenager.

I have two beautiful Marjolene (sp?) Bastion ones, a stunning Polish one, my very favorite is a classical books one from Bas Bleu my Mom got me one year for Christmas.

I have a similar obsession with coffee cups to suit my mood. For instance, today I am off to Bible study so it is a travel mug that says, "I'm drinking coffee, it's too early for wine" :D

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How do you use a teapot in real life? ( NO! STOP LAUGHING!!!) Why bother with a china one if the tea just gets cold in it?


If you just have a microwave can you heat up the REAL CHINA teapot in

that? How is that better that just zapping a mug of water in the microwave and then dipping the teabag in it?


I feel like I should get this, since I have a teapot collection.... but only tried using one once. I served stone cold tea to a guest. :-P


I don't prewarm my pot (snicker). I do pour boiling water into it when I make the tea. It stays warm enough over the hour-ish it takes me to drink my tea (snicker). My pot might be small enough that it just stays warm enough for me. It's not BOILING HOT, but it's warm enough that I warn the kids not to take gulps when they want some out of my cup.

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How do you use a teapot in real life? ( NO! STOP LAUGHING!!!) Why bother with a china one if the tea just gets cold in it?


If you just have a microwave can you heat up the REAL CHINA teapot in

that? How is that better that just zapping a mug of water in the microwave and then dipping the teabag in it?


I feel like I should get this, since I have a teapot collection.... but only tried using one once. I served stone cold tea to a guest. :-P


You can let hot tap water sit in the teapot while you wait for the kettle to boil. This will warm it up. Also, I don't generally make more tea than my guests and I can drink in 30-40 minutes, so it stays warm. This is why I have different sized teapots.


If I want to make an hour's worth of tea, so we can keep drinking without getting up to make more, I brew a pot and put it into a preheated thermal carafe, then brew another pot and set both on the table. This keeps us all satisfied for at least 90 minutes :-)

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There is no keeping the thin bone china ones warm for any reasonable length of time. It's frustrating. Our china is beautiful, a Wedgwood pattern, and neither the coffee pot nor the teapot keep drinks warm enough to do anything but serve them immediately.


But I have a couple of heavy, casual china teapots that work very well. I pour boiling water in them and let them stand for about 3 minutes. Then I pour it out and make the tea in them, and it stays warm enough for lengthy use.

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