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And this is why I stay away from the curriculum boards


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I went from being perfectly happy with my MUS decision. Then people started talking about Miquon. "Ok, well maybe we could supplement with that; it's cheap enough." Then people started talking about MEP. "Well it's free, so I guess it couldn't hurt." Then people talked about how wonderful Singapore is. "I really want it too." And Life of Fred; no math could be complete without Life of Fred.




Thanks all, my RR wishlist is now over $400 (AAS and BFIAR is in there too). But seriously five math programs?! The kid loves math, but I think even this might make him :willy_nilly:


Now what am I going to do? :tongue_smilie:

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I was laying (lying?) awake last night trying to figure out how we could add Miquon and MEP to our already full math plate!!


A pox on all your houses!!! ;)


ETA: apparently I need to pay less attention to math and more to grammar!

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I was laying (lying?) awake last night trying to figure out how we could add Miquon and MEP to our already full math plate!!


A pox on all your houses!!! ;)


ETA: apparently I need to pay less attention to math and more to grammar!



Oh don't get me started on grammar. I was perfectly happy using FLL. Now I am worried I need to start supplementing with MCT. Don't know much about it other than everyone else loves it! AGGGHHHH!!!!!!! I apparently believe I need to supplement EVERY. SINGLE. SUBJECT! Is it too obvious that I'm a Type A and am homeschooling for academic reasons. I might just wind up in a mental institution if I keep this up.

Edited by meggie
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If MUS is working very well, stick with it! Look over MEP online & see what you make of it. It confuses some people, but it is free. You can come over & look through my Miquon, my printed out MEP, my Singapore, and my MCT and see how mad it all is and make a more informed decision. :lol: :D I did have Life of Fred but sold it. I do not think it's worth it for the elementary series.

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I heard how wonderful MEP is and since it is free, I did print a bunch and even asked my ds (then 8) to do one page online a day in the afternoon with Singapore being our full math spine.

After a couple months (or more), I stopped MEP and now am just doing Singapore with all its elements: textbooks, workbooks, intensive practice and challenging word problem. I have no time to fit anything else. My LOF fraction and decimal are loaned to another mom and I haven't used them yet.

We need not feel guilty if we can only do ONE math program as long as it works and gets CONSISTENTLY DONE.

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I went from being perfectly happy with my MUS decision. Then people started talking about Miquon. "Ok, well maybe we could supplement with that; it's cheap enough." Then people started talking about MEP. "Well it's free, so I guess it couldn't hurt." Then people talked about how wonderful Singapore is. "I really want it too." And Life of Fred; no math could be complete without Life of Fred.




Thanks all, my RR wishlist is now over $400 (AAS and BFIAR is in there too). But seriously five math programs?! The kid loves math, but I think even this might make him :willy_nilly:


Now what am I going to do? :tongue_smilie:




I got sucked in last year also with my now 1st grader. That poor kid had 5 math programs sitting on his shelf. I weeded out and am VERY happy now. Also- I am going with something that WASN'T on the shelf when he had 5 math programs :001_huh:

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If MUS is working very well, stick with it! Look over MEP online & see what you make of it. It confuses some people, but it is free. You can come over & look through my Miquon, my printed out MEP, my Singapore, and my MCT and see how mad it all is and make a more informed decision. :lol: :D I did have Life of Fred but sold it. I do not think it's worth it for the elementary series.


LOL, I'm pretty sure this problem (and the BFSU one as well) started the last time I came to your house. :tongue_smilie:


We need not feel guilty if we can only do ONE math program as long as it works and gets CONSISTENTLY DONE.


Yes, that is what I need to work on. Consistent. I just get too bored and distracted by all the other shiny stuff out there. :willy_nilly:

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This week I finally got around to ordering MegaWords 8 for DD the Elder. That's all I needed now, yet I still ended up with over $200 with of materials in my basket and bought the whole darned thing.:tongue_smilie:

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This week I finally got around to ordering MegaWords 8 for DD the Elder. That's all I needed now, yet I still ended up with over $200 with of materials in my basket and bought the whole darned thing.:tongue_smilie:


NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't tell me about something else that I will have to look into and start coveting. :drool5:

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't tell me about something else that I will have to look into and start coveting. :drool5:

You're safe for now... it's fourth grade and up. :D


ETA: And I've refrained from sharing the rest of my basket... mostly from shame. :lol:

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You're safe for now... it's fourth grade and up. :D


ETA: And I've refrained from sharing the rest of my basket... mostly from shame. :lol:


Oh phew! I was so worried. ;)


(PS, I'm glad I'm not the only curriculum junkie out there. Sometimes these boards just feed my addiction!)

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(PS, I'm glad I'm not the only curriculum junkie out there. Sometimes these boards just feed my addiction!)


