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Wolf Got 'Yummy'ed Yesterday! (pics)

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Wolf was out picking up some packing supplies. Standing at a cash register, there was a Mom w/2 kids at the next til.


Woman looked Wolf up and down, and announced, "Yummy!"


Someone needs to learn the concept of 'inside your head' talking :lol:


I'll admit though...he is my kind of yummy. :001_wub:



Edited by Impish
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:D Well, aren't you glad that other women notice how blessed YOU are??


He is handsome.


One time I was standing in line at the QT counter and smelled a wonderful cologne. I said aloud, "Wow, someone smells good!" The man in front of me turned around, smiled, and said, "Usher." It was he that smelled so good and he was wearing Usher cologne. Sometimes you just have to comment! ;)

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:D Well, aren't you glad that other women notice how blessed YOU are??


He is handsome.


One time I was standing in line at the QT counter and smelled a wonderful cologne. I said aloud, "Wow, someone smells good!" The man in front of me turned around, smiled, and said, "Usher." It was he that smelled so good and he was wearing Usher cologne. Sometimes you just have to comment! ;)


Well, he is sort of yummy (if you're into that rugged handsome look). ;)


And, I have totally done that. Very rarely though as I usually can't stand cologne.

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Tibbie, if your brother is adopted, they could be! We haven't found all of Wolf's sibs...and those are just the ones that were apprehended from his bmom, we don't know about his bdad, and if he went on to have other kids or not...


Yes, he told me about it. He was kinda kerflummoxed about it :lol:


And yeah, I admit...seeing him w/our kids, esp cradling a baby makes my knees go weak. :blushing:

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Tibbie, if your brother is adopted, they could be! We haven't found all of Wolf's sibs...and those are just the ones that were apprehended from his bmom, we don't know about his bdad, and if he went on to have other kids or not...


Yes, he told me about it. He was kinda kerflummoxed about it :lol:


And yeah, I admit...seeing him w/our kids, esp cradling a baby makes my knees go weak. :blushing:


Wow, I'm sorry he doesn't know where or how many about his siblings. :( I'd be fairly well kerflummoxed, too.


My brother wasn't adopted.

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Wow, I'm sorry he doesn't know where or how many about his siblings. :( I'd be fairly well kerflummoxed, too.


My brother wasn't adopted.

No, no...he was kerflummoxed by the Mom calling him yummy, not about the sib situation.


He grew up w/out any sibs, as an only child. He's since met 6, and only keeps contact w/2.


He's accepted that's the way things are, and it doesn't seem to bother him. In fact, it's come up about a potential sib, and he didn't pursue it. He figured he'd had enough of opening cans of worms w/the sibs he's already met, he didn't want to add more.

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I was adopted too....but I haven't found any info on my birth family.


The only bio family I have are my older two kids.




Tibbie, if your brother is adopted, they could be! We haven't found all of Wolf's sibs...and those are just the ones that were apprehended from his bmom, we don't know about his bdad, and if he went on to have other kids or not...


Yes, he told me about it. He was kinda kerflummoxed about it :lol:


And yeah, I admit...seeing him w/our kids, esp cradling a baby makes my knees go weak. :blushing:

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I think your husband looks like Bill Engvall....is he funny too? Maybe they are related!


And yes, he is handsome and that is a cute baby.


ETA: Just re-read your OP.....I thought she was talking about the baby.....she meant your husband????? Wow, she has some nerve!

Edited by DawnM
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I was adopted too....but I haven't found any info on my birth family.


The only bio family I have are my older two kids.



If you were in Canada, I'd offer my help to search. :grouphug:


Wolf didn't find sibs til he was in his 30s. It's made a big impact on him, having kids...being able to see himself in someone else, to build a shared family history. :grouphug:

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I think your husband looks like Bill Engvall....is he funny too? Maybe they are related!


And yes, he is handsome and that is a cute baby.


ETA: Just re-read your OP.....I thought she was talking about the baby.....she meant your husband????? Wow, she has some nerve!

Nope, he was by himself, she was def talking about him :lol:

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How about Detroit? That is close to Canada? :D


I was born there, spent 2 weeks of my life there, and never lived there again.


If you were in Canada, I'd offer my help to search. :grouphug:


Wolf didn't find sibs til he was in his 30s. It's made a big impact on him, having kids...being able to see himself in someone else, to build a shared family history. :grouphug:

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And yeah, I admit...seeing him w/our kids, esp cradling a baby makes my knees go weak. :blushing:


Yep, seeing a man lovingly cradle his newborn makes me weak-kneed. I've even had tears come to my eyes when one kissed his wife while he was holding the newborn.

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