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Anyone else disappointed winter is so short this year?

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I live for the fall and winter months. I muddle through spring and summer just to get through to fall and winter again.


I don't muddle through spring and summer - I HATE THEM! I hate spring because it means summer is coming, and summer is when you can be standing absolutely still in the shade and still have sweat literally DRIPPING off of you!!!!!!! And it's just relentlessly sunny and green!


We haven't even had one forecast of winter weather! Not even, "Oh, we might get some," and then we don't.


And now I've been seeing bugs and flowers and trees are blooming and football is over and all of this means that the dreaded spring and summer are almost here!!!!!!!



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I live for the fall and winter months. I muddle through spring and summer just to get through to fall and winter again.




YES!!! I am the only one in my 'circle' of people that I know, though. We have not seen any snow either, not even flurries. We have gotten one week of winter here and there with weeks of spring in between. It has been driving me crazy. I was just complaining that we had a whole 3 days where there was frost on the ground in the morning.:glare: I cannot possibly survive spring and summer without having a winter first! :rant:



I'm glad I am not the only one.

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I am. I said to dh a couple of days ago that I loved the cold weather last week, but it feels like spring now, and not the nice, mild, sunny spring but the March 'in like a lion' spring. It feels like we had 3 weeks of summer last April, then 8 months of autumn (miserable, wet autumn), then a week of winter. Yuck. I miss four normal seasons.

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We moved from Southern Louisiana to Iowa last January. Everyone was looking forward to the winter snow activities we have read about but never enjoyed. We were met with a wonderland of white. Sadly I broke my leg a month after the move. So no one enjoyed all the lovely snow. We were all looking forward to this winter. Spent the summer purchasing snow clothes, boots, sleds, and finding the perfect sledding hills. So now we sit...waiting, waiting, waiting. We are so close but so far away.....sigh.

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I wish I could sympathize but I can't. Usually we're covered in snow and coping with single digit temps, paying high bills to heat the house and clear the driveway. Not to mention buying gallons of lotion to soothe our dry, itchy skin.

I'm loving this mild winter.


Same here! We've been going on lovely walks in the sunshine! Last winter was so miserable, I think I would have gone crazy if this winter was really bad.

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I look at this mild winter as a gift for surviving last years horrible winter.






This is exactly how I feel! Last year the snow was so bad - we were stuck inside the house for weeks at a time. I felt like we were in Laura Ingals Wilder's "Long Winter". :tongue_smilie: I can't emphasize how terrible it was. :lol:


I am thoroughly enjoying our snow-less winter. Yesterday I went to the park and soaked up the sunshine and the 48*.


I'm in PA, so we still have plenty of time for some big storms. Winter generally stretches into April here.

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I am disappointed that this was such a mild winter. Bad weather gives me a good excuse for staying inside all day, crashed out on the couch in my warmest sweats and socks.


When it's sunny & warm, I feel like I need to be up and doing something productive. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: I LOVE fall and winter.

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I am so glad to be back to normal winters, for me. In the last 16 years, I only lived in one place with really miserable winters and that was the DC metro area with its last three winters of miserable cold, huge amounts of snow and ice storms. They tell us we are having a milder winter than normal but we are now in a cold snap and it is still very mild to me. I don't mind 30 degrees F or -1C as long as it is dry and warms up in the day. It does and so who cares? I knew I couldn't grow real tropicals outdoors here and that is true.


We are having what I call a Belgian winter here- warmer days with rain, colder dry days but never very cold, only minor snow, and it all is good. Now if we could only have Belgian summers- where it usually doesn't go above 82F or 28C on most days and the max is normally 90F or 32C and that is not common.

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Well... if I were an American Indian living in the Wilderness of NH in 1770, I would probably be very thankful for a mild winter. ;) But considering I'm not, and am equipped with wood, and a woodstove and fireplace, etc., I am really really missing a good snowy winter. I have grown very accustomed to having months of snow cover and the Currier & Ives look, and have missed having some good snow~ins here with the family, good books, yarn, and an excuse not to leave the house. Oh, and the moonlit muffled silence of the woods on a winter night is one of the most beautiful of things...

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I don't like winter and since I live in the south, I don't often have to deal with much. However I do enjoy having opportunity to wear my long sleeves and light jackets as a change of attire for a little while. I can't believe we aren't really going to have any chance to do that. I really hope we have another cool spell before it's all over.

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