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Hourly pay for an admin assistant?

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Can anybody give me some numbers on how much an admin assistant would make in your area? Very part time, low hours, almost certainly no benefits. Duties include running a small, one-person office -- typical software skills, PowerPoint, Excel, phone calls, filing, organizing, booking appointments, some data processing, bookkeeping, etc. What would you pay (or ask for) for that kind of person?

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My friend recently quit a job just like you describe. She was making minimum wage, not a penny more She quit to work for a large insurance company, using many of the same skills but in a larger setting. She's making a few dollars an hour more---the large company can afford to pay her more.

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Can anybody give me some numbers on how much an admin assistant would make in your area? Very part time, low hours, almost certainly no benefits. Duties include running a small, one-person office -- typical software skills, PowerPoint, Excel, phone calls, filing, organizing, booking appointments, some data processing, bookkeeping, etc. What would you pay (or ask for) for that kind of person?


Based on what you describe, in my area, I would expect to see anything from minimum wage to $18/hour.


You'd have to ask yourself what kind of experience you want, and you'd have to consider what the market is like where you live. What kind of person could you get for minimum wage? What kind of person could you get for $10/hr.? $12? $15? 18? What kind of person would you attract at that pay, and then how loyal would they be?

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I got $12 per hour when I did it in a marketing department, plus a share of the sales reps' bonuses. (That was not typical for the area where I was working.) Executive assistants usually make more than administrative assistants, but it depends on the place and whether they make a distinction between the two.

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Can anybody give me some numbers on how much an admin assistant would make in your area? Very part time, low hours, almost certainly no benefits. Duties include running a small, one-person office -- typical software skills, PowerPoint, Excel, phone calls, filing, organizing, booking appointments, some data processing, bookkeeping, etc. What would you pay (or ask for) for that kind of person?


At least $15 per hour for part-time if the person is experienced around here. (A friend doing those jobs for a small local church part-time makes more than that.)

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I had to look up the minimum wage here in Michigan, which is $7.40. I would think in order to KEEP an employee that was good at the job you described, you should pay $10. I'd start out offering $9, with the stipulation that after 90 days, we would have a review to see how the job is going for both me and the employee. If everyone was happy after 90 with the arrangement, and I felt the employee was a good fit and a hard worker, I'd raise that to $10 and hour to try and prevent the good employee from looking around for a better paying job.


I'd also remind the employee at the 90 day review (assuming they were a good employee I was keeping) that I'd have yearly performance reviews for them, which would include the opportunity for a rate increase. That, to me, is a good incentive for an employee to be dedicated.


Keep in mind that my rate suggestions are for here in Michigan, where the cost of living is low and jobs are scarce.

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My husband's administrative assistant starts at 70K and can make up to $100K. Her salary is not typical, but some places do pay that much.


Woah! Man, where do YOU live, LOL. There's no WAY a secretary would make that much around here, unless they were an assistant to a high level corporate CEO or something.


Funny how different wages, housing prices, and cost of living is in different places.

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DH and I have a personal assistant (mostly nanny, but also does a variety of admin assistant type things as needed) and she's paid $10 + full benefits (we pay 100% of the premium on her health, life, dental and vision insurance and fund her HSA 100% for the year) including insurance, 401(k) and personal time off....so her base is $20,800; with benefits, her total compensation is around $30,000.

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Around here an experienced Admin would make between $15 and $25/hour. A high level Executive Assistant would make between $20 and $40/hour. I was an admin for around 20 years before I starting staying home when ds was born. A full time employee would get benefits on top of that.


NJ is a high cost of living area but it is also a higher paying area. Most retail jobs in my county start at $9 or 10/hour.

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