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if someone told you (a parent of a Girl Scout) that another adult is selling Girl Scout Cookies to the public for more than the set price? Suppose that adult is the parent of an employee of the local Council office.


Also, the cookies being sold are not produced by the bakery our council uses. :confused:


I don't know what to think. Our cookies are $3.50/box. This person is selling them for $4, and the cookies being sold are not available to us here, even if we wanted them.

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I wouldn't assume that $4 is more than the "set price". Is she selling them for a different council or how/why did she get them? If they are from a different bakery, not available to you, etc., then maybe she had to pay more for them that you do? I don't know. The Girl Scouts here sell them for $3.50/box, but whenever I order them from my SIL out of town, my nieces are selling them for $4/box. I assumed it's because their council has different prices or whatever.


So I think I'd need more information. Why is she selling them and what troop do they benefit?

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I didn't speak to this person. We delivered some cookies today, and the customer was surprised that it was less than she'd expected. She had purchased some cookies from the lady mentioned in the OP a few days ago.


I know that some Facebook friends of mine in another state are selling them for $4/box, but they are clear across the country. Our council, which covers half the state, is $3.50. I suppose the fact that this woman's daughter is employed by our council makes it extra strange to me, as though she ought to know better.


Maybe she is selling them for a troop far away. IDK, but it's odd. I don't want to be a tattletale to the council. I'm just curious as to how others would respond.

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Since they are made from a different bakery than the ones you are selling it would just seem to me that she is selling them for a different area that sells the boxes at $4 a box. I know that I buy cookies from my niece in Michigan (I'm in Texas) and I have sold some down here to friends for her. Hers are cheaper than the ones they sell here.

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Since they are made from a different bakery than the ones you are selling it would just seem to me that she is selling them for a different area that sells the boxes at $4 a box. I know that I buy cookies from my niece in Michigan (I'm in Texas) and I have sold some down here to friends for her. Hers are cheaper than the ones they sell here.


Is it worth it once you factor in shipping? My kids' godfather lives about 700 miles away, and although he would like to buy from my dd, it seems silly to pay to ship them to him. I can't imagine shipping enough to actually raise money.

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Hmm. Googling around tells me there's a possibility her cookies are coming from a neighboring state. That explains the different baker and types of cookies. LOL, maybe there's a Cookie Black Market I'm unaware of. :lol:


I don't eat them but apparently one bakery tastes better than the other. Or at least that is what I am told by my local cookie connoisseur.:lol:.

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Councils can set their own price for cookies (but they would be the same across the council). They can also choose between 2 bakeries for cookies: ABC cookie company or Little Brownie Bakers. They're both required to offer a few of the same cookies (like the thin mint type and the caramel coconut type), but that's only 2-3 out of the 8-10 cookie type line up.


So, the fact that Arizona and California are selling cookies at different prices isn't nuts. What would be is if a girl in Phoenix was selling them for more than a girl in Scottsdale (both parts of Cactus-Pine council).

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We pay $4.00 a box, and I'm starting to feel a little ripped off, now that I know that people in other areas are paying less. And what if we're getting our cookies from the "not so hot" bakery? That would be adding insult to injury.


So here's my solution: Everyone should send me a sample of each variety of cookie they bought this year. I will eat them all, and will compare the quality. Then I will compile the results and let you know which bakery is the best.


I may not get to the "compiling" part for a while, so don't hold your breath or anything. But know that I'm eating the cookies for the overall good of society.


And then, after I finish all the cookies, I would appreciate it if you would all chip in and buy me some clothing a few sizes larger than I normally wear, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to need them.


Thank you for your support. ;)

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We pay $4.00 a box, and I'm starting to feel a little ripped off, now that I know that people in other areas are paying less.


The price from the bakery is the same for all the councils. What changes is how the council breaks down the cookie box price. Councils should have that information on their website.


AZ: http://www.girlscoutsaz.org/index.php/cookies-2012

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The price from the bakery is the same for all the councils. What changes is how the council breaks down the cookie box price. Councils should have that information on their website.



Thanks! This thread is great, because I know absolutely nothing about Girl Scouts and all this Cookie Intrigue is interesting.


I was never even a Brownie because my mom thought the brown uniforms were hideous and would look terrible with my skin tone (true story, BTW,) which was fine with me because I didn't really want to join anyway, so all I know about Girl Scouts is that a friend's daughter is one, and she sells me cookies for $4.00 a box.


I also know that some Girl Scouts' moms are extremely pushy about the whole cookie thing, particularly the ones who set up their little tables outside Sam's Club, Staples, and the grocery store. :glare:

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I also know that some Girl Scouts' moms are extremely pushy about the whole cookie thing, particularly the ones who set up their little tables outside Sam's Club, Staples, and the grocery store. :glare:


This is such a disappointment for me. The cookie selling is supposed to be "girl led" and the moms are doing so much marketing in our area. I actually witnessed one mom criticizing a girl in her troop for misspelling the word recipe on one of the signs at their booth and wouldn't let the girl put it up. The girl was only in 4th grade. I thought her sign was cuter than the mom made ones. I am thinking that a lot of it has to do with the prizes. Now Girl Scouts is giving netbooks, Nooks, ipads, REI and American Girl giftcards at the 1000 and 2000 box sales levels. I doubt that many moms would put as much work into this if the girl was only going to get camp credits or little trinkets.