I have to say I am going to be a junkie as well :lol: but I have learned the lesson that cheaper isn't necessarily better and costs more in the long run if I choose to avoid a better curriculum because of the cost of it. SO, my focus is finding the perfect curriculum and for the most part working around the money on the tag...however, I do have my limits ha ha:willy_nilly:

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I have $250 worth of books in shopping cart at RR and that is after I just shelled out $150 (of course to avoid shipping :tongue_smilie:). I have two books on the way from amazon and let me just stop here. The scary thing is I am not homeschooling. I am afterschooling :blush::blush:


Tee hee, yeah, this does not include my PHP items. Or Amazon. Ok, I've cut out all the math and extra stuffs. I now have two extra AAS levels, BFIAR and the books, and Artistic Pursuits. I'm down to ONLY $300 :lol: I'm sure DH won't have a heart attack or anything over that :tongue_smilie:

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These boards are dangerous to one's budget. I keep overthinking things. Stuff that works perfectly well for us suddenly doesn't seem as shiny and exciting as something else. Sometimes, I have to step back and remind myself that what we are using is working for us even if someone else thinks it inferior for her children


On the other hand, I have learned about many new things and found things that were just what I needed and was looking for thanks to the Hive. So it is a trade off.

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I haven't actually started homeschooling yet, but I think I've changed my mind a hundred times about what curriculum to buy! :willy_nilly:


I had to take a break from this forum, but I really do appreciate everyone's ideas and input. It has led me to some choices I wouldn't have known about otherwise.

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LOL, I'm pretty sure this problem (and the BFSU one as well) started the last time I came to your house. :tongue_smilie:




Yes, that is what I need to work on. Consistent. I just get too bored and distracted by all the other shiny stuff out there. :willy_nilly:


:lol::lol::lol: Sorry.... If MUS is working, and you aren't having concerns, stick with it! We've been sticking with one main curricula for each dd for months now--Miquon for The Sponge and MEP for The Drama. I add occasional MEP problems for The Sponge since it's free, but that's it. Once you find what works, go with it! It just took us a while to figure out what worked best.

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Tee hee, yeah, this does not include my PHP items. Or Amazon. Ok, I've cut out all the math and extra stuffs. I now have two extra AAS levels, BFIAR and the books, and Artistic Pursuits. I'm down to ONLY $300 :lol: I'm sure DH won't have a heart attack or anything over that :tongue_smilie:


Take out the extra level of AAS. When you need it you can get free shipping from Sonlight.

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Put your blinders on...make your choice and stick with it. All the programs are great, but do you really have time to "supplement" with all that stuff and get anything done?


Choose one thing and do it really well, especially with math. The more you jump around, the more likely you are to have gaps. My philosophy has become "Oh, I'm so glad they've found something they like. I like what we use, too." I am only swayed when I really am miserable with something. MUS is the one thing that I have only ventured away from once, and I quickly went back to it, realizing the reason I used it in the first place. We have used it from Alpha and will begin zeta soon.

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:lol::lol::lol: Sorry.... If MUS is working, and you aren't having concerns, stick with it! We've been sticking with one main curricula for each dd for months now--Miquon for The Sponge and MEP for The Drama. I add occasional MEP problems for The Sponge since it's free, but that's it. Once you find what works, go with it! It just took us a while to figure out what worked best.

:D Well it's not your fault I covet almost everything in the world. :lol: I wasn't going to abandon MUS; I was going to supplement it! Because everyone knows there's no such thing as a "perfect" curriculum. I was going to make it "perfect" by adding four more programs :001_rolleyes: *sigh* sometimes me and my zany ways just crack me up.

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I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who only uses one program for each subject! I feel kinda weird sometimes when I see people with huge lists of materials for kids, but I couldn't imagine myself actually using them all properly.


Hi Jen - would you please tell us curriculum addicts how you can resist the siren call? :001_smile:


OP - you forgot Math Mammoth, Right Start and the upcoming Beast Academy as some other 'must-haves'. Just saying.. :tongue_smilie:

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These boards are dangerous to one's budget. I keep overthinking things. Stuff that works perfectly well for us suddenly doesn't seem as shiny and exciting as something else. Sometimes, I have to step back and remind myself that what we are using is working for us even if someone else thinks it inferior for her children


On the other hand, I have learned about many new things and found things that were just what I needed and was looking for thanks to the Hive. So it is a trade off.



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Evil Grin :D


I can't believe Math Mammoth isn't on your list. It's wonderful.


Oh you sneaky lady! :tongue_smilie: You're not going to tempt me!


Hi Jen - would you please tell us curriculum addicts how you can resist the siren call? :001_smile:


OP - you forgot Math Mammoth, Right Start and the upcoming Beast Academy as some other 'must-haves'. Just saying.. :tongue_smilie:


Ok, so the deal with Math Mammoth: About a year ago, I started hearing how wonderful it was and thought about switching. So I looked at the website and saw that it only went to 6th grade math. I emailed Marie and asked if she planned on doing the secondary grades. She said no, she recommends using textbooks for those years. :svengo: I remember very clearly my high school and college math textbooks; I could never understand them or use them to teach me the math. I need to SEE someone showing me how to do it in order to understand it. And so I thought, "Pfft, not going with that." And I recommitted myself to MUS because it can go all the way through high school. And if for some reason it doesn't work for us in the upper grades, I plan on switching to TT.


So these other ones that I'm researching now aren't to replace MUS, they're to supplement it :D (yeah, I know it's not gonna happen but I can't help thinking that I ought to) I've recently started hearing about the RightStart math games, but a search of RR didn't turn up much useful information. And Beast Academy....I've been trying to ignore. Isn't it like a comic book? *sigh* I know Pigby would LOVE that, but I haven't even Googled it yet. Gosh darn it, ok now I'm off to Google it!

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