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On days when you feel like a crazy person...

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(and please don't tell me that I'm the only one.)


what is your plan for getting through?


Today has been stressful, and I'm a lunatic. :tongue_smilie: Someone came over the house this morning to discuss life insurance. It completely disrupted the flow of our day. And then my 9 year old had a terrible attitude, and I felt like I had to harp on him about every. single. thing. The girls didn't do any school today, and are on their 3rd video right now. After weeks of being sick, I was getting better only to feel yucky again today. I'm just SUCH a bear.




So, what do you do when you have a day like this???

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After all the 'negative' responses have failed, I succumb to curling up on the couch or bed with my kids/dh and just watching a show together....letting them know that I love them and appreciate them...always makes us all feel better to know that! :) And usually apologizing for being the bear helps! :)

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We had one of those days today. I am exhausted, have a hurt knee healing, and a toddler who is inhabited by well .. . ok well, yeah, you get the idea! :001_huh: This is about how it went.


Got up. Toddler was a super groutch from the start. I got the older 2 cleaning up their rooms, dh got breakfast, I got ready for a WW meeting. After breakfast, dd practiced piano, and did math while I went to my meeting.


I got home, dd was supposed to have read, but she said dh said it was too crazy and to do it later when I got home :glare: They were watching tv when I got home. I checked math, got out a few things to do next, did Bible with all 3, made lunch.

After lunch I put THE terrible 2 down for a nap. Seized the opportunity, sent ds to play legos. Did WWE and AAS. Then I sent ds for some room time, laid on the couch while dd read (when I say lay down, insert "go to sleep" until dd woke me up for help on a word, the second time she woke me up was to say "mommy, are you listening?" :tongue_smilie:


I realized at that point I needed a few minutes rest, sent dd to her room for reading/rest time. About 10 minutes later, dd2 was up :glare: Netflix to the rescue. All three watched Barney. :tongue_smilie:


Decided to do science, that was only a semi disaster, and I probably would have skipped it if I hadn't skipped it last week ;)


Sent dd6 to play with dd2 while I did a phonics lesson with ds.


Just finished, sent them off to play, but dd2 wasn't having it, so Barney is on again. (Have I mentioned how much I hate, err dislike greatly, Barney?) dd2 is not feeling well, making life miserable for everyone, I am exhausted and on days like this, it is about getting to the end with the least amount of damage done. :tongue_smilie:


So, we didn't get everything done, I took a nap, I cannot tell you the last time that happened! And the tv has been on way more than normal. but, hey we survived! Now to get the kids dinner, read the history selections we didn't get to today as a read aloud before bed, and then dh and I get to celebrate with an at home date night for V-day tonight.


Crazy days? Just one more step!


As long as these days are not the norm, I wouldn't let it get you down. We have them, we survive them, and tomorrow we will overcome them! :grouphug:

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Glad I am not the only one.


6 days postpartum, dh is back at work. My mom isn't over helping and I really wish I was able to do more than hang in bed with the newborn and bark orders at kids which of course are ignored. This too will pass and I will get my house back to my standards one of these days...


I was napping peacefully till they decided to ride bikes/trikes in front on my bedroom window with the 3 yo screaming. I ordered him to take a nap but see above. ;)

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:grouphug: I try to go into my routine and just get through it...Food, lessons, house picked up, and forget the laundry. Once dinner is done, I'm off for a shower and an early bedtime with a good book. I like to read then and not think about tomorrow.


(I try to call my mom or one of my sisters.) Dh, will get dinner and do the dishes if I ask.

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(and please don't tell me that I'm the only one.)


what is your plan for getting through?


Today has been stressful, and I'm a lunatic. :tongue_smilie: Someone came over the house this morning to discuss life insurance. It completely disrupted the flow of our day. And then my 9 year old had a terrible attitude, and I felt like I had to harp on him about every. single. thing. The girls didn't do any school today, and are on their 3rd video right now. After weeks of being sick, I was getting better only to feel yucky again today. I'm just SUCH a bear.




So, what do you do when you have a day like this???


I'm right there with you today--down to the life insurance (I had an underwriting exam yesterday and another in the morning.)


Chocolate? Not so much--I have to fast for the stinkin' exam. No exercise allowed, either :glare:


I wish I could give advice, but at least I can send a :grouphug:

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I'm in a boring mood, so I won't be funny but will share what I do...


Turn off the TV. In my house it just makes everything worse. Calming music from Pandora is helpful. And a smelly candle.


Quiet time in rooms for at least 90 minutes. Books on tape are good for this. So is the command "clean your room". But, have no expectations. It won't get done. But they can busy themselves without you there.


Feed everyone something healthy for lunch. Scrambled eggs, some toast, and some fruit. A glass of milk or something. My kids do better with good food.


For little ones - a nap.


For me - a nap. Or sit on the porch. Or watch Downton Abbey in bed on my ipad.


Or - Hire a sitter for an hour and go away. Take a walk. Get a soda. Anything.


Send bigger kids to take a bath or shower after quiet time.


Throw some bread dough in the machine. Makes everything smell better.


Bake some chocolate chip cookies. I mix up a huge batch every once in a while and freeze the scoops so I can pull out a few to bake at a time. It's a great way to throw together an impromptu tea. Or get a chocolate fix while everyone is asleep.


Sit on the couch and snuggle with kids while they eat their cookies and you read a favorite SHORT picture book.


Then -


When we've regrouped - clean something. Usually I start with the kitchen. If possible - have DH bring home dinner. Or take you out. Even if it's Wendy's. If you can't pull it off - pancakes for dinner. Or taco night. Or something else that doesn't require thinking.


And be kind to yourself. We've all had these kinds of days. It's normal. Relax. Enjoy the process. And then tomorrow you can work on a plan to address attitudes and everything else. But in a crisis - get your air mask on first.

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