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Trying not to get dehydrated....

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I am 14 weeks pg and water makes me sick. I can eat fine, drink water and I get sick almost immediately. At the very least, I have to sit still for a very long time. I am trying ice chips tonight. Some days oj helps, sometimes soda....really I am just having trouble with liquids in general. Anybody have this problem?

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Are you vomiting otherwise or just from the fluids? During my last pregnancy, I was so sick and about weekly my OB would send me to the hospital for IV fluids. I always felt so much better after the fluids until of course, the sickness wore me down again. Maybe you are already a little behind the curve on your fluids and something like that might help. Otherwise, I am sorry but I don't have much advice although my first thought was that I wonder if you could eat watermelon or other watery fruit to help. :grouphug:

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I had to have IV hydration for all of my pregnancies. Everything made me sick.


You should sip, not drink. I had to force myself to sip. You will have to slowly sip all day long. The previously suggested Popsicles is good too, because when you suck on them it's like sipping.


Good luck!

Edited by betty
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:grouphug: I don't have personal experience (everything made me feel sick when pregnant, not water specifically), but what about sparkling water? A friend of mine went through case after case of it during pregnancy. I loved it with a little juice or squeeze of lemon.

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My second son is made from saltine crackers and Coca-Cola. That was all I could eat during about the first 5 months. I took small sips of cola and ate a few crackers periodically throughout the day. I still threw up at least 3 times a day. Fortunately for him and me both, I had a store of fat to last long enough. :lol:



This is my fifth child. Ditto on the fat store. <sigh>

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I lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks when I could eat nothing....but I could drink water. Lemon in my water stopped helping a few weeks ago. I have been chewing on crushed ice all night, I actually woke up without a dry mouth. Although, now it is dry again.


I have been truly sick once a day. Every now and then I have a day when I am not sick.


A lemonade Susie sound Yummy....I wonder if ice and lemonade in my magic bullet would satisfy this craving I now have.....


Temperature does not seem to matter, it is adding pure liquid to my stomache.


I wish soda worked. A nice cold fountain coke calmed my stomach with the first two. This time, I just can't find what works.

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I lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks when I could eat nothing....but I could drink water. Lemon in my water stopped helping a few weeks ago. I have been chewing on crushed ice all night, I actually woke up without a dry mouth. Although, now it is dry again.


I have been truly sick once a day. Every now and then I have a day when I am not sick.


A lemonade Susie sound Yummy....I wonder if ice and lemonade in my magic bullet would satisfy this craving I now have.....


Temperature does not seem to matter, it is adding pure liquid to my stomache.


I wish soda worked. A nice cold fountain coke calmed my stomach with the first two. This time, I just can't find what works.


The magic bullet will do great. What about smoothies for a little while, too? Maybe add extra ice and make it a little thin instead of thick.

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Lemonade slush wins this round....I finished about 16 ounces and am feeling a little more energized. I am, however, freezing!!! That is the most liquid I have kept down at one time in a few weeks.


I was drinking yogurt smoothies until dairy started making me ill. :( I love fruit and yogurt smoothness.

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How about Jello? It is a liquid. I also agree with the PP that said to try different temps. Or try the Crystal Light mixes that go in water. I hate plain water anyways so that might help. I think they even make gatoraid ones with electrolytes in them.


Or fruits w/ lots of liquid in them. Watermelon, grapes, cantelope, oranges. Can you get some thickener to add to liquids so your stomach doesn't revolt? :grouphug:

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