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So Cold!

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Brrr! With the windchill last night we got down to -51C. That is flipping cold. Last week we could barely hit 0 it was like spring. SUddenly it is the North Pole. I have my furnace cranked up all the way and still need a sweater on because a whole section of my house has no insulation(stupid DIYer's who decided that insulation in Alberta is not needed :glare: ) Just waiting for my daycare kid to arrive and all I can think of is how much I really do not want to open that door to the cold today.


Scouts, 4-H etc was cancelled last night due to the extreme cold. Not sure what is happening with Guides tonight. IF it is still this cold I am sure it will be cancelled too.


Anyone else in sub arctic temperatures today?


Oh and for those not sure, -51 C is -59.8F So flipping cold

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Here's something I don't get (because I'm not mathy). It seems so weird to me that 32F is 0C (I don't have a "degree" symbol on my keyboard), so there's 32 degrees difference, but when you get to the boiling point, the difference is 112 degrees. I was surprised that -51C came out to around -60F, expecting there to be more of a difference, but it's only 9 degrees. It's so...counterintuitive.


I think I just expected the difference to always be the same amount--I know the formula for conversion, it just seems wrong somehow.


Why is that? LOL--and no, I wasn't educated with Saxon, I just use it...:lol:

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It's not that cold here, but...


After a week of 55F degree weather, we had snow last Thursday and the roads froze from the previous rainfall. Our school district called off Thursday and Friday.


On Monday, we took the kids out to a nature area to hike trails, as the high temps were near 70F. About 3:00am Tuesday morning we woke up to tornado warnings and a thunderstorm dumping hail on us.


It's 18F right now, with snow forecasted for tomorrow morning. Sunday's high temp is 60F. We'll be back out at the park!


ETA: There's a saying, "Welcome to St. Louis! If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes."

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I don't know how you get anything done during your cold winters. It was 0 when we got up (F) and that was cold enough. When it gets to -10, our heater seems to have trouble keeping this 130 year old house warm. And my old body just doesn't want to get off the couch- my comfy quilt and warm cat make it pretty tempting to just sit all winter.


Kudos to you- you're dealing with a real winter!!!

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Yeah its -24 C here where we generally hover around 0. As a result, we have significant car trouble with one vehicle (which conked out while I was driving to work (in the blustery outflow winds). So I have to hitch a ride today. Hopefully our vehicle can be repaired quickly.


Bring on spring :).

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Here's something I don't get (because I'm not mathy). It seems so weird to me that 32F is 0C (I don't have a "degree" symbol on my keyboard), so there's 32 degrees difference, but when you get to the boiling point, the difference is 112 degrees. I was surprised that -51C came out to around -60F, expecting there to be more of a difference, but it's only 9 degrees. It's so...counterintuitive.


I think I just expected the difference to always be the same amount--I know the formula for conversion, it just seems wrong somehow.


Why is that? LOL--and no, I wasn't educated with Saxon, I just use it...:lol:



I have to use a conversion thing online to figure it out lol. After playing with it, it looks like -40 C is the same as -40F and then F seems to drop faster than C. I don't get the conversion, hence using the tool online to do it, but no matter what it is, it equals frost bite in minutes, everything cancelled. Last night was scouts/4H, I already got an eamil from the guide leader saying it is cancelled for tonight. Busses stop running here at -45 with or without windchild, and busses have not been running for the last 2 days. This is as close to a "snow day" as we get around here. Schools are still open, the bus kids just can't get there.

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Brrr! With the windchill last night we got down to -51C. That is flipping cold. Last week we could barely hit 0 it was like spring. SUddenly it is the North Pole. I have my furnace cranked up all the way and still need a sweater on because a whole section of my house has no insulation(stupid DIYer's who decided that insulation in Alberta is not needed :glare: ) Just waiting for my daycare kid to arrive and all I can think of is how much I really do not want to open that door to the cold today.


Scouts, 4-H etc was cancelled last night due to the extreme cold. Not sure what is happening with Guides tonight. IF it is still this cold I am sure it will be cancelled too.


Anyone else in sub arctic temperatures today?


Oh and for those not sure, -51 C is -59.8F So flipping cold

Oh my goodness! And I thought it was cold when I had to traipse the streets yesterday looking for my trashcans that had blown away in the strong winds! I never did find them.


It was about 29 degrees with a bitter wind. That's a heat wave to you!

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The coldest places I ever lived in or experienced the cold were Chicago and Dayton OH. Both places had minus 40 degrees, and for a cool fact- -40 is the same in both Celsius and Farenheit. We even took our our baby in that totally wrapped up and just for the length of time for a few feet of walking. I am so glad that I know live in a place which doesn't have those kind of temperatures. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh my goodness! And I thought it was cold when I had to traipse the streets yesterday looking for my trashcans that had blown away in the strong winds! I never did find them.


It was about 29 degrees with a bitter wind. That's a heat wave to you!


In the winter, yup it sure would be!


