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You need to watch the video.




If there was ever a movie to make you laugh to keep from crying, it's this one.


Austin, an intrepid young student-reporter, embarks on the noble mission of answering the question, "How much basic knowledge do American high school students really have?" The answer, however, may not be exactly what you want to hear.


"Do you know the vice president of The United States?" Austin asks.


"I don't know who it it's, it's, it's somebody....Bin Ladin," one student responds.


The video continues in similar fashion, asking everything from, "In what war did America gain independence?" (which no one answered correctly without a hint) to "What countries border America?"

Edited by ravinlunachick
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This is in my area. I found it because it is being posted on the online answers to an editorial asking for bond issues to pass for schools. My 9 year old knew most of the questions....


A few years ago I was shocked when I talked to a pair of 18 year olds who were raring to vote, but as I asked them a few general geography questions (name a neighbor of Israel) and history lessons (what was Prohibition), I got blank stares. All rah-rah-rah for a candidate, but no interest in the issues.


It is very sad.

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I played that yesterday for my kids. Thankfully, they could all answer the questions. My 9th grader thought it was edited to just show the worst answers. She thought surely most ps kids could answer those questions. So, when we picked up her friends to take them to a basketball game, she asked them the questions in the car. These are twin girls who do very well in school. They couldn't answer the questions! My dd was flabbergasted!

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Maybe I am just naive, but I am still finding it a bit hard to believe the video was not purposely made only out of the most awkward responses. Amongst several hundreds of schoolkids they might have spoken to that day, they might have just selected the most awkward responses. Or so I like to think.

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