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Do you like the Beatles?

Do you like the Beatles?  

  1. 1. Do you like the Beatles?

    • Yes, they're the bestest!
    • No, they're overrated.

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I cannot believe it, but my kids HATE the Beatles! I'm stunned...


We just spent 30 minutes listening to some Beatles stuff off of youtube. dh left the room. Come to find out, he doesn't care for them that much either!


Oh well. Ob-la-di Ob-la-da :D

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I do love them, but was also disappointed to find that my kids weren't so thrilled. In preparation for a long car trip I bought a bunch of cd's that dh and I love, but didn't own. We thought it would be fun to listen to them in the car and expose the kiddos. I thought that Sargent Pepper would be a great start. They were less than enthusiastic. And then I kind of listened to it from their perspective, and it's true that some of it just plain sounds weird.


Oh well. coffeebreak.gif

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Yes, dh and I really like them, and I think the boys are good with them as well.


About a year ago, a coworker of dh loaned him a dvd set of the Beatles first trip to the USA. It had a lot of original footage from that tour. I could only stand to watch the first few minutes of it or so b/c of all the SCREAMING girls!:willy_nilly:

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My kids love the Beatles. I have wondered if they are the only kids, in this day and age, who can name them all, know which ones have died, and make good guesses as to who is singing lead in each song.


I'm raising them right :D


My Mom was a huge fan, and even saw them live as a teen. She instilled in me a love of the Beatles from the time I was 5.


I'm a rocker, and the Beatles are the only rock group my children at all like. It may be because I introduced them through the Yellow Submarine movie.

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The Beatles were the right group in the right time at the right place. On the rare occasion that I hear one of their songs, I feel a bit nostalgic because my oldest brother listened to their stuff when I was little. Musically, though, I think they were overrated ~ and I doubt my boys have ever heard of them!

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I'm not much of a fan, but dh really loved them when he was in highschool, and still does somewhat. He used to sing Yellow Submarine to the girls when they were toddlers, but now K just thinks it's silly.... She did point out to me the other day that Beatles songs never rhyme (I think she overheard that at a family party not long ago).

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We once tortured ds with "Yellow Submarine" over and over on a road trip. He doesn't get it.


My dh and I collect (or collected) John Lennon artwork. They came out with the John Lennon crib set about a year too late for us to use. That was a bummer.

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Yes, I love em. I'm 31, and when I was 13 I got really big into the 60's and 70's for some reason. My middle school friends thought I was crazy. But, that's when my love affair with the Beatles began. I haven't shared their music with my kids yet. I think they're too little to appreciate their genius, but hopefully my kids have inherited my good taste. ;)

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I occassionally like to hear their early music. "She loves me...yeah, yeah, yeah. But then they kind of get weird after that and it is widely known that their later music was influenced by their experimentation with drugs. Some of their music does sound like being trapped in a hallucination. When I was younger, my older brothers would played it, and I remember how it really gave me the "creeps".


It's okay for your kids it not like them. There are so many things that I remember from my childhood that my kids just absolutely can't stand.


Claire in NM

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I don't think they're overrated at all, given the context of their era. (listening to them with today's ears might lead you to think they are over rated, but you have to listen to them with 1960s ears to fairly judge them)


They were cutting edge... truly unique.


But, I didn't care for them that much (some songs, not many). My husband liked them a lot, but I was more of a Rolling Stones gal.


So I didn't vote in your poll, because you didn't have a selection for someone like me who totally respects their talent but doesn't necessarily love them.



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That's not to say they were not influenced by Chuck Berry, etc...


But they truly had original ideas in many of their tunes. That is really saying something! In turn, they inspired so many other artists. Spins off of those original ideas. So many artists that we love today were Beatlemaniacs.


And of course, they were so cute, especially Paul. :blush:


Anyone else want to join me in the "I hate Heather Mills society"? How dare you do that to Paul?

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I was a huge fan of the Beatles when I was in junior high. My dw still loves them and they are in heavy rotation on the family iPod. But I have to admit that I don't care for them as much as I used to. They were a part of their era, and, as a band, more than the sum of their parts, but I find much of their music hasn't aged all that well. Maybe it's just the conservative turn I've taken, but I no longer have much tolerance for John Lennon's drug-induced rambling or musical "experiments." If I wanted stoner poetry, I'd listen to Jim Morrison.


So were they incredibly influential? Yes. Does Paul McCartney have a knack for writing perfect tunes? Yes. First thing I would reach for in an evacuation? No.

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