The coldest places I ever lived in or experienced the cold were Chicago and Dayton OH. Both places had minus 40 degrees, and for a cool fact- -40 is the same in both Celsius and Farenheit. We even took our our baby in that totally wrapped up and just for the length of time for a few feet of walking. I am so glad that I know live in a place which doesn't have those kind of temperatures. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Well last night despite teh cold oldest boy and I drove over to the post office to pick up our mail, took the trash out etc. Too cold to play in it, but life goes on. Last winter for months it was this cold. I still had to go to work twice a day, so out I would head in it, though sometimes that was better as last year teh furnace was broken so we often had no heat throughout the day. SO glad this year I get to stay warm at home with a working furnace. Out here you prepare for this bitter cold and everyone pretty much has proper gear to stay warm out side but it still sucks. It's funny though because we had spring like temps for the first 2 months of our typical winter, and then this. There has been no inbetween, no gradual decline. Jan and Feb are usually our coldest months so this in no unusual, but normally out winter starts by Halloween, and we would have had months of -15 to -20 temps by now to adjust to the season. To go from0 to +3 drown to -51 literally over night is a bit of a shock to the system.

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I'm right here with you! I have to take dd to preschool today and am dreading it. I just want to sit by the fire and pretend it's summer......


Preschool is totally over rated, bundle up by that fire. It's days like this I wish I had a fireplace or wood stove.

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I just knew without looking that you were from Canada when I saw that temp :tongue_smilie:


I lived in Edmonton for a year - the coldest I remember is -40.


There is a reason we now live in Aus. Although I don't know - 51 or +45C which is worse :D DH(Canadian) says he would rather freeze and I say I would rather burn :lol:


Even in summer I never felt warm living in Canada. No place can possibly be warm enough unless you can get a bad sunburn from spending 5 minutes hanging the washing outside :lol:


31C here today- kids and DH are on holidays -we're going to the beach :tongue_smilie:

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I'm so glad I moved to Nova Scotia. Back in Thunder Bay it used to get down to the -40's with windchill.


One time I was somewhere in northern Ontario (can't remember the name of the area, but not Thunder Bay), and the temps were around -50 with the wind chill. I had driven there with friends, and just going from the car to the building, I couldn't breathe. It was freaky, my lungs were freezing with each breath!


Here in NS, we are experiencing only the second green January I've ever seen in 19 years of living in Canada - this is weird!

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Brrr! With the windchill last night we got down to -51C. That is flipping cold. Last week we could barely hit 0 it was like spring. SUddenly it is the North Pole. I have my furnace cranked up all the way and still need a sweater on because a whole section of my house has no insulation(stupid DIYer's who decided that insulation in Alberta is not needed :glare: ) Just waiting for my daycare kid to arrive and all I can think of is how much I really do not want to open that door to the cold today.


Scouts, 4-H etc was cancelled last night due to the extreme cold. Not sure what is happening with Guides tonight. IF it is still this cold I am sure it will be cancelled too.


Anyone else in sub arctic temperatures today?


Oh and for those not sure, -51 C is -59.8F So flipping cold


I could so not live where you do :eek: (Even the "eek" emoticon turned blue just being put in the same post as -51C )

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I just knew without looking that you were from Canada when I saw that temp :tongue_smilie:


I lived in Edmonton for a year - the coldest I remember is -40.


There is a reason we now live in Aus. Although I don't know - 51 or +45C which is worse :D DH(Canadian) says he would rather freeze and I say I would rather burn :lol:


Even in summer I never felt warm living in Canada. No place can possibly be warm enough unless you can get a bad sunburn from spending 5 minutes hanging the washing outside :lol:


31C here today- kids and DH are on holidays -we're going to the beach :tongue_smilie:


I'd rather freeze. You can layer and bundle to stay warm. I can't cool down in the summer or breath in the heat (and no AC, no point for 4-5 really hot days a year lol) Actually 31C is really hot day here. Summers average around 25C or so, though we do get heat waves in the 30s.


I used to live in Edmonton :) Last year was the coldest that I remember in forever. It was these -40s to -50s temps day after day after day. There was very few days all winter that the kids could go outside and play because it was simply too cold. The schools out here could only do indoor recesses for almost a month straight. I would say we had 10 of those freezing days to every 1 at a regular temp. So I can't complain about a couple days of it this cold this year.


ETA: on a side note jsut noticed that I have had added 300 posts to my total in about 2 weeks, at this rate I will have no problem hitting the 10,000 post mark by the end of the year.

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We live in SK and even without the wind chill the temp was -35 C yesterday. We had an appt yesterday but we cancelled it. We live 45 min. away from town and I don't like to chance a breakdown in that kind of weather. Today is supposed to be the same (will have to cancel another appt. ) and then tomorrow it is supposed to warm up a bit. Saturday is supposed to be 5 C. A veritable heat wave!


We usually only have a few days of this kind of temps a year. Some years you might have a few weeks of it but that is not very often. The rest of the winter is usually -20 C or warmer. I have lived here for 15 years and these kinds of temps are not that bad. You get used to it. Well, at least I did. ;)

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I'd rather freeze. You can layer and bundle to stay warm. I can't cool down in the summer or breath in the heat (and no AC, no point for 4-5 really hot days a year lol) Actually 31C is really hot day here. Summers average around 25C or so, though we do get heat waves in the 30s.



Me too! I grew up in NB and I love the cold. I hate the humidity of Maryland. I find it incredibly hard to breath here. When you're cold, you can always put on more clothes and move around to keep warm outside. When it is so hot/humid here, no one wants to go outside. AC is disgusting, but a necessary evil here.


All that being said, I ashamedly admit that I have become a weather wimp after living in California for 4 years and now Maryland for 10. When the temps here get close to 32F (0C), we have to bundle up! However, when we go to NB, my nephews complain about the heat, but the kids and I are in heaven! Little humidity, comparatively speaking and 30C is perfect, not a heat wave!

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