Edited by oldskool
grammar, ugh
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We pay $4.00 a box, and I'm starting to feel a little ripped off, now that I know that people in other areas are paying less. And what if we're getting our cookies from the "not so hot" bakery? That would be adding insult to injury.


So here's my solution: Everyone should send me a sample of each variety of cookie they bought this year. I will eat them all, and will compare the quality. Then I will compile the results and let you know which bakery is the best.


I may not get to the "compiling" part for a while, so don't hold your breath or anything. But know that I'm eating the cookies for the overall good of society.


And then, after I finish all the cookies, I would appreciate it if you would all chip in and buy me some clothing a few sizes larger than I normally wear, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to need them.


Thank you for your support. ;)



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We are in CA and they are $4 here, but when a friend was visiting from Missouri they brought their daughters cookies (earlier than we had them here I might add!!) they were selling them for $3 a box. We still bought our usual amount from the local girls who know we are suckers, but we also got a couple boxes from them since they were about a month before the girls here got them!

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if someone told you (a parent of a Girl Scout) that another adult is selling Girl Scout Cookies to the public for more than the set price? Suppose that adult is the parent of an employee of the local Council office.


Also, the cookies being sold are not produced by the bakery our council uses. :confused:


I don't know what to think. Our cookies are $3.50/box. This person is selling them for $4, and the cookies being sold are not available to us here, even if we wanted them.



I do a lot with cookies in my area. a lot. councils can choose to sell at whatever they want($3 or $3.50 or $4), and they can give troops whatever they want ($.25 per box, $.50 per box $.90).


From what i can read, it is the parent of an employee of council, that is selling. one thing really has nothing to do with the other. This particular emoployee's mother may live in a council that is selling for $4. The employee works in an area where it is $3.50.


For example, I live in NJ cookies are $4. just over the bridge in philly Cookies are $3.50. We have 5 of the same cookies - 3 are different. people ask here all the time for the "other varieties". Sorry we don't have them. I have purchased from other council becasue they have other cookies than we do. the girls like to see that there are other cookies in the GS world. If you want them, you just have to find someone from that council and get them.


All that being said, cookies here turn mothers/troop leaders/ cookie moms into nasty, vicious b***ches. I hate selling in the cold in NJ (and tonight; in the rain). My girls love it, they beg to do it. hence, my sitting in the rain tonight outside walmart. I have trained (speaking, making change, customer stuff) them to do it all themselves so that the 8 & 9 year old in our troop run the booth. the moms sit in camp chairs behind them sipping coffee under blankets.


Robin in NJ

whose troop of 4 has sold 3032 boxes so far this season.

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All that being said, cookies here turn mothers/troop leaders/ cookie moms into nasty, vicious b***ches. I hate selling in the cold in NJ (and tonight; in the rain). My girls love it, they beg to do it. hence, my sitting in the rain tonight outside walmart. I have trained (speaking, making change, customer stuff) them to do it all themselves so that the 8 & 9 year old in our troop run the booth. the moms sit in camp chairs behind them sipping coffee under blankets.


Robin in NJ

whose troop of 4 has sold 3032 boxes so far this season.


Four girls sold 3032 boxes!!!!!! TOTALLY AMAZING.

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Robin in NJ

whose troop of 4 has sold 3032 boxes so far this season.


Wow, that's amazing! My Daisy dd is selling outside of a grocery store tomorrow morning. But I'm pretty sure none of the moms in the group are crazy about it.


We sell the cookies for $4/box and they seem to be pretty good. I especially like Samoas (the coconut/caramel ones) dipped in whipping creme. So wrong that it's right.

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My niece is selling gs cookies out west and they are $4 per box. They're $4 a box here too.


if someone told you (a parent of a Girl Scout) that another adult is selling Girl Scout Cookies to the public for more than the set price? Suppose that adult is the parent of an employee of the local Council office.


Also, the cookies being sold are not produced by the bakery our council uses. :confused:


I don't know what to think. Our cookies are $3.50/box. This person is selling them for $4, and the cookies being sold are not available to us here, even if we wanted them.

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I wouldn't assume that $4 is more than the "set price". Is she selling them for a different council or how/why did she get them? If they are from a different bakery, not available to you, etc., then maybe she had to pay more for them that you do? I don't know. The Girl Scouts here sell them for $3.50/box, but whenever I order them from my SIL out of town, my nieces are selling them for $4/box. I assumed it's because their council has different prices or whatever.


So I think I'd need more information. Why is she selling them and what troop do they benefit?



:iagree: I bought from some local girls at $3.50/box and from a friends sister in Chicago for $4/box. I didn't think to check the bakery, but I doubt they're the same.

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Four girls sold 3032 boxes!!!!!! TOTALLY AMAZING.


Yup. we are all poor and the cookies sales support EVERYTHING they want to do for the year. plus leftover.


We charge for nothing. no dues, plus purchase all badges and uniforms, plus gas/tolls for any trips.


I also do a lot of the towns cookie paperwork. it keeps my mind active on something other than schoolwork.

Robin in NJ

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