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I could stand a few prayers for my immune system

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I am not sick per se. I do not have a virus or strep throat. But for two days now my lymph nodes in my throat have been so swollen that my whole neck is sore and inflamed. This morning I could hardly eat breakfast because it's difficult to swallow.


It's because I've been around people more than usual in the last couple of days, including a party yesterday and church today. (Last year this happened every time I left the house even to go to the grocery store so having this happen now is actually an improvement.) And before someone suggests it, my doctor knows that this happens and has nothing to offer. He could do expensive tests on my immune system but basically all he can tell me is that my immune system is overloaded and I need to rest and let it recover.


Anyway - I'd appreciate some prayers. We have a busy week with commitments that I'd like to keep if possible.

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Faithe, what do you do for it?


Lots of vitamin c, rest, a heating pad or ice if that makes my neck feel better...suck on ice cubes, take Motrin...or liquid Motrin if I can't get regular down and wheat grass shots. Cats claw can work too...for the inflamation, but is hard on your liver, so don't take with Tylenol.


My immune system hates me....



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Does it count that I fell asleep in the car coming home from church and slept for two hours in the quiet car in the quiet garage?! My neck was a bit cramped after that!


That's impressive! Praying you are feeling better and your immune system sorts its self out!

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Does it count that I fell asleep in the car coming home from church and slept for two hours in the quiet car in the quiet garage?! My neck was a bit cramped after that!


Neck: OUCH!!!


But you clearly needed the sleep or you wouldn't have done that.


Praying here too --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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