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I am here when I should be....

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I am here when I should be . . . here.


I've been going non-stop today and am now finally putting my feet up after banking, doing business at city hall, shopping unsuccessfully for swimsuits at 3 different stores, doing research and grading at the library and 3 other small errands. I'm eating some flax chips and laughing cow cheese and am catching up on the board.

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cleaning bathrooms

folding laundry

making sure ds finishes his schoolwork (at 7 pm at night)


It's been a long day so I feel I deserve some Hive time. My child's refusal to do schoolwork has escalated to lockdown status: no extracurriculars, no screen time, no playing with friends. We go for walks so he's getting physical exercise, but he's required either to be with me doing schoolwork or in his room doing nothing until he's done. I'm hoping absolute boredom will motivate him to finish his work.

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cooking dinner.


I am sick for the 5th day in a row, better but exhausted. Dh picked up something for dinner, bless him. I think he got cheese sticks and egg rolls. Neither are gluten free, so I shouldn't eat them. But I probably will have a cheese stick or two, I in a whatever kind of mood.

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I am here when I should be . . . here.


I've been going non-stop today and am now finally putting my feet up after banking, doing business at city hall, shopping unsuccessfully for swimsuits at 3 different stores, doing research and grading at the library and 3 other small errands. I'm eating some flax chips and laughing cow cheese and am catching up on the board.


Ha! My answer was going to be "here," then I realized that I've been "here" for long enough! I need to be sorting/organizing/putting away the pile of junk on the floor by my bed! But I don't wanna!


I ordered a swimdress from Kohl's a few days ago and am kinda scared to try it on when it arrives. Too much of me to fit into it!


I'm going to the pile now. Not coming back until it's finished! See you all soon!

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nagging the children to finish their after dinner chores. So they all can be in bed before 9:30 tonight:glare:


Folding laundry, planning school, and making lists for getting my house organized. :tongue_smilie:


I am a online full time student and I just finished this semester and have a week off before I start again. So I am taking a day off!!

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finishing taxes so that we can file FAFSA by TOMORROW!!! Yikes.


Ditto, except I have one more day - our FAFSA is due on Friday.


Last year was so nice; I had a year off of the FAFSA and the Confidential Family Financial Statement the college requires. Now I'll be doing it for another six or seven years. Sigh.